
May 11, 2007


Who is the only major league player to reach 2,000 hits before his 30th birthday?


  1. researched the answer for a couple mins, no least this wasn't endorsed by the gilbert gottfried duck....AFLAC! and joe buck didnt announce it...i consider myself a winner already

    now for post #2 to reply to the whole mirabelli incident...

  2. Welcome back, real Tim. :)

    :) thank ya, l-girl...glad to be back. missed most of the game tonight due to going out for drinks at Boston Pizza...went there monday and saw that they had cheap deals all week, so decided to check out tonights and i guess it was "Fish Bowls" for 6.50 (including tax) - which is 3 oz of liquor, was a good deal (especially in Canada where 70% of alcohol's price is tax) and good times...

    now to comment on the glorious mirabelli/sunflower seeds incident...

    Everyone has days and events in life they’d love to push the rewind button on, yesterday was one of those days.....hahahaha....but seriously :P

    Jere said...

    Tim, if you're gonna mess with players, why the hell are you doing it to your OWN team? I'm so confused. You seem really proud to have fought with and got ejected by a Red Sox player, who most of us, I think, kinda like. Yet you're a Red Sox fan. I don't get it.

    also will be replying to the very next comment from Jere (in that game's thread).....

    just wanted to clarify that i didnt do anything to dougie, or anyone else in the 'pen for that matter...didn't fight with anyone or anything, i was not involved in any harassment of them, in fact, i was in awe of the awesomeness they've exuded this year, so much so that i didnt even know what to say to them, besides ask for free food (especially after reading that article about how okie brings it to the pen every game, lol)...

    i think dougie is a cool, cocky guy...and he clearly has reason to be. they traded him away in 06 but realized they couldnt be without him so got him back....

    besides, everyone in the pen can be cocky - they all earn more than any of us talking (or yelling) to them from the seats...

    also, my buddy isnt a red sox fan, hes a jays he wasnt throwing sunflower seeds at someone hes a fan of...i personally thought it was pretty immature and idiotic to do something like that. i didnt even know what had happened until he explained on the way out; at the time, i was cheering for something that happened when i looked down and saw mirabelli looking at me. i immediately assumed my friend had done something since he was ragging on them the whole game, so i pointed to my friend right away...which is when doug called security.

    i dont approve of my friends actions or anything, and think it was pretty lame. i just thought it was funny that doug took it so seriously/personally...not that i dont blame him, i would want someone booted that throws shit at me, but on the same token he shouldve been more upfront about the autograph thing. thats not to justify the throwing of sunflower seeds, nothing can justify that. im just saying, he shouldve just said that he couldnt sign so the whole thing would've been avoided...

    oh well, whatever. i just want to clear my name in all of this...hahaha, i did nothing but respect the kickass bullpen of 2007, and i had nothing to say to them but praises on the outstanding job that they've done in 2007.

    (one final comment: im not saying its okay to harass players because their not paying attention to your demands for autographs or whatever - its completely stupid and lame to harass players, leave them be. if i went to a game i would clearly 'BOO' the opposing team, but i wouldnt do stupid shit like throw things at them (i.e. sheffield beer incident at fenway)...)

    so yeah i hope this better explains what happened... :)

  3. Found it - Ty Cobb. Makes sense.

  4. Ding! Ding!

    Cobb is correct. 29 years, 6 months, 2 days.

    Next are Rogers Hornsby (30-1-27), Mel Ott (30-3-20) and Hank Aaron (30-5-7).

    Cobb is also the youngest player to get 1,000 hits: 24 years, 4 months, 25 days, followed by Ott (24-5-2) and Al kaline (24-7-23).

    Q & A from "The SABR Baseball List & Record Book" which arrived in the mail yesterday.

  5. thank ya, l-girl...glad to be back. missed most of the game tonight due to going out for drinks at Boston Pizza

    Um, you're welcome, but I was only referring to your comment about an imposter taking over your posts.

  6. huh...wha happened? thats all i was referring to?
