
August 26, 2008

G131: Red Sox 7, Yankees 3

Red Sox - 012 031 000 - 7 14  2
Yankees - 110 010 000 - 3 10 1
Wakefield (5-8-3-1-1, 80) fluttered through five innings before Terry Francona used five bullpen arms to get through the last four innings. The quintet of Javier Lopez, Manny Delcarmen, Justin Masterson, Hideki Okajima, and Jonathan Papelbon put up a 4-2-0-2-5 line. The lineup presented a balanced attack, as everyone either got a hit or scored a run.

Pettitte walked two batters in the first, but escaped harm. After getting two outs in the second, he allowed a couple of infield hits to third and an RBI single from Jacoby Ellsbury that tied the game at 1-1. After New York got a run with a two-out rally of its own, the Red Sox started the third with three hits: doubles from David Ortiz and Kevin Youkilis, and a single from Jason Bay. Red Sox 3-2.

With two gone in the fifth, Boston scored three times on four straight singles (Bay, Jed Lowrie, Coco Crisp, and Jeff Bailey). Bailey's hit was a high chopper to Alex Rodriguez at third. Slappy's hurried throw to first was low and Jason Giambi could not scoop it. Lowrie scored easily from third -- and then Crisp scored, racing around third and sliding in without a throw! That ended Pettitte's night: 4.2-10-6-3-3, 101.

The bottom of the order shined as Crisp singled three times and stole a base, and both Bailey and Kevin Cash singled twice. In addition to his double, Yook walked three times. And Bay, batting after him, singled twice and hit a sac fly. Ortiz doubled twice and walked twice.

A-Rod (0-for-5) had a rough evening. He struck out looking to end the first, grounded into a 6-4-3 double play to end the third, flew out to center in the fifth, grounded into a 6U-3 double play (as the potential tying run) to end the seventh, and struck out swinging to end the game. He also made a throwing error. The boos were long and loud all night (even when he fielded ground balls cleanly).

If this keeps up -- and why shouldn't it? -- things are going to be pretty ugly in the Bronx by Thursday.

Scoreboard: Toronto beat Tampa Bay 6-2, Chicago beat Baltimore 8-3 and Seattle beat Minnesota 3-2.


Tim Wakefield (3.67, 123 ERA+) / Andy Pettitte (4.17, 102 ERA+)

Wakefield comes off the disabled list and makes his first start since August 6. In his last 13 starts (back to May 28) before he went on the DL, he had a 2.66 ERA in 88 innings, limiting opponents to a .194 batting average. In his last six starts against New York, Wakefield is 0-5 with a 8.91 ERA. Chris Smith will likely be sent down to make room on the roster for Wakefield.

New York is pretty well buried anyway.

Cool Standings (after simulating the rest of the season one million times and factoring in strength of schedule):
             DIV    WC   POFF
Tampa Bay 76.4 19.5 95.9
Boston 22.4 54.4 76.8
New York 1.1 6.5 7.6
Baseball Prospectus:
             DIV    WC   POFF
Tampa Bay 77.2 20.7 97.8
Boston 22.4 63.8 86.2
New York 0.4 4.5 4.8
Hank Steinbrenner:
If we put on a run here, there's no question we can make it. There's no question with the number of games we have left, it's possible.
If the Red Sox (75-55) play .500 ball over their final 32 games, they would finish the season with 91 victories. At 70-60, the Yankees would then have to go 21-11 to force a tie with Boston, playing 10 games over .500 during the final five weeks. To put that in perspective, the Yankees are only 10 over during the first 130 games, presenting a daunting task, to say the least.
I feel like it's a must-win series. I don't think we necessarily need to sweep them, but we need to win the series.
What Yankees fans have conveniently forgotten is the Red Sox are not the only other team in the AL wild-card hunt. ... Five games back [in the wild card] with 32 left means the Yankees have to sweep three from the Red Sox, then negotiate a brutal schedule across the final 29 games that ends with three games at Fenway Park.
Mike Lupica, NYDN:
Let's see if the Yankees can hit against a real team the way they did against the Orioles in Baltimore. ... And, while we're at it, let's see how much game Alex Rodriguez will bring to his first playoff run since he signed for the $300 million. If he really is going to be the kind of big Yankee he desperately wants to be, now would be a good time to start. ...

Let's see A-Rod do it to the Red Sox the way Manny and Ortiz did it to the Yankees for years. It's not just on him, of course. But he said how much he wanted games like these, much more than he did all the money. Here they are.
If J.D. Drew cannot play tonight, he may be put on the disabled list. ... Clay Buchholz pitched for Portland last night: 7-5-4(3ER)-0-8.


For me, Sunday's 11th-inning win over the Blue Jays was the first butterfly-inducing, sweaty-palmed must-win game of the summer. A loss would have been very tough to handle. It could have dropped us 6.5 GB the FKR -- though they ended up losing to the White Sox.

We are 4.5 GB in the ALE and 1.5 GA in the WC with 32 games to go.

And: Blue Jays/Rays and White Sox/Orioles at 7 and Twins/Mariners at 10.


  1. The MFY aren't dead. hopefully after this series they will be.
    I'll be at this game.
    when coco comes up to bat (assuming he's in the lineup) i hope he adds to that score of his.
    I hope it is written here about laser shows and sweaty dongs.

    beat the chinned one.

  2. I'll be at this game.

    Doubly good - you'll be at the game and we won't have to see that vomit-inducing avatar!! Have fun Nix!!

  3. Would've been interesting to have been able to see Yankee Stadium, but jeez, I haven't even seen a game at Fenway yet. I'm sure I'll visit the new Yankee Stadium at some point. Baseball road trip would be fantastic.

  4. and we won't have to see that vomit-inducing avatar!!

    But you will have to see this vomit-inducing avatar! ha ha ha!

  5. ish, I've been to Yankee Stadium. You ain't missing much, believe me. If you want history in New York, go to the MoMA.

    This is the start of the most crucial stretch of the season - the Sox can leave the Yankees in brutal trouble if not totally out of the race, pick up some ground on the Rays, and gain ground in the WC race. Let's go Sox!

  6. I couldn't do it. I just spent $10 on lunch at Quiznos and I'll be damned if that comes back up.

  7. I'd much rather see Joe than Kay.

  8. Ehh, makes a good point. I guess you've got to look at the avatar, then start hearing him say typical JM things in your head in order to induce the vomiting.

  9. Well I'm sticking with old faithful - Dice-K and his mad skillz.

  10. oh you'll get to see it a couple of more times before i leave!

    i dont want to take the train home depressed. dont let that happen, sox.

  11. BR has not updated their page today so I don't have the usual stats links. They usually have them up by late morning. ... I wonder - does anyone ever refer to those things?

  12. BR has not updated their page today so I don't have the usual stats links. They usually have them up by late morning. ... I wonder - does anyone ever refer to those things?

    All... the... time...

    That IS odd - I usually find it up-to-date when I walk in at 7:00 AM. It's 3:00 PM on Tuesday and still nothing...

  13. You want pukey avatar?

    How about HGH '01 ---->

  14. Instant replay is a final GO.

    Replay will begin on Thursday for three games (PHI/CHC, MIN/OAK, TEX/LAA) and other games will see it begin on Friday.

  15. i'm really afraid of what our lineup is gonna look like. ugh.

  16. Red Sox spokesman John Blake says Carl Yastrzemski has been released from the hospital.

  17. i'm really afraid of what our lineup is gonna look like. ugh.

    Ellsbury, RF
    Pedroia, 2B
    Ortiz, DH
    Youkilis, 3B
    Bay, LF
    Lowrie, SS
    Crisp, CF
    Bailey, 1B
    Cash, C

    Damon, CF
    Jeter, SS
    Abreu, RF
    Rodriguez, 3B
    Giambi, 1B
    Nady, LF
    Matsui, DH
    Cano, 2B
    Molina, C

  18. Wanna know causes more dread than a 7-8-9 of Ococ-Gumball-Keith Foulke's twin brother?

    I might have to listen to Michael Kay for 3 hours tonight. ... If I don't get NESN, I think I have to (shudder) pray for ESPN.

  19. 'bout time I got a light switch.......

  20. I'm off for yet another meeting. probably catch up w/ the game 'round 8-8:30. I expect full-on swellness.

    Thanks to jere's headsupness (word!), I'm gonna swing by for another game at fenway next week. my second of the year.

    have fun all!

  21. If I don't get NESN, I think I have to (shudder) pray for ESPN.

    ESPN's doing tomorrow night's game... not tonight. :\

    What a cruddy looking lineup.

  22. NESN right now is showing the green shirts game last year, April 20th, against the Yankees with Coco's game-tying triple off Rivera, Cora's go-ahead single, and Okajima's first save, introducing himself to MLB.

  23. That has to mean that JD is going on the DL... it's been, what, 9 days? Put him on the DL, get another bullpen arm or Chris Carter or Van Every up, and hope he can play on day 16.

  24. Klapsich at ESPN (apparently back from a health problem) borked up the percentages of the Yankees' chance for a playoff berth in his article today. I had to register to leave a comment correcting him, though I almost never bother with that sort of thing.

    While I was at it, I responded to the Yankee fan commenter who said that doesn't apply to the Yankees because of their late-season success lo these 13 years. Take a look if you feel like slogging through the bs; my comment is #40.

    Fuck -- let me get that avatar changed back.

  25. NESN right now is showing the green shirts game last year, April 20th, against the Yankees with Coco's game-tying triple off Rivera, Cora's go-ahead single, and Okajima's first save, introducing himself to MLB.

    That series was great! Three close games, Chase Wright's claim to fame, Rivera blowing a save, Einstein with a game winner... it's as good as you can expect from an April series.

  26. That series was great! Three close games, Chase Wright's claim to fame, Rivera blowing a save, Einstein with a game winner... it's as good as you can expect from an April series.

    Wasn't that also the same series the back-to-back-to-back-to-back dongs was hit in?

  27. Wasn't that also the same series the back-to-back-to-back-to-back dongs was hit in?

    I think that's what he meant by "Chase Wright's claim to fame".

    Just remembered Dice's quote from last year's ALCS, as seen in this very blog:

    "Emotionally, it is on."

  28. 1. lmao zenslinger, i actually had googled giambi in search of a pukey avatar, but couldn't find the precise pic i wanted.

    went the extra mile and dug it out of Steph's facebook pictures and put it here, just for this series.

    w00t to instant replay, shudder to our 7-8-9, and heh to Foulke's twin bro - its so true!


  29. Wasn't that also the same series the back-to-back-to-back-to-back dongs was hit in?

    Thus, Chase Wright's claim to fame!

  30. Wasn't that also the same series the back-to-back-to-back-to-back dongs was hit in?

    That's Chase Wright's claim to fame... hahaha. You can see there's a Sox-MFY series today. 2.5 hours to gametime and this thread is kinda alive.

  31. Interesting, the things you learn about when you've been in an accident. I got an ambulance bill today... I was transported to the hospital via ambulance... Just sat in the seat, they didn't do anything to me - focused on my mother mostly. Three miles to the hospital... I was billed $489 just for the ride in the ambulance because technically I was a patient.

    Luckily I won't have to worry about paying it. But holy fucking shit balls. Big numbers.

  32. Heading home now from work - maybe will see you later, depends on the dinner and beer status.

  33. Notes from Amalie...

    • Reliever Chris Smith was sent to Pawtucket to make a spot for tonight's starter, Tim Wakefield, to come off the disabled list.

    • Outfielder Joe Thurston (.314 10 homers, 62 RBIs with Triple-A Pawtucket this season) is here but has not been activated. He would likely get added to the roster if the Red Sox put J.D. Drew (missed the last six games with a back injury) on the DL. A decision has not yet been made on Drew, who went to a spine specialist this morning in New York.

    • First baseman Sean Casey is actually able to play today, saying his stiff neck is better. However, Jeff Bailey will get the start at first base tonight.

  34. ish said...
    I was billed $489 just for the ride in the ambulance because technically I was a patient.

    They hit you with a fuel surcharge?..

  35. Good evening, everyone. I am trying to take a positive attitude towards this series. But it is a struggle.

    Ish, your ambulance story is a good example of why we need universal health care. Imagine if your insurance did not cover it and your family had to pay all those expenses? Our system is ridiculous.

    End of political ad.

  36. Why, oh why, would NESN show Aaron Boone's HR tonight?

  37. Amy, good political ad. Thank you.

  38. Also, Ish, make sure you fight any bill that doesn't seem right. Emergency rooms, hospitals and ambulance services are notorious for billing erroneously, on the hopes that if people won't know any better and will just pay them.

    When Allan was taken to the ER in an ambulance, and I was with him, we got a huge bill for both ambulance and ER. But according to our insurance, we were only supposed to be billed a $25 copay.

    No matter what, it's always worth a try to fight it.

  39. The health insurance fiasco always hits me right between the eyes when we pay vet bills, especially for emergency care. That little adventure with Luna cost us close to $700. Some pet owners would not have been able to pay for that care, and their pets would suffer or die.

    Then I think of people in need of HUMAN medical care who get bills like Ish did and much, much worse. How do they ever pay? Unimaginable.

  40. Okay, I'm set up and wearing goiod mojo clothes. 2004 champs shirt and my lucky 2003 red-with-white-hearts boxer shorts.

    Yes, they are '03 and lucky, the actions of one moron notwithstanding.

  41. Yes, Amy, same here. We've racked up enormous credit card bills keeping our dogs alive and healthy. We are just very fortunate we never had to do that for ourselves.

    It's a travesty.

  42. Too much hype about this being the last Sox series at Yankee Stadium. I just want them to WIN.

  43. dear blue jays:
    you may lose, but please put up a actual fight against tampa bay, for fuck's sake.

  44. Gee, I could choose between my 2004 hat, my 2004 ALCS shirt, my 2004 WS shirt, my 2007 hat, my 2007 shirt, or my two Tek shirts (one pink, one traditional). Plus my regular Sox hat.

    No boxer shorts, though.

  45. Too much hype about Yankee Stadium in general. It's not the original one anyway.

  46. Let's play some ball.

    I agree with both Amy and L.

    Now for some baseball, but we're a little distracted... My sister brought her kitten over and our cat hasn't been face to face with another cat in years.

  47. LBJ running at 2/3 speed on that grounder. TRADE HIS ASS!

  48. NESN! There is a god.

    No such luck for me. I guess God exists for those that believe in him...

  49. Two down awfully fast. Make Pettite work!

  50. I agree with both Amy and L.

    Please think about that when you vote in November.

    Not that either candidate is espousing universal health insurance, but you are guaranteed not to see it under one party.

  51. I guess God exists for those that believe in him...

    Err, no.

    ... My god just walked.

  52. come on bay - become a true red sox right now.

  53. Two walks in a row---told you to make him work!

  54. On the politics, yes, for all that is too much alike about the Republicans and Democrats, there still remain many differences. It may be a choice of the lesser of two evils, but it IS a choice.


    (The runners...also the troops.)

  56. Damn. At least they got him to throw more pitches.

  57. Gee, it seems I am here all alone. Way too many posts by me without anyone else!

  58. It may be a choice of the lesser of two evils, but it IS a choice.

    Uh oh...

  59. On the politics, yes, for all that is too much alike about the Republicans and Democrats, there still remain many differences. It may be a choice of the lesser of two evils, but it IS a choice.

    I will never say otherwise.

    Neither of them represents me, but they are not the same.

    My biggest concern is counting every vote.

  60. Uh oh...

    People seriously don't know what I was going to go ballistic about. It wasn't over general election talk. It was very specific.

  61. Counting every vote and allowing everyone who can and wants to vote to vote.

  62. You know I'm Positivity McGee, but I envisioned the first inning squander before the game started. I need to overpower my bad visions with good.!

  63. I knew you wouldn't go ballistic over that remark! It was actually agreeing with your comment to Ish.

  64. don mentions drew on the DL almost as an afterthought. wtf?

  65. Toronto up 1-0 on TB in the first (2-out single by Scutaro off of Sheilds, SB, singled in by Wells, still 2 out).

  66. Counting every vote and allowing everyone who can and wants to vote to vote.

    Yes indeed. I fear and believe neither will happen.

  67. cheapie bullshit dong. Too bad we gave up our Hall of Fame hitter due to "antics" or we might be up 3-1.

  68. Too bad we gave up our Hall of Fame hitter

    Manny's line and Bay's since the trade are converging quickly. And that's Manny giving a full effort.

  69. Too bad we gave up our Hall of Fame hitter due to "antics" or we might be up 3-1.

    Yes. Too bad "antics" are more important than wins.

  70. "Why, oh why, would NESN show Aaron Boone's HR tonight?"

    You mean Peter Gammons' favorite Yankee Stadium moment? (Yes, he did say that.)

  71. Is Manny still charming the hell out of them in LA?

    I do miss him.

    Let's get that run back.

  72. while cash is trying and trying to pick that up, wake says eff that, i got a K and i'm walking to the dugout!

  73. You mean Peter Gammons' favorite Yankee Stadium moment? (Yes, he did say that.)

    Did he? Geez.

  74. "Manny's line and Bay's since the trade are converging quickly. And that's Manny giving a full effort."

    Note: I was not saying anything bad about Bay. He did nothing wrong.

    Even if it's totally true--if every time people accused Manny of not trying was real, that would still be a HoFer "trying" like 99 percent of the time. I'll take it.

  75. My mind is in 33 different directions. Settling on baseball.

  76. Gammons' specifically said it was in the eighth inning of that game in 03--when Jeter turned to Boone and said, "this is when the ghosts always come out." Awww...

  77. Hey Jere, I'm about to start reading your book, then I'll blog about it. I keep meaning to email you, so now here it is in public.

  78. Doesn't Wake look great other than the dong? 17-pitch first.

    I ask because I'm watching GDGD. I can actually get the MLB version now since work PC had SP3 installed.

  79. You mean Peter Gammons' favorite Yankee Stadium moment? (Yes, he did say that.)

    I wonder how many fellow Red Sox fans agree with that.

  80. Imagine a Red Sox-type saying that was their "favorite" Yankee Stadium moment? Over beating them in '04??

  81. My mind is in 33 different directions. Settling on baseball.

    I find baseball is great for helping your mind settle and clear. At times when I've been horribly stressed and scattered, baseball has been the perfect medicine.

  82. Thanks, L. It's delayed again (not our fault), and will now be out in October.

  83. Publishing is such a mass of delays. I would never think it's the writer's fault.


  84. The weirdest thing about Sox-Yanks games is that you don't get to check the score of the Yanks game.

  85. Toronto threatening again (1st & 2nd, no outs) in the second.

  86. hit in the throwing shoulder. steal!

  87. The weirdest thing about Sox-Yanks games is that you don't get to check the score of the Yanks game.

    Heh. I would never think of that. I get the score from everyone else checking it.

  88. Cash outplays ARod! Love it.

  89. cash gets a single????????????

  90. Cash outplays ARod!

    That's what's great about baseball.

    That's My Boy!!!!!

  91. The weirdest thing about Sox-Yanks games is that you don't get to check the score of the Yanks game.

    Thank god the Rays are in first place...

  92. Heh. Two little bleeders go for hits. A smash by FY ends the inning.

  93. Bottom of the order RALLY!

    With some help from the top...

  94. Our two cheap hits lead to a run to even out their cheap dong.

  95. The bottom of the order hasn't been nearly as black hole-y lately. I like.

  96. I thought HGH got rid of that thing above his lip. Guess he grew it back.

  97. I have a really horrible connection tonight, btw. I'm thinking on going to thread+audio+GDGD...

  98. as much as an all-capped, loss-provoked, obscenity-soaked post from nix would amuse, i want him to see a win.

  99. as much as an all-capped, loss-provoked, obscenity-soaked post from nix would amuse, i want him to see a win.


    there's always other occasions for all-cap posts

  100. heidi sighting


    thanks, varitek.

  101. Toronto threat comes to nothing. Still 1-0 over TB.

  102. I imagine Nix as quite an exciteable guy from his ALL-CAP posts! Always amusing. I hope he doesn't scream and yell all that profanity at Yankee Stadium.

  103. come on, get this last out goddamnit

  104. stfu with the fucking church bells.

    it's 1 run - show some class.

  105. I hope he doesn't scream and yell all that profanity at Yankee Stadium.

    If he does, he'll have a lot of company.

    Oh, fuckity fuck.

    You sound like me. :)

  106. Phew. This feels like one of those classic Yankee Red Sox games, seesawing back and forth throughout the game.

  107. I've heard the church bells on a double play that scored a run. It's ridiculous.

    Crowd seemed to think that weak grounder to second was going over the wall.

  108. What an arm their CF has.... GOod ol Damon.

  109. Kotsay scratched from tonight's game, which means he could be a Sock right now.

  110. remy saying if the hurt players for nyy had not been hurt and had good years, the team would be better off.

    reall, jerry? isn't that the case for every team in the history of ever?

  111. I've heard the church bells on a double play that scored a run. It's ridiculous.

    That reminds me of Allan pointing out how they played Enter Sandman when Mariano came in in Game 7 2004.

  112. As of the double, Wake's thrown 36 pitches for 26 strikes. Pettite 46-26.

    Just from GDGD, the way he's been missing, it seems like we should be knocking him around.

  113. Motherfucking damn straight Youkilis!

  114. remy saying if the hurt players for nyy had not been hurt and had good years, the team would be better off.

    reall, jerry? isn't that the case for every team in the history of ever?

    That was my point the other day about Hank (or anyone else) blaming injuries. They're part of the game - always. Staying healthy is part of the equation.

  115. WOW jeter is soooooo slow to his left.

  116. Now we lead, Laura! I think you jumped the gun there --- or predicted the future.

  117. What the fuck did I say, Petitte! Your ass is grass!

  118. Oh fucking awesome! just checked in on the score 3-2 no outs!


  119. his ass is on the grass, on the downside of the seesaw.

  120. Oh yeah Amy, I was ahead of myself there. Here's another prediction. More runs for us!

  121. Just got an email alert from that Drew is on the DL. Thanks, guys, for the speedy reporting.

  122. caption the game: "Yankees' Molina breaks tie in second inning".

    Such peculiar editors they have.

  123. A DP with no Jeter needed. Why do I get the feeling the Yes Network is showing Jeter anyway?

  124. Such peculiar editors they have.

    Such weird locutions in baseball. "Into the glove of Coco Crisp goes the baseball..."

  125. Amy, it's a thread joke. Wait, Allan is typing, I'll let him explain.

  126. at some point during the weekend, ococ got a hit and i posted that coco was saying "stfu nix!"

    nix said fine, but he has told coco to fuck off 800,000 times, so it was 800,000 to 1.

    since then coco's total has grown, but nix is pulling away again tonight.

  127. Come on, Wake, keep the seesaw from tipping again.

  128. NICE play on the low lowrie throw by FY

  129. LOL re Nix and Coco. I hope Nix isn't sitting too close to him in the outfield, cursing at him out there.

  130. WOOO, WOOOOO!
    I am actually writing from HOME!
    Brought Cathy home yesterday evening and get to watch (?) the Sox kick Yankee ass tonight. Well, follow on GDGD anyway.
    GO SOX!

  131. No, no! LOVE the DP!

    Pettite = 61 pitches.
    Wake = 44

    Off to home & the Bar full of Yankee fans.

    Enjoy & go go go.

  132. Jed made up for hitting into the DP with a great play starting that one.

  133. Yay, Cathy is home! Great news, SoSock!! Welcome back to both of you.

  134. FKR now losing to TOR 3-0!

    go jays go

  135. That's wonderful, SoSock! How is she feeling?

  136. sosock, we'll help you out with the play by play.

    Hey, would it be that hard for MLB to hire one person to watch each game and just fucking type out exactly what happened on each play? It could be a sidebar that you check in on when you're confused about their crazy notations and shit.

  137. Glad we got past Crisp that last inning so we can start this one off with.......never mind

  138. YES announcers note that it's easier to win games when you score lots of runs, including runs in late innings.

  139. Pettitte pitching around Cash, hahahaaha

  140. Glad we got past Crisp that last inning so we can start this one off with.......never mind

    Don't be hatin'. Walk.

  141. YES announcers note that it's easier to win games when you score lots of runs, including runs in late innings.

    Geniuses, I tells ya, sheer genius.

  142. Yeah, Remy, if you get a good jump, he's slow to home plate. But if you're Kevin Cash, you're Kevin Cash.

  143. Cat is doing SO much better the last couple of days, although still very weak.
    That should improve as she gets back to some activity instead of just lying in a hospital bed, but the doctors say realistically she will have a lower threshhold for activity going forward. The lungs will probably not fully recover.
    We can live with that I guess.

  144. Hey, would it be that hard for MLB to hire one person to watch each game and just fucking type out exactly what happened on each play?

    I would like that job. I am a trained notetaker, after all. Fast typist. Big fan. Hire me!

  145. I saw Pettitte say "my god" in the first inning. Lord's name in fuckin' vain!

  146. Walk the #9 man - gotta like that :)

  147. Yanks wondering why they're not getting the Mariano strike zone for ALL their pitchers. Jesus, get your ass in the dugout and let's play ball.

  148. Best of everything to you and to her, SoSock. I am sure she is happy to be home.

  149. I want the Sox to not just win tonight, but destroy the MFY bullpen as well. Runs!

  150. UMP gets the message - starts calling balls strikes for tucan.


  151. Damn, tough break LBJ - time for a LASER SHOW ! ?

  152. This is why I'll always hate the fucking Yankees. Sosock, here's what you're missing. The Yanks are upset about borderline calls. So Pettitte has the catcher come out to the mound. THen Girardi comes out. Then the next pitch comes to Ellsbury, and it's a foot outside, but the ump, having been given the "message," calls strike three.

  153. Looking at the MFY lineup, they have everyone save for Dumbo. What's the problem NY?

  154. Good Luck, SoSock!!

    78 for Tucan thru 4: 23-18-20 17

  155. There's a German word I can't remember for the phenomenon where you hear something and it changes your worldview so you never look at things the same afterwards.

    Someone I read today referred to Pettitte as "camel nose".

  156. Shit, shit, shit. My wireless connection picked this exact moment to mysteriously stop working. And MLBtv chose this day to not recognize my Verizon card. So I have no chose but thread+audio+GDGD.

    Then again, we've got the lead, and Pettite is almost at 80 pitches. Hurray for the sweaty large canadian father!

  157. HGHiambi liner caught by Jacoby. Looked like it might have been double material, but no.

  158. Nady looked horrible against the knuckler at Fenway. Until Wake walked him on 4 pitches. Now 3-2...and a walk. Shit.

  159. Sterling just absolutely truped me.

  160. Oooooooo, Shemp has TNT as his AB music!
