
October 23, 2007

Wakefield Not On WS Roster

According to SoSH thread, Wake could barely throw his side session due to shoulder pain. Lester in Game 4?

See also Extra Bases.

ALSO: Ellsbury starting in Game 1 Wednesday!


  1. Hmmm... anyone up for some Sexy Lips?

  2. Listened to Francona's press conference. Wakefield joined to say that he would not be able to pitch game 2 and if he had pitched game 2 it was possible that he would not have been able to pitch game 6.

    "not fair to the other 24 guys in the club house, could be career ending if he did, etc, etc."

  3. Mixed feelings. Gotta love Wake for all the good times, the bad times, the frayed nerves, but -- well, I didn't watch Game 4 of the ALCS, I was at work, so I can't say, but it was a terrible inning he had that night.

    I wonder if his career's in jeopardy.

  4. "...but it was a terrible inning he had that night"

    I'm a huge, huge Wakefield fan, so take this with a grain of salt, but in my memory he didn't get knocked around that badly that inning, and if Delcarmen had been able to help him out Wakefield's start would have looked very similar to Byrd's.

    I'm bummed to hear he won't be making a start. Lester probably gets the start, I guess, but who takes Wake's place on the roster? Tavarez?

  5. i hate kyle snyder. fuck him

    tavarez gives me a little more hope than that worthless asshole.

  6. Why do you hate Snyder? He's been very decent this year.

  7. The question isn't so much who replaces Wake on the roster, it is does Gagne now stay on the roster?

    Personally I think you will see Sexy Lips, in Colorado you want ground ball pitchers not fly ball pitchers (no, no, no to Snyder).

  8. No to Synder because he's not a ground-ball pitcher? I suppose that's more reason than if he's a "worthless asshole".

  9. I am really shocked they added Snyder and not Tavarez

  10. snyder and gagne are in. tavarez is left off.

  11. Well, the World Series roster is out, and Snyder is on it, and Tavarez is not.

    Yaz is throwing out the first ball in Game 1.

  12. Twenty-twenty-twenty-four hours to go.

    I wanna be sedated.

  13. Hmmmmm, I want Lips out there. Figured there might be a Lester/Lips Game 4 combo. Lester threw four simulated innings today.

    I also wonder how much this -- Wake talking about it takes him longer and longer to recover -- will play into having him back next year.

    I don't mind Snyder, but I think I'd go with the flexibility of Lips over Dimmer. Then again, Tavarez had a pretty shitty September.

  14. I just don't get including Gagne over Lips. Maybe Lips was shaky in September, but it seems like including Gagne on the roster, even if you have little intention of using him, is just setting up another situation where you'll have to put him in during extra innings because you've got nobody else left. And I just can't see how you can trust him in any sort of pressure situation at all. You can bet if Gagne somehow manages to toss away another game, the fans will be looking for Tito's head, whether that's fair or not.

  15. Wakefield has been inconsistent. Better he's off the roster. Go with Lester in rotation. He's done well since his return. And Gag me...Mother always said if you have nothing good to say, then ....

  16. I wonder if Wakefield will retire at the end of the season. I'll bet you he's thought about it at least a little bit.

  17. Fuck gagne. Why KySny and why not SL?

    Hell, I would rather have Millar out there than Gagne for the sheer entertainment value of it.

  18. Proposal, dear readers

    As most of you know, we randomly bring up steamed spinach around here, mostly during game threads. (See link for more detail on the legend)

    Now, once the Sox were down 3-1, game 5 called for a traditional steamed spinach side with my meal and boy was it great - we won the game and I was pretty blotto by the end of it! For games 6 and 7, my meals were at restaurants and I made sure that I consumed some form of spinach prior to each game. (Game 6 was a salad, game 7 was spinach dip) - I'm not trying to say this influenced the win, that would probably be the stupidest thing I've ever said. It would be damn near on par with McMoron.

    However, I am proposing a spinach Wednesday for game one of the world series! It'll be a good time to unite in the glory of healthy veggies, have a couple of laughs and be a great precursor to watching the GREEN monster at the GREEN stadium known as Fenway with the oh so GREEN grass! (I'm graspin for straws there).

    Anyway yeah, everyone eat some form of spinach Wednesday and thread the Sox onto victory!

    (Also, I am using spinach as my anti-RSN device - until I see "RemDawg's Spinach" on the shelves at the local supermarket, it's foolproof!)

  19. re: josh wilker - a couple of hard hit balls, a couple of lucky hits. At the time, I thought Tito took him out too soon. I had plenty of confidence in MDC, just thought the knuckler still had some life.

    too bad, I love watching Wake pitch, I hope that wasn't it for him.

    As far as Gagne goes, I hope he only gets in for garbage time. I don't think I can take watching him pitch in a big situation.

  20. snyder is awful, thats why.
    hes a mop-up/last resort/blow-out-game-innings-eater.....i'd rather have tavarez pitch. at least he won some gamers and pitched half decent.
    that enough of a reason?
    what a joke

  21. I see it as a respectable 3.81 ERA versus a pretty bad 5.15 for Julian. Kyle mopped up for us this year, but even he had an ERA below 4. Last year we would have killed for a reliever with an ERA under 4 not named Papelbon.

    And I'm still a mile from referring to Julian as worthless or an asshole.

  22. sorry zenslinger. didnt realize you had such a thing for snyder.

    i dont care what the numbers are. tavarez did a lot more for the team than snyder.

    lets move on.

  23. No, I'm not upset. Just seemed like a very strong reaction on the screen. If we had beers in our hands talking, it probably wouldn't have fazed me.

    Move victory, eh?
