
May 12, 2007

Ortiz: "I'm Going To Be Angry For A While"

Quotes from Jackie MacMullan's Globe column:
I'm angry, bro. I'm going to be angry for a while. ...

What have I ever done for people to question my integrity? Why do people who have never met me want to [expletive] me up? Why would you want to hurt someone who has tried to do the right thing, be available to the media, to be respectful to the fans? ...

People want to see you fail. That's not what I've ever wanted to believe, but that's what I've seen around here. Why do people want to make me look that way when they know I've done nothing but try to lift up this ball club from Day 1? ...

For now, I'm going to be very limited in my responses. Whenever anyone had a question before, about me, about my teammates, about the game, I tried to help. When they had a question, I always had an answer. Now I won't.


  1. I really can't say I blame Ortiz in the slightest. Whoever said he used steroids is clearly a media whore. I mean seriously, how does he fit the profile of a steroid user? He's had no anger management problems that we know of, and his size is clearly due to naturally being a "big boy" rather than heavy weight lifting. It's complete crap.

    I hope people will come to their senses and cut the crap about Papi and 'roids.

  2. This is the kind of crap that leads to players wanting to get far, far away from Boston.

    This isn't Silverman's fault for the article. It's the moronic editor who tried to create a "sexy" headline and the equally moronic national media/sports radio for making a story out of nothing. (And whoever that Toronto writer was who said to Tito: "So Ortiz has confessed to using roids.")

  3. An email friend of mine - a nationally known writer and a lifelong (i.e. real) Yankees fan - has been peppering me with innuendo about Ortiz steroid use for two years. I've always assumed this is Yankeeland scuttlebutt, and that sooner or later, it would surface nationally. How could it not?

    It's wrong, and I'd be surprised if Ortiz felt any other way (how could he?). But given the atmosphere, the low level of the sports media, the love of gossip, Ortiz's success, etc. etc., it was inevitable.

  4. Wow, this makes me so sad. Ortiz has been nothing but a saint and a gentleman in ALL of his actions both on and off the field. It's hard to see someone so generous and kind get kicked in the butt. But I certainly can't blame him for feeling the way he does. Just another reason not to listen or read crappy sports "journalism".

    Makes me want to give Papi a big Papi hug.

  5. redsock is on point in directing the blame on the The Herald's wreckless reporting of the Ortiz matter to the editor rather than the reporter. As the Sicilians are fond of saying, "the fish rots from the head".

    While the Boston Globe is not beneath the ocassional lowbrow piece of writing (the familiar province of the CHB), this bullshit on Ortiz by the Herald reeks of classic tabloid journalism. Regretably, it has already succeeded in forcing one of the game's true goodwill ambassadors into a more guarded profile with the media, something that will deprive all of us of a unique and refreshing perspective of this team and the game as a whole.

    When you drop your $.50 in the box for a copy of the Herald, you get what you pay for. As long as you don't expect that what you're getting is always news, you won't be disappointed, which is just what the morons who publish this rag (and their advertisers) are counting on.
