
October 20, 2007

ALCS 6: Red Sox 12, Spiders 2

Spiders - 010 000 100 -  2  6  2
Red Sox - 406 000 02x - 12 13 0

Did you know that J.D. Drew is on fire? No? ... Where the hell you been? ... You better start taking notes.

Everything went down as smoothly as the pre-game shot of Jack Daniels. Boston leads the series 3-3. Tomorrow night's winner gets to host the Rockies in WS 1 next Wednesday.

The Red Sox loaded the bases with no outs in the bottom of the first inning (singles from Peewee and Yook and a walk to Flo). Manny struck out swinging and Lowell flied to shallow right. Another squander? ... Drew said "Eff that" and belted a 3-1 pitch to deep center that landed near the camera platform for a grand slam! 4-0!!!And that mega-dong was all the run support Schilling and the bullpen would need. Drew finished the night 3-for-5, with two run scored and five RBI.

But the Sox' hitters, being the polite and generous men we love, scored six more times in the third. Eleven men came to the plate; Lugo bopped a two-run double into the left field corner and Ellsbury, Drew and Youkilis all had RBI singles.

Aaron Laffey pitched 4.2 innings out of the Spiders' pen (Carmona (2-6-7-4-2, 63) did not last very long) and, according to Joe Buck, kept the score respectable. :>)

Eric Wedge called on Joe Borowski for the ninth. The closer (aka Duh Gas Can) threw 22 pitches to eight Boston batters and allowed three hits, two walks and two runs. ... Shame we won't see him tomorrow.

Schilling was fantastic (7-6-2-0-5, 90), although Buck and McCarver sought to portray him as teetering on the edge of falling apart for most of the night. I can't imagine many viewers were buying their lies.

Javier Lopez needed eight pitches for a perfect eighth and Eric Gagne set down the Spiders on nine pitches in the ninth.

Everyone will be available in Game 7 tomorrow night.


Pedroia, 2B
Youkilis, 1B
Ortiz, DH
Ramirez, LF
Lowell, 3B
Drew, RF
Varitek, C
Ellsbury, CF
Lugo, SS

Dustin Pedroia is glad to be back at Fenway:
Yeah, it's good. We don't have to play with those stupid towels. Stuff waving around. I'm tired of that. It's good to be back here. I'd like to see some Rem Dawg signs or whatever they call them. I'm excited, man.
Pro Watch: Bill "I Give Mariano Rivera The Night Sweats" Mueller will throw out the first pitch!

Curt Schilling, on tonight:
What [2004 ALCS Game 6] does for me ... I went out against a Yankees lineup in '04 that was as good an offense as I've ever faced, and I was basically pitching on a broken foot with a lot less stuff than I have now and I gave up one run over seven innings. There's no excuse for me not to be able to go out tonight with what I have now and, if I can execute perfectly, I can pitch as good, if not better. ...

I'm scared to death to not do well tonight, but I'm also very cognizant of the fact that that fear is something that has always driven me and always pushed me. ... I don't think there's too much pressure or too little. It's just reality. We put ourselves in this position, and I helped put us in this position.
Eric Wedge, on Fausto Carmona:
He has such a great arm and such great movement on his pitches. You know, sometimes when he does try to be a little bit too fine, the ball is going to run off the plate a little bit. What he needs to do is be aggressive with these guys, stay on the plate, run it off when he needs to, but be able to work it both ways.
Pitching coach Carl Willis:
In going back and reviewing the video of the game, there were pitches that Fausto made hitters swing at throughout the course of the season. But I think, again, the Red Sox being a very disciplined and obviously veteran lineup of professional hitters, they laid off of a lot of pitches that other clubs at times swing at. But I would say that early in counts, he was a bit fine, and he needs to trust that sink on the plate.
Yeah, I was trying to be a little fine. ... I've got to make sure I'm not going to leave any pitch down the middle of the plate. I was thinking just a little too much.
David Ortiz believes the media deliberately twisted Manny Ramirez's comments to create a story where one did not exist:
Everybody knows what Manny means, but people like to flip things around and that's why he is the way he is. ... He doesn't talk, and that's the reason why. People always try to misunderstand the reason why. People always try to misunderstand what the guy says.
Anyone else think the picture on the front page of this morning's Globe looks a little too much like a grave site?

Dan Tobin, Bugs & Cranks:
Three in a row? It's all the Red Sox know how to do.
Fercrissakes, let the real Indian get out there against the Wahoos.
Benari at Away Team:
Um, Mark? Your name is Shapiro. SHA-PEER-O. I know it, you know it, our Rabbi knows it.

Fausto Carmona / Curt Schilling

Facing post-season elimination, the Red Sox did what they usually do -- win. They are 22-11 (.667) all-time in such games.

The golden right arm of Josh Beckett and the reemergence of the bats (or the beginning thereof) forced the Spiders to pack their bags for a weekend in Boston.

It's time for Schilling to add a third legendary October performance to his Red Sox resume.

One game. One win. That's all.

Not two.




  1. I think I better get this one up on the early side.

  2. You scared the shit outta me. For a moment I thought I was missing a game.

  3. I never saw Koufax pitch .....But does Beckett have another pitcher during the last 30 years that has been as dominant as he has been in his short career?

  4. Me too, Laura! Panicked moment there.

  5. Count me in on that one, Laura.

  6. Koufax did not become Koufax until his 5th full season (8th overall).

  7. Sorry, guys. I saw a few "just win" messages in other posts, so I figured I'd promote this one out the draft stage.

  8. Similar Pitchers to Beckett through Age 27:

    Kevin Millwood
    Dennis Leonard
    Jack McDowell
    Chan Ho Park
    John Smiley
    Pat Hentgen
    Larry Christenson
    Jack Morris
    Kevin Appier
    Andy Pettitte


    Most similar thru age 25: Mark Prior

  9. Let's go Schill and Sox! And Torre for Devils Rays manager in 2008 (just for shits)!

  10. Most similar thru age 25: Mark Prior

    Luckily, Dusty Baker is managing the other team with Red in their name.

  11. Does Kevin Appier go on the animal team? I think so!

  12. I'd like Gump to manage the MFY sometime in the near future.

  13. "I'd like Gump to manage the MFY sometime in the near future."

    If only...

  14. I will be up in Nevada for at least this one. Maybe some of Game 7 as well. Yes, I said Game 7.

  15. Anyone else think that Pedroia should be the official team spokesman?

    "I'm just glad we don't have to deal with those stupid towels,'' said second baseman Dustin Pedroia, evidently unimpressed by the sight of 44,000 fans in Jacobs Field waving their white linens.

    Straight from the heart, spoken like a true Red Sock.

    In other news, fans on the message board at the globe are encouraging people headed to the game to bring red socks to wave around. Completely ridiculous.

  16. I just hope the fans at Fenway do not sink to that level and start waving socks or other things around. I find it so annoying and distracting. I just want to watch the game, whether I am at home or at Fenway. I do not want all the other hoopla and crap that goes on at so many ballparks where the owners fear that baseball is too boring and fans need other diversions to come to the park. If they can't find their entertainment in the game, then let them go play videogames somewhere. Just let the rest of us focus on baseball.

  17. Shit - I'm nervous.

    (Actually, I was getting butterflies while I was going through the papers online about 3 hours ago.)

    I could use a shot right now.

  18. Remember what Bluto said: Cuz when the goin' gets tough...(long pause)...the tough get goin'!

  19. The only thing about subbing LBJ for Coco that I worry about is that Curt's a fly ball pitcher and I hope Lyndon stays cool out there on any gap shots.

    He has gambled and lost on a few balls by going back to the wall and leaping in vain when he should have played the carom.

    Also, probably a good idea to keep the pressure down a tad by having him hit 8th.

  20. No red socks!!!

    If they can't find their entertainment in the game, then let them go play videogames somewhere. Just let the rest of us focus on baseball.

    Exactly, well said.

    You just know there are so many stupid fans who will do that and think it's so cool and wonder why more people don't get on board.

  21. I could use a shot right now.

    Me too, but try to wait til you're not at work!

  22. im uncharacteristically calm.
    i dont know why. but i am.
    i believe we will win this.

  23. I know why.

    My nervousness is more of an anticipation. I felt the same way before Game 5 -- sitting there, saying COME ON, start the game -- but once it was going, I was fine.

    Tito better have the quickest fucking hook this weekend.

  24. I would wear red, but I wouldn't bring anything to wave.

    Besides, I'd have no time between scoring pitches and drinking beer.

  25. Though my red shirt would be covered by a jacket, so fuck it.

  26. Yes I completely agree with wearing red, not waving red. Last time I checked we're not at that level, also banging a tribal drum in a ceremoniously un-PC way. Thank God the name Red Sox doesn't represent some sort of ethnicity or race.

  27. ha. do you mean we can relax cause we've already won, or becuase we believe we can comeback again, cause we've done it before? ;)

  28. Terry Francona Sends Eric Gagne Down To Made-Up Triple-A Team

    Following Eric Gagne's 11th inning meltdown in Game 2 of the ALCS, Red Sox manager Terry Francona informed the reliever that he was being temporarily demoted to the "Appleton Red Wolves," a completely fabricated Triple-A team that, unbeknownst to Gagne, Francona made up right on the spot. "I don't agree with the move, but if Terry thinks I need some time to work on my mechanics, then it's my job to report to Appleton, a town which Terry told me is somewhere in central Minnesota and where he assured me all the buses go if you just get on one and ride for a couple days," said Gagne ...

  29. The SoSH Game Thread:

    Game 6 ALCS 10/20/07
    It's on bitches......

    Yesterday, 12:17 AM Post #1

    "Flip it on Jose, you dirty bastard. Keys and mojo as if your life depends on it."



  30. Schilling's last SoSH post was at 12:43 this afternoon!

  31. SOX

    1. Dustin Pedroia, 2B
    2. Kevin Youkilis, 1B
    3. David Ortiz, DH
    4. Manny Ramirez, LF
    5. Mike Lowell, 3B
    6. J.D. Drew, RF
    7. Jason Varitek, C
    8. Jacoby Ellsbury, CF
    9. Julio Lugo, SS

    SP - Curt Schilling

  32. what a douche curt is. starting game threads...jeeeez.
    i love him on the mound, hate him outside of the white lines, i mean HATE.

  33. Hooray for rationality! Fuck Yeah stays in and LBJ replaces Coco at #8. Hugs and bourbon/Jameson shots for everyone! Wait Schilling made that post?

  34. Wow, Nixon33 is calm and optimistic...that's a really good sign because as I recall, he was beside himself during Game 4. Truly a positive thing.

    I went out to look at the gorgeous leaves turning to keep my mind off baseball, but it didn't really work. Only three hours or so to go.

    I sure wish I could be joining you all tonight for the game. Stay calm and positive. I also feel calm. I believe Schilling will come through and that LBJ will make a difference in the bottom half of the order (though I too worry about his fielding).

    I hope to be around for the end of the game when we can all be excitedly anticipating TOMORROW's game. I intend to be home for that one.

  35. i think most of us were beside ourselves after and during game four.
    it sucked!

  36. but yes amy, im not myself today! calm and me crazy!
    we will win tonight. yr right about schilling, he will come through

  37. I meant Game 3, Nixon, the one at Threadsox.

  38. Oh, yeah, I'm definitely feeling the anticipation.
    Probably will be watching most of the game, in a bar here in Sandusky, Ohio. Hmmm... I wonder who everybody will be rooting for? (:

  39. Manny video: "No pressure."

    How do you feel about going back to Boston? "Hey, that's where the magic happens."


  40. I love how Manny is much calmer than us. That's how it should be.

  41. I was hoping for Cora at short tonight. Happy with Ellsbury in CF tonight.

  42. 2007 Lugo

    Home: .286/.350/.395
    Road: .190/.241/.306

    After May 13, Cora "hit" .196/.249/.288.

    Plus Lugo has greater range.

  43. Lugo is not looking good lately though. I though a change might help.

  44. True, but I'm not sure Cora is any better.

  45. No to Cora. No, no, no.

    Look for slugo to get a fastball that he pulls over/hits the wall the first time that LBJ is on first.

  46. So I'm told:

    "The home team, when down 3-2 in the MLB postseason, is 27-18 in Game 6. The Red Sox are 6-0 in Game 6 when down 3 games to 2."

  47. Shot options...

    Ouzo (for Yook) (also acceptable - a nice glass of Manashewitz)

    Rum (for our Caribbean players...papi, being etc)

    Whiskey (for the grinders...lowell, pedroia, G38)

    Malibu Rum the "chick drink" (for JD Drew...self explanatory) although I suppose I could make something out of the JD...

    A bottle of moonshine with XXX on it (for LBJ...heh, sorry I'm playing on the native stereotype...all in good fun)

    and who could forget

    Newfy Screech (for #58 - he seems like the only motherfucker that could touch that stuff!)

    Vodka for the bullpen, so that they may pitch with optimal clarity

    and a nice big shot of Vari-teq!

    the drinks to the game brought to you by yours to a sushi restaurant for dinner, then back for the game...won't be threading since I'll be watching it with ppl.


  48. won't be threading since I'll be watching it with ppl.

    ... and blind stinking blotto!!!

  49. Off to our friends' house. ENJOY THE GAME AND GO SOX!

  50. I did pick up a few Hackers but laying off the wine tonight! :P

  51. I don't have a TV so I'm sneaking into a friend's house, who is out of town, and watching there!

    heh, heh, heh.

    Only problem is - with these new fangled remote systems I have to figure out how to turn the damn tv on.

    GO SOX!!!

  52. Oh gawd, My least favorite person is on the pre-game show. Jim Rice, I loved you as a player and you are usually a snappy dresser, but please leave the bromides at home tonight.

  53. JR about who would step up on the stage (schil or faus) - "its all about stepping up but you have to score some runs".

    What? You have to score runs? You mean it can't end in a 0-0 tie. Answer the freaking question.

  54. I am surprisingly tranquilla myself.

  55. Leaving work now -- will be back around 8.

  56. Dave D'Onofrio on thursdays game - All about the pitching

    And the Red Sox had reminded their Nation of pitching's importance.

    So now they're in the same situation they faced in 2004. In fact, it's so much the same that Schilling - that year's Game 6 starter - will tomorrow night take the mound facing circumstances similar to three years ago, and like that year, he'll be looking to respond after one of his playoff career's worst performances. He did it then, sutures and all, and the Sox are confident he can do it (on a healthy ankle) this time, too.

    Millar may be long gone, but his words still resonate because, as brash as they seemed, they were spoken with the most sound of baseball reason.

  57. Ok ladies - I want you to take heed and follow this example!
    Women send their knickers to Burmese embassies in dirty protest to oust rulers

    Bob Ryan on Schilling - "These are not the Angels, they are much deeper as he found out." So, Bobby is Curt going to be good or not?

    Fragging boston globe writers suck on NESN.

  58. Jack Daniels = toasty feeling of victory!

  59. Fox (Kennedy?) tells that Schilling actually felt worse pitching with the ankle surgery in 2004 than he does tonight!


  60. Let me channel Remy here:

    "Gotta keep things going like they went last game. So I'm going to give away another book for the 1,000th comment tonight."

    Alright, enough of that.


  61. Trying to catch up on the thread... We have no Amy, no Tim and if he shows up he'll be blotto, an optimistic and calm Nix33, Ofer's in Ohio!!! and s1c wants us the women to send their panties to Burma?!?! WTF?

    More catching up...

  62. We're just finishing up our ritual JD.

  63. all i want is him to have a clean 1st inning. please...

  64. After a 300 mile joyride through southern New Hampshire and eastern Vermont, I'm home just in time, and it's ready for some BASEBALL!!!!!!!

    I'll check in between innings.

  65. We're just finishing up our ritual JD.

    Almost sounds dirty!!

  66. i was at work and had one scoresheet in a drawer, so i took it out to get it ready for the game at abut 6:30, but it felt weird, so i stopped.

    i waited until i got home and got one from the folder in my office.

  67. he better do more than have a clean 1st.

    though i do understand a strong start.

  68. Trotty? Channeling Joe Torre, are we? :)

  69. I admit that I do like Joe-he's a class act. Glad he left - Cashman and Steinbrenner basically slapped him in the face.

  70. I like Joe, too. He was definitely shit on. That's what they do - use and throw out. That's what a lot of organizations do, not just NYY. Loyalty is expected, but not returned.

  71. i hate pitches that split the middle of the plate top to bottom and are not called a strike -- curt's first and the 1-2 pitch.

    RULE BOOK!!!!!!!!!

  72. First time since Game 2 that I have been home and NOT working, allowing me to actually watch the game and post.

  73. Thanks. It's been a few games.

  74. there ya go nix!


  75. chief and phrenile in the house! nice.

  76. The "real fans" are in the house tonight! Up on their feet with every 0-2 count!

  77. The crowd seems to be into this game tonight!!!

    One of the workers is at the game tonight. He was also at game 1, hoping his luck holds out!!!

  78. yeah, the crowd has brought their A game, i like it

  79. Fuck the heck? Gameday showing all 5 of Curt's pitches to Sizemore around 60 MPH?!?

  80. My only problem tonight is that I ran out of jack daniels last night and spent all day at my daughters 2nd birthday party so no chance to get any.

  81. chief and phrenile in the house! nice.

    I'm always in the house. Just usually drinking quietly by myself in the back.

    And...Nice. Lead off infield hit.

  82. i thought you were gonna say you had to do the shot at your daughter's bday party or sumpin

  83. That should be somewhere atop the list of most impressive fielding plays not to make an out.

  84. i saw that too. they are wrong. in his usual high 80s.

  85. Watching from a hotel room in Milwaukee with no one but a case of High Life and some snacks to keep me company ... life could be worse, I suppose. I'll take this (and more short-count, ground-ball outs from Schill) if need be.

  86. As if I ever add anything to the conversation, L-girl. :)

  87. My father in law is a big Yankees fan - life long resident of NY. Upset about the classless way they handled Torre - didn't have the balls to fire him, so they made him an offer he had to refuse.

  88. shitty hack by yook.


  89. He was safe anyway. (Don't tell me I actually agree with McCarver....)

  90. OK, OK, I like where this is going... Go PAPI!

  91. Nah Phrenile, I disagree. To me you're one of the "good guys" Joy Nation.


    (and some more iced tea motherfucker)

  93. "how 'bout what big papi has done?"

    yeah, how bout it??? 2 on no out for flo

  94. Watching from a hotel room in Milwaukee with no one but a case of High Life

    Maybe that dude from the commercial will come by and talk a lot.

  95. It is Papi Time- we need the big hit here Papi!!!

    FWIW - Volvo inning, if Manny hits the volvo sign this inning someone wins a Volvo!!

    and s1c wants us the women to send their panties to Burma?!?! WTF?

    BH would be upset if I asked you to send them here ;)

  96. Papi: "I don't even bunt at your crappy outside pitches ... I odn't even look at you after you thrown them ... look at Papi's back."

  97. Watching from a hotel room in Milwaukee with no one but a case of High Life

    Maybe that dude from the commercial will come by and talk a lot.

    Great ... all I need is a neon sign in my hotel room window keeping me up at night ...

  98. Another Bases Loaded Situation for Being.

    Time to win the volvo!!!

  99. It's a GREAT start
    Manny - BB RBI!?

  100. omg bases loaded w/ no outs in the 1st!!! how many will score...

  101. Was gonna go to the bar, but I can't leave now. Will wait to see the bad man's dong... (;

  102. did you catch the letter sign?
    1 B A D M A N

  103. Based on everyones comments I realized i was about 2 minutes behind everyone else. Kids messing with the remote!

  104. We don't need a grand slam here (although we'd ... take ... it), just a ball in play, to score ... and Manny's an expert at fighting back from 1-2 counts to walk, especially with bases loaded ... c'mon Bad Man.

  105. 0-2. Right where he wants him.

  106. tim mcc is really laying it on thick, praising manny. he must have gotten shit for trashing him last night.

  107. Aaaand my heart just sunk here ... c'mon, Lowell ... no double-play, no whammies.

  108. You have to be kidding me!

    Time for ON FIRE!!!

  109. c'mon drew, you can be a hero right here...

  110. it would be nice if the crowd got behind him

  111. based-loaded, nobody out sux.

    C'MON W3RD!!

    ;lfs vksns
    oj pA

  113. DAVID JONATHON!!!! ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  115. Dude, I'm loving this Drew deal.



  117. Fenway Park just got burned to the fucking GROUND! ON FIRE, indeed!!!

  118. For all of you WEEI losers who wanted him to sit this game.

    To quote TCDG - "Suck my..."

  119. Much better than walking and leaving the bases loaded for Tek. :)

  120. Drew,

    I apologize for every rotten thing I have said about you this year.

  121. yeah drew, make the fans apologize!!!

  122. Let's hear from JBuck how grand slams are shitty momentum killers ...


  124. LBJ gets on and we will have sent 9 men to the plate.

    Still freaking doing the happy dance because of ON FIRE!!!!!

  125. "You might think that four lead-off walks would be better than a lead-off grand slam, but you'd be wrong." /McCarver

  126. What did I tell you jackasses? Drew is the key to this team's success!!!


  127. wow. i'm so amazed and psyched. DREW!! SLAM! WHUT!! ;D

  128. Was that a "Coco" chant? That's kinda shitty ... can't make either he or Jacoby feel very good ...

  129. So, to recap: 1 inning, 4 runs, 3 hits (1 a flaming grand dong), 2 walks, 36 pitches and 17 balls...

    The devil's got your soul, boy.

  130. These commercials with the "cartoon" people are freaky.

  131. DREW - a 4-alarm fire!!!


    yankees suck.

  132. Was that a "Coco" chant? That's kinda shitty ... can't make either he or Jacoby feel very good ...

    Was a jaCOBY chant!!!

  133. I can't believe that. Manny strikes out, Lowell flies to right and Pedroia can't score. You're staring a Giant Squander right in the face. J.D. Drew, ever patient, works the count to 3-1, and gets a pitch he liked. Uncle Joe was Anti-Truped on that one, making me think he was going to fly out to deep center, but his voice rose and rose and rose, and then screamed, "IT'S GONE!!!! A GRAND SLAM!!!!" Then later on, "Can you believe it!?"

  134. He got a standing ovation, I don't think they were asking for Coco.

  135. OK - 1 cool thing about digital cable. We just went back and watched the whole grand slam and following replays again during the comercial break.
    Way Cool !!

  136. nice to get the radio perspective from ish. i didn't think it was out, either!

  137. Whoa, what's this about a Coco chant? I think it was "Fausto." No way people would even think to do that to Coco or any other Red Sox player right now.

  138. buck: "just like that, it's a three-run game."

    yeah, okay.

    4-0 to 4-1. i'm scared.

  139. Wow, I never thought of Martinez as a dick, but that was a slow-ass jog and a conspicuous celebration towards the crowd ... we'll see, buddy ...

  140. meh curt don't give back a slice of the pie slam so early dood.

  141. if you're gonna give one up, that's the way to do it

  142. Heh, speak for yourself, Alan. I desperately want to have confidence in Schilling tonight, but it'll take more runs.

  143. you only use 'just like that' phrases when you cut the score in half or more.
    he's such a dumbass.

  144. There's the splitter we all like to see!!!

  145. Whoa, what's this about a Coco chant? I think it was "Fausto." No way people would even think to do that to Coco or any other Red Sox player right now.

    Yeah, you must be right.

  146. OK, off to the bar. I hope all those Spiders' fans give me a lot of shit after we WIN

    See you all after the game

  147. slow jogging doesn't make him a dick. unless maybe you think manny the mummy is a dick? nothing wrong with a little celebrating.

  148. yeah, "just like that" it's 4-0!

  149. To quote from Moneyball, re: Kevin "The Greek God of Walks" Youker: "Pickin' Machine!!"

  150. geez, enough with the cleveland rocks already. they are not rocking... but their pitcher is getting rocked!

  151. Buck STFU - VMART's was a tape measure but ON FIRE'S wasn't?

