December 30, 2005

File It Away

Bob Elliott, Toronto Sun, December 29, 2005:
The Jays are better than the Red Sox and will win more games in 2006.
Yes, I'm keeping a list.

Update -- from today's ESPN's Page 2:


Anonymous said...

The writer of ESPN Page 2's Daily Quickie today (12/30) made the same claim. I'm sick of hearing this crap.

Donald said...

As of now, I'd have to agree that the Jays are pretty competitive. Better? I dunno. But with the pressure in this town, I'm sure that the front office will make some moves that will improve us, at least for this season. I just hope that they don't trade away our future (Lester, Paps, Marte, Hansen, etc) in doing so.

allan said...

thanks, anon. i just posted a screen shot.

oh, the jays'll be good, no doubt about that. but it has become the standard line to say the sox are doomed.

i'm going to withhold any definite opinion at least until the team arrives in fort myers. ... but i know "wait and see" isn't very sexy for selling papers and getting viewers.

Anonymous said...

It's gonna be hilarious when the Yankees have a major injury to their starting 9 (it has to happen eventually, right?) and their pitching staff utterly sucks it up. I think the Jays are good, but this may be a sum issue, since with all those disparate elements, I can see them just never getting it together like the '04 Phils.

Everyone is waaaay overrating the Yankees though, it's ridiculous.

(note that I'm not hoping for any of the Yankees players to get injured, but their track record considering their age as of late is beyond the pale)

Anonymous said...

Being right across the border from TO I can assure you that every year the Toronto papers proclaim that the Jays are looking great and should make a run at the Sox and Yanks and every year they are out of it by mid June. This makes me very happy of course because on any given night I can make the 1 1/2 drive over the border and walk up to the box office on game night and get seats pretty much right behind the dugout. During last years early season Sox series there were so few people in the stands that I'm pretty sure you could have sat in the dugout and nobody would have cared. I'm bringing my glove this year and hopefully they will let me pitch.
Dont worry about the Jays...They look good every January.....its April through October that counts.

Anonymous said...

you guys should worry less about other teams and maybe focus on the Sox. Last time anyone looked you still don't have a starting shortstop, centerfielder, or management for that matter. You guys are sucking in the company line lock stock and barrel, that is they pretend they are in the running for all these free agents like Millwood, Damon come on....prospects your talking triple A your lucky if they turn into bench players in the long run....the way I figure it the Orioles sign someone, anyone you guys will be lucky to stay out of fourth...but I don't want to bust that imaginary bubble you live in...Jim M have you started celebrating the new years early, or you think everyone is as stupid as you...I live in Toronto and the media here has never picked Toroonto to finish first, give your head a shake, as a matter of fact last year the pre-season newspapers had them finish for attendance being indicative of a World Series win just ask the Florida Marlins about that...have another egg nog...go Bills go..hahahah

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no doubt about it, obnoxious and ignorant anti-Sox comments are even more annoying when they're anonymous...

I am 100% certain the Jays WILL be better than the Sox if Boston plays without a shortstop and centerfielder. As far as the O's are concerned, they are even money to finish behind Tampa Bay.

Anonymous said...

Take it easy on him Jack, he's from Canada. If my country's top 5 exports included Alanis Morisette and Celine Dion I'd be pretty pissed off too.

Anonymous said...

Good point, Sean!
But can someone please answer this question for me? Why has the sports media referred to J.T. Snow as a "platoon partner" for Youk, when he's obviously going to be a defensive replacement a la Doug "Everything I Touch is Mine!" Meintkievich, Mientkievytch or however the hell he spells his name, as if I care?. There's no indication that Youk can't hit righties, and Snow is no John Olerud at bat. Surely the Sox would give a rising young player the bulk of the load at first, and not a 38 year old, .268 hitter on the way out!

Anonymous said...

Last night I watched a video tape someone made of a guy fucking the head of Ted Williams, it was great!


allan said...

Who knew I merited such attention? [blush]

What's the deal with a Yankee fan's blog that is almost 100% about the Red Sox?

Sounds like someone still has a 2004 hangover!

allan said...

a bit o' history --

this hitler guy posted something a few days ago and i deleted it.

then i made it so only registered people could comment.

then this guy (who honestly seems as obsessed with the red sox as we are) signs up just to post on my blog.

hey hitler dude -- i'm honoured that you think i am worthy of hosting your deathless prose, but first things first -- have you at least bought one of my books?

Zenslinger said...

Jays will be better, but how much is a tossup. I mean, if you take the Yankees' big signings with a grain of salt, you have to for the Jays as well. Adding a few big names doesn't automatically mean success - check the 2005 Mets. (Though the Mets seem to be of the opinion that adding even more big names will do the trick!)

Hey, Jack, you said Hitler's comments might secretly be the work of Billy Crystal? I disagree; reckon they are the result of Crystal Meth.

Andrew said...

yeah, the ftheredsox guy has been around for a while. I got a few comments from him a while back. He vanished for a while; sadly, I guess not forever.

Jess Mynes said...

The Blue Jays seem to be the flavor of the offseason, Gammons just said in his chat they'd be his favorite. I mention that to add it to your list, not to suggest that Gammons knows all he also says the Nixon has never been given the opporunity to prove if he can hit lefthanders, hmmm, seems like last year he proved fairly conclusively that he can't.

What is the over/under on how many games Glaus will play? I'd say 120, and that is generous.

Halliday and Burnett look pretty imposing as a 1-2, but beyond that Chacon might have something and Ryan might be worth part of the money they gave him. Riccardi has done a good job, but the sum total of his efforts isn't a slam dunk as some pundits suggest. Still the Jays are an intriguing team.

The Yanks are very old but usually find a way. They could easily flop or take care of business as usual. Their pitching seems particularly thin, no pun intended, to me.

The Sox aren't far away from either team if they make a couple of moves. I'm trying not to get sucked into the Tejada pipe dream. I wouldn't do Marte for Lugo unless you can negotiate with Lugo and extend his contract beyond next year. Also some folks doubt Lugo's make up and whether he can handle Boston or not, sound familiar? And he made, what 24 errors last year? He does has speed and a good bat so maybe the brass knows something else. Still the pitching staff looks pretty decent, but the two gaping holes at two seminal positions will probably define how the team fares. It seems like pitching help might be on the way by midseason or next, but no real position players, except Pedroia. OK, I'll shut up for now.