
August 26, 2008

Schadenfreude 56 (A Continuing Series)

[More in the morning!]

Putrid performances by Andy Pettitte and Alex Rodriguez, who were showered with boos from the sold-out crowd, put more nails in the pinstriped coffins that will carry the room-temperature bodies out of The Bronx. ...

The loss dropped the Yankees six games back of the Red Sox ... Pettitte was loudly booed when he left in the fifth, but that was mild compared to what Rodriguez heard.

Tonight, you can put it on me. It was a lousy night. We pretty much screwed it up every way you can screw it up. There's absolutely no excuse.


  1. Schadenfreude before bedtime! I love it!

  2. It is so lovely to wake up in the morning, review the game as quickly as possible, and be delighted before going to work on a cloudy London morning.

    I may have pain in my ankle, but I have joy in my heart. I may have a limp as I walk, but a spring in my step.....

  3. Man, I love it when the New York paper headliners turn against their a pack of sharks with blood in the water.

  4. like a pack of sharks with blood in the water.

    Boston writers could still teach them a thing or two.

  5. You mean Boston writers could school them.

  6. No, I write English. I meant teach.
