
December 2, 2023

The Yankees Are "Profoundly Saddened" That An Unrepentant War Criminal
(A "Lifelong Friend" Who "Will Be Deeply Missed") Died Yesterday At Age 100

Of course they are.

There are many reasons why the Yankees' home field has long been called Stade Fasciste. This is yet another one.

Some reactions:
@kidsmoke21: The Yankees will be honoring Mr. Kissinger with Napalm Night on May 17 vs the White Sox. Bring the whole family!

@LibrarianJoe_: Couldn't Randy Levine just tweet about his war criminal friends on his own page?

@jamisonfoser: This is why people hate you.

@BFSkinnerstan: Too busy mourning war criminals to actually build a functioning roster

@vlodddy: This is why the Yankees are the worst organization in the world

@ThomasTheCorgi: The Yankees were sad at the outcome of the Nuremberg trials too.

@JacsonBevens: do Pol Pot next

@HardFactorNews: Adding Henry Kissinger to Murderers Row sounds appropriate

@aric_isaacs: And to think, you could have said absolutely nothing

@savvy_uwu: What a beautiful day to be a Sox fan

@HumanistReport: eat shit

@CubeIsHorse: Guess I'll mark "Yankees miss a war criminal that they were besties with" off of the bingo card I didn't even know I had.

@OwlWithAGuitar: I already hate the Yankees, so I can't threaten to abandon them over this. What I can do here is share the words of a genuinely great New Yorker.
Nick Turse, The Intercept, November 29, 2023:
Kissinger helped prolong the Vietnam War and expand that conflict into neutral Cambodia; facilitated genocides in Cambodia, East Timor, and Bangladesh; accelerated civil wars in southern Africa; and supported coups and death squads throughout Latin America. He had the blood of at least 3 million people on his hands, according to his biographer Greg Grandin.

There were "few people who have had a hand in as much death and destruction, as much human suffering, in so many places around the world as Henry Kissinger," said veteran war crimes prosecutor Reed Brody.

A 2023 investigation by The Intercept found that Kissinger — perhaps the most powerful national security adviser in American history and the chief architect of U.S. war policy in Southeast Asia from 1969 to 1975 — was responsible for more civilian deaths in Cambodia than was previously known, according to an exclusive archive of U.S. military documents and interviews with Cambodian survivors and American witnesses.

The Intercept disclosed previously unpublished, unreported, and under-appreciated evidence of hundreds of civilian casualties that were kept secret during the war and remained almost entirely unknown to the American people. Kissinger bore significant responsibility for attacks in Cambodia that killed as many as 150,000 civilians — up to six times more noncombatants than the United States has killed in airstrikes since 9/11, according to experts.
Turse is the author of Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam, a profoundly distrubing and essential book of US history that was sparked by Turse's discovery of "a previously unexplored cache of documents in the basement of the National Archives that detailed allegations of atrocities in Vietnam".


  1. "He will be deeply missed" ....... by those who never understood who he was !

    It's just yet another sad example of Facts v Fiction
    Truth v Lies
    Common Sense v Mythology

    So Henry - Enjoy the flames of long overdue Hell, you Lying Scumbag

  2. Thanks for sharing those comments. As the media celebrates and rehabilitates one of the 20th centuries most prolific war criminals, it's good to see some truth telling -- outside of one's own feed.

    I've been sharing Nick Turse's piece a lot, too.
