
May 6, 2007

Red Sox Bid $10 Million Less Than Yankees For Clemens; Wanted Him On Mound In Late June

Michael Silverman, Herald:
The Red Sox offered Roger Clemens an $18 million, one-year deal and wanted him to begin pitching in late June, a baseball source said yesterday.

Clemens' agent took the offer to the future Hall of Fame pitcher, who instead decided to accept a contract offer worth an estimated $28 million per year from the Yankees. Prorated, the deal will pay him about $18.5 million. Meanwhile, depending upon when he started, the Sox deal would be worth around $10 million prorated.

Clemens said yesterday he plans to be pitching by the end of this month or early June, at least three weeks earlier than the Red Sox wanted him to start due to health concerns they had.
The Team offered a short statement:
We met with Randy Hendricks earlier this week and, at Randy's request, made an offer to Roger Clemens. We offered a substantial salary and suggested, for health purposes, that Clemens return on approximately the same timetable as last year. Today we learned from Randy that Clemens has signed elsewhere.
David Ortiz:
Having Clemens is a plus. But I think they needed him more.
Curt Schilling:
It would have been nice to have him, but we didn't need him. We don't need him. It's May. We have a long way to go. But I like this team. I feel like we are legitimate World Series contenders without him.
Josh Beckett:
Unless the Yankees decide to trade him to us, we'll just have to move on without him.
I like the way this team is composed right now. This team has great makeup and incredible chemistry. ... What's done is done. I'm happy with what we've got.
The Sox began Sunday with the second-best overall staff ERA in the American League at 3.34, with its relievers ranked first (2.28) and its starters third (3.78).


  1. One of the guys over at Highbrid Nation wrote a very interesting post about Roger Clemems and and the "real" reason he has come back to play for the Yankees. Good Stuff.

  2. Actually, it is a stupid post. I'll save everyone the trouble of clicking: "Clemens and Pettitte have a homosexual relationship." The end.

  3. Haven't you heard, redsock? Anytime two males are in a friendship, they are actually having gay sex. Clemens/Pettitte, A-rod / Jeter, the list goes on.

    Though, to be fair, that line Rodriguez gave about sleeping over Jeter's house less every year were pretty creepy-weird.

    Side note: Is it wrong to love that horrible cover of In The Air Tonight because ESPN used it as the intro music to the 2004 ALDS? I need some justification here.

  4. Haven't you heard, redsock? Anytime two males are in a friendship, they are actually having gay sex.

    I missed the memo. I must have been out bashing bricks with my bare hands. Alone. With no other men around.

    Does any team hug as much as the Sox? Plus Manny and Julian looked quite comfy on the bench together yesterday.

    that line Rodriguez gave about sleeping over Jeter's house less every year were pretty creepy-weird.

    Do you know how expensive hotels are in New York?

    P.S. It is wrong to like anything even remotely connected to Phil Collins. Check the commandment in the Book of Sock 13:5.

  5. But it's from 2004, so that makes it ok. Your single-minded hatred of minority groups, like Phil Collins fans, is getting a little old, redsock.

    You're just a Philistine like the rest of them.

  6. Haven't you heard, redsock? Anytime two males are in a friendship, they are actually having gay sex. Clemens/Pettitte, A-rod / Jeter, the list goes on.

    And of course having a homosexual relationship is the worst possible thing any man could ever do, right?

    [This is major sarcasm, for any who don't know me. I hate this homophobic shite.]

    But it's from 2004, so that makes it ok.

    The Phil Collins ban will never expire. Thou shalt not.
