
May 7, 2007

Extra! Extra!

Art Martone has a wrapup of the Boston and New York papers, including this comment on William's desire to win it all for "the three or four guys down here that still don't have a championship ring":
Three or four?? By my count, 18 of the 25 active Yankees -- Brian Bruney, Kyle Farnsworth, Sean Henn, Kei Igawa, Mike Mussina, Scott Proctor, Darrell Rasner, Luis Vizcaino, Chien-Ming Wong, Wil Nieves, Miguel Cairo, Robinson Cano, Josh Phelps, Alex Rodriguez, Bobby Abreu, Melky Cabrera, Hideki Matsui and Jason Giambi -- have never won a World Series championship. Of the seven that have, almost as many won with the Red Sox (Mike Myers, Doug Mientkiewicz and Johnny Damon) as with the Yankees (Andy Pettitte, Mariano Rivera, Jorge Posada and Derek Jeter).


  1. Its like they've completely forgotten everything they ever said about him when he left NY - I really hate the media, even though ours (in the UK) is far worse.

  2. 2002: The addition of Mike Mussina is going to win them another World Series.

    2003: The addition of Jason Giambi os going to win them another World Series.

    2004: The addition of Hideki Matsui is going to win them another World Series. (ground ball stabbed by Foulke....)

    2005: The addition of Alex Rodriguez AND Randy Johnson is going to win them another World Series. Take it to the bank. It's as good as money.

    2006: The addition of Johnny Damon is just what they need to win another Wold Series!!!!11eleventy (and he iz teh cut333!1!!)

    2007: The addition of Roger Clemens is going to win them another World Series (insert Suzyn Walman's inhuman shriek)

    disclaimer: this stuff has been going on since the turn of the century, I may have gotten some dates mixed up, but the general trend is the same ...

  3. ....yup. Like A-Rod signed on in 2004. Duh.

  4. If there was ever a year that I'd like to see Clemens go down in flames, it's this one.

    Talk about large expectations for one guy. Apparently no one else on the team is having any troubles because Clemens can pick up their slack.


  5. I can't blame him for signing with NYY, he clearly needs the extra 8 million. *rolls eyes*

    I guess they were embarrassed when the red sox showed them up at the bank when they got Dice-K, so this is their retaliation - it's all Steinbrenner/Cashman envy. Who has the bigger bankroll, if you get my drift... ;-)

  6. About Clemens as the best pitcher in baseball.

    ERA+ for the last 3 years:


    Now, AL and NL Central are obviously very different, but holy crap, when Clemens drags his fat ass out of bed, he's dominating.

    Also, fortunately for us, Oswalt is probably the best pitcher in the NL, and they're both righties playing at the same park.


    Let's try Webb:

    Any way you slice it, Clemens is ridiculously good out there, like another species compared to the elite of the NL.

    Now, about Clemens vs. Matsuzaka, the obvious difference is that Clemens has had tremendous success in the AL (a top 5 season all-time for example), while Matsuzaka to this point has been nothing short of disgraceful. Matsuzaka can still turn it around, and he damn well better, but Clemens is obviously a much better pickup right now. I certainly wish we weren't throwing $20m a year at that kid right about now, and I used to be a huge Matsuzaka supporter.

    Or, maybe i'm just a fool.

  7. Sean said: Matsuzaka to this point has been nothing short of disgraceful.

    Please don't take it as a personal attack if I mention that this made me roll my eyes. Twice.

  8. $20m a year for a 5.45 ERA? That's pretty disgraceful to me.

    When it comes down to it, I look forward to a Tavarez start more than a Matsuzaka start. When Tavarez craps the bed, which he hasn't in two straight starts, at least it's expected. For our 2nd highest expenditure player to have as many quality starts as our long reliever-turned-5th-starter, yeah, that's a disgrace.

    He's not as bad as Igawa, but it's a lot closer than I would've liked.

  9. Come on - people talk all the time about how difficult it is for a pitcher to move from the NL to the AL. I can't even comprehend how hard it must be to move from Japan to the AL East.

    Give the kid a break. If he's at a 5.45 ERA at the end of the year (or even the All-Star break, maybe then we can talk about disappointment or disgrace.

    But all this gloom-and-doom is WAY premature.

  10. Chief-
    Once again, Okaji, Saito, Mr. Zero (for a year, at least), Nomo, etc. all had no problems when they first came over. Matsuzaka was supposed to be light years better than any of these people.

    Reliever or not, for $20m, he should be dominating, and it's been a month and a half of crap so far. I don't think it's premature at this point.

  11. Three words: Small Sample Size.

    With all those others, we have the benefit of more than six starts to judge from.

    That's all I'm saying. No point in passing judgement until we have sufficient data. There is no way to know, at this point, if Dice-K's performance represents an aberration or not. He certainly started out well enough, and even in the games where he's had trouble, it's been a temporary thing. Sounds very fixable to me.

    If things continue this way, sure - the Sox overpaid. But I think it's premature to make that judgement.

  12. Sean, I consider myself a half full is half full type of guy but dude you make me look like Rosy Glasses. So, lets correct a few things:

    1) Matsuzaka was signed for six years 103 / 6 is not 20 million.

    2) Like Chief said, small sample size. Yes Nomo and those did better when they first came over but they do not have his stuff, never did never will. Matsuzaka will be fine.

    3) The biggest Yankee fan out there is Mike Fransesca from WFAN and he hates this signing. Desperation drove this, Cashman was on the fan and admitted that they made Clemens an offer of 25 million during spring training.

    4) 10 & 8 for Roger this year with a 4.20 ERA, bank on it.

  13. Please don't take it as a personal attack if I mention that this made me roll my eyes. Twice.


    Grunherz, nice work.

  14. Here's another ruling: it is pointless to discuss Dice-K with Sean. His mind is made up, because he personally saw Matsuzaka get "annihilated" and then "creamed" (although I may have reversed the adjectives Sean applied to his first two starts).

    So the rest of us who are still excited about Matsuzaka and expecting more from him, should just sit back and enjoy all the I-told-you-so opportunities in our future.

  15. Good point l-girl. I'm still excited every time Matsuzaka starts. Hell, I'm excited every time there's a game. Off-days suck.

  16. Just like Casey, its great that you're obsessed with me, but you can lay off a little, too. It's ok.

    Matsuzaka may still turn it around, but how many crud outings in a row will it take? He looks clueless for an inning or two an outing, yet skates by with good run support. Hello, Mr. Lowe.

    And 6 years is correct, but doesn't make me feel any better.

  17. Well, I gave in. Will be heading down to Wednesday and Thursday's games. Got seats in row 1 right above sox bullpen for Wednesday, and seats in row 5 just past first base for Thursday.

  18. Just like Casey, its great that you're obsessed with me, but you can lay off a little, too. It's ok.

    Oh thanks. I was wondering what I could do.

    Why is it everyone else just discusses stuff, but you have to throw in shit like this?

  19. Well, I gave in. Will be heading down to Wednesday and Thursday's games.

    Alright! We're in section 115. Woti-Woti will be there too.

  20. Hell, I'm excited every time there's a game. Off-days suck.

    Good man.

  21. 115 is good...that's on first, right?

    I will be in front row above the bullpen for Wednesday (secn 105) - talking to the bullpen...i need to give my tips! (Curveballs to Wells in the dirt he always chases!) hahaha....

    I'm in 113A row 5 for Thursday, I'm stoked for Wake, I don't think I've seen him before. I wish I could sit right behind the plate for this game, the knucklers...I know when I sat behind the plate for Dice-K last time, the view of the pitch movement was phenomenal.


    lets see mr pocket rocket bail rivera out of this - beltre jack!!!!! yanks LOSE!

    i take great joy in rivera blowing games. much like the rest of the posters here, i can imagine. nothin like a hearty comeback by the mariners!

  23. Igawa sent to Single A Tampa. Single A. Let me repeat that, Single A.

    I've seen no details beyond that, but that seems like $40 million well spent.

  24. Serious? Wow, it's like...We bought Sony right before Playstation came out...and NYY bought the rights to the LASERDISC!!!

    [/Japanese Metaphor]

    Thats hilarious though. You know their not done their spending by getting Roger.... They're going to spend millions more to get back in the pennant race.

    I can't help but feel a tad bit of sorrow for NY though - their pitching staff is so depleted, either by injuries or flying their planes into buildings!

    ...NOT!!!!! (to feeling sorry for them)

    Was that harsh? Yes. Was 86 years harsh? Moreso than a Cory Lidle reference....too soon? Bite me!

  25. Tim's on a roll there, eh? :)

    Corey Lidle, he was a Yankee for like, 45 minutes? Curse o' the Pinstripes, I guess.

  26. I'm bored/tired/anxious and feel like rambling! Waiting for the 3rd to begin so Detroit can finish off San Jose and I'll continue my perfect streak in hockey picks :)

  27. PS: I also plan on bringing a sign to the Wednesday game to hang above the bullpen...something along the lines of: "I steal satellite because Ted Rogers doesn't offer NESN"...and going to tape the NESN game and want to get on it and hear Orsillo/Remys comments, if any.

  28. On another note, this incredible, incredible line from the Dayton paper:

    "Wayne [Krivsky] came to me in the spring and said he could get (pitcher) Bronson Arroyo for an outfielder — Wily Mo Pena, Adam Dunn or Austin Kearns," said Barton. "Turns out Boston wanted Wily Mo, and that was fine because we had an extra outfielder.""

    We could've had Dunn. Papi/Manny/Dunn makes for the most incredible heart of the order in decades, 3 straight people who hit 30 homers.

    Jesus. Theo is horrible.

  29. PPS: Love the "eh"!

    [bored...this is my new internet home :P]

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. We could've had Dunn. Papi/Manny/Dunn makes for the most incredible heart of the order in decades, 3 straight people who hit 30 homers.

    Wily Mo is 3 years younger and has a smaller contract. Besides, I think Wily would have no trouble hitting 40 if given the chance.

  32. The problem with Wily is that he does not have a chance to develop as a hitter. He only gets to play once every few days....this is the way that I see Wily Mo...he'll either hit it 500 feet or K. He gets a fastball and he'll whack it, but any offspeed pitch he's going to whiff at.

    He's going to be a solid hitter, better than Dunn, but just needs to develop his swing more and learn to hit more than a fastball. Once Manny inevitably moves on, like you know will happen, he will be the new replacement in LF. His fielding will improve, and I really think that once an everyday player, he will be the new #3 or 4 hitter.

  33. To those going to the game tonight - HAVE FUN!

    l-girl making rulings - here comes da judge, here comes da judge.

    Sox 3 and 6 vs losing teams. Sox on a roll, Blue Jays lost six straight. Lets hope it goes to 9 straight.

  34. or at least they take the two im going to :P

    havent seen a sox victory since 04.

    knowing my luck, the jays will start a hot streak wednesday behind a stellar start from okha and no red sox run support for dice-k or wake...dammit, i'm going to see dice-k and wake! they better score more than 1 run in both games!

  35. knowing my luck, the jays will start a hot streak wednesday behind a stellar start from okha and no red sox run support for dice-k or wake

    Nah, I'll be there, too, and I'm good luck.

    Um, don't look too deeply at those numbers, Redsock. Just accept this one, 'k?

  36. Tim, I had our seats wrong. Tonight we're at section 116, row 18. Look for the man with the clipboard, scoring in pen, and probably wearing a "GodPapi" t-shirt.
