
June 10, 2008

Viagra Was Rocket Booster

He told little white lies ... and he took little blue pills.

Roger Clemens, whose claims he never took steroids are under federal investigation, has apparently discovered the benefits of another performance-enhancing drug sweeping the sports world - Viagra.

Clemens stashed the clearly marked, diamond-shaped pills in a GNC vitamin bottle in his locker at Yankee Stadium, according to a source familiar with the clubhouse, perhaps keeping the drug undercover to avoid the inevitable wisecracks about all the girlfriends he needed to please.

Clemens wasn't alone. The pitcher, who is believed to have scored the drug from a teammate, joined the burgeoning number of athletes who have turned Vitamin V and its over-the-counter substitutes into one of the hottest drugs in locker rooms. ...

[BALCO founder Victor Conte:] "It's bigger than creatine. It's the biggest product in nutritional supplements." ...

Clemens' lawyer Rusty Hardin did not return a call for comment.
Was Fat Billy eating Viagra "like Skittles"?



  1. I'll make the obligatory joke...

    Rusty Hardon?

  2. Here's hoping that Rivera is showing off his standard sort of pitches these days.

    Good times!

  3. Another obligatory joke: Dick Pound?

  4. So, Viagra does what for you? Increased blood flow helps you athletically? Or is it just the increased confidence of having a raging hard-on in side your jock?
