
October 24, 2007

Schadenfreude 35 (A Continuing Series)

Former New York City Mayor, current presidential candidate and Lifelong Fascist Asshole Rudy Giuliani: "I'm rooting for the Red Sox."

The 9/11 Profiteer explains:
Somehow it makes me feel better if the team that was ahead of the Yankees wins the World Series, because then I feel like, well, we're not that bad. ... In Colorado, in the next week or two, you will see, I will have the courage to tell the people of Colorado the same thing, that I am rooting for the Red Sox in the World Series. ... Good luck to the Red Sox!


  1. This means that the Terrorists have Won!

    And I say that as a Red Sox fan................

  2. Rudy, we don't want your support. Why don't you go hit up Steinbrenner for excessive campaign contributions!

  3. God I hate having anything in common with that man! On the other hand, anything that turns more people against him is a good thing.

    This means that the Terrorists have Won!

    Excellent comeback. :)

  4. I think the term, "Red Sox Nation" got to him.

    Nation? Like, more people!? Oooh! Votes!

    He claims it's because the Red Sox are the American League representative in the World Series, so he's rooting for the American League. Right.

    [/political banter]

  5. Yeah it's got nothing to do with New Hampshire having an important primary and Colorado having an unimportant caucus.

    I really hate weaselly little bastiches like this.

  6. Maybe he'll get a Red Sox jersey, customized number: 9/11

  7. If anyone actually votes for him because of this, well, our neighbours to the south are in worse shape than I thought. If this makes anyone vote against him, well, I'm glad something made you notice.

  8. What an opportunist. No surprise, given how he is making himself out to be the great savior of our times on no credible basis at all.

  9. Maybe he'll get a Red Sox jersey, customized number: 9/11

    Tim! As our friend Lord Lynch would say, spot on!

    If this makes anyone vote against him, well, I'm glad something made you notice.

    A change of vote would more likely go in this direction, I think. Whatever works?

  10. Rudy has a choice: Root for the Libs in Boston or root for the Libs in Denver. I guess he chose the Devil he knew...

  11. An actual liberal wouldn't piss on RG if he was on fire. He's not getting any of their votes no matter where they live.

    However, I am curious to hear the reaction of MFY fans to him when he next shows up at the Toilet.

  12. I'm a Yankee fan, and I do the same thing. I ALWAYS root for the American League team. You guys really pissed me off in '86 losing to the damned Mets!

  13. I hated seeing Guiliani's mug when the Yanks were in the World Series. All I can say is "Oh, no!" This is a reason to root for the Rockies (Except for: "And Holliday has yet to touch home plate . . . " --Padres Fan)
    Gambits from Gail
