
August 1, 2008

In The Papers: Late Manny Edition


  1. Fuck whatever paper that is with the "Sox bid bum adieu - selfish slugger will fit nicely in LA-LA land"

  2. Heh. Something both the Yankees and Red Sox can agree on!

  3. Sox Bid Bum Adieu


    Which has given more to us and our lives, that "bum" or that piece of rag newspaper?

  4. The venom in the Herald piece is really excessive and inexcusable. I can see what people love about Manny, although my own admiration had its limits---I can't understand this kind of personal hatred at all. Nobody, even athletes, have an obligation to hang out with sick children. It's great when they do it and Ted's Jimmy Fund activities were admirable, but someone isn't a "bum" because they don't do what someone else regards as good deeds. Manny isn't a "bum" because he chose not to send sports equipment to his high school, as Callahan claims.(Personally, I wouldn't send a bucket of spit to my high school.) "Hey rich guy! Use your money for what I think is important, or you're a selfish scumbag!" Talk about presumptuous!

    I think it was time for him to go, but the right way to end the chapter is the way Allan has, not with a lot of petty name-calling.

  5. i STILL find it weird there hasn't been a rpess conference yet!

    johnny damon:

    "We know we don't have to deal with Manny," Damon said. "Nothing surprises me about Boston. Not too many players leave there happy. It's very well documented going back to [Mike] Greenwell, [Roger] Clemens, Mo Vaughn and Nomar [Garciaparra].

    "There's a lot of truth to what he said," Garciaparra said at his Dodger Stadium locker Thursday, two hours after the Dodgers acquired Ramirez. "I can definitely understand and relate. Maybe he'll be next to me [in an adjacent locker], and we can chat and laugh about it."

    The Red Sox rid themselves of a contract dispute by trading Garciaparra at the deadline four years ago, and they rid themselves of another one Thursday.

    "Manny said he didn't want to leave there," Garciaparra said. "I didn't want to leave there. . . . Were we the only ones that have gone through it? There's a track record. I played with Mo [Vaughn]. I played with Rog

  6. The other weird post-Manny commentary involves minimizing Jason Bay. Tim Kurkjian, for example, keeps saying that Bay is "a good, solid player, but no Manny." Well, he's had two seasons recently with 100 r, 100 rbi and 30+ homers---I'd call that better than "solid" and pretty indistinguishable from what we could expect from Manny from here on, best case scenario. The guys on XM keep saying that Bay doesn't "strike fear" into pitchers and that Ortiz will be walking a lot. Well, walking the guy in front of a 30 homer, 100 rbi guy is not smart strategy more times than not---be my guest. And if 30+ homers and 100 rbi don't scare you, what does? A nice swing? A reputation? The player's 2003 season? Dreadlocks? Manny is going from a decent hitters park to a lousy one, and Bay is going to a park that should inflate his numbers somewhat, with the likelihood of more runners being on base in front of him. Are the pundits TRYING to set themselves up to look stupid?

  7. "He is scheduled to play tonight at Dodger Stadium, where the team has scheduled an introductory press conference for 7 p.m. ET -- "on the field behind home plate."

    i hope ESPN will carry it!

  8. he's had two seasons recently with 100 r, 100 rbi and 30+ homers---I'd call that better than "solid" and pretty indistinguishable from what we could expect from Manny from here on, best case scenario

    I agree.

    The guys on XM keep saying that Bay doesn't "strike fear" into pitchers and that Ortiz will be walking a lot. Well, walking the guy in front of a 30 homer, 100 rbi guy is not smart strategy more times than not---be my guest.

    SoSH was saying Olney was saying the same thing and actually used Tiz's September 2006 stats to prove how bad the Mannyless era would be for Boston. Papi had a 1.150 OPS (give or take a point) that month. Sounds DREADFUL! Any time the other team wants to put guys on base for us, I'll say thank you very much.

    Manny is going from a decent hitters park to a lousy one

    With a big-ass LF, too.

  9. check for possible video of the pc, also.

  10. Shut up, Johnny. Shut up Nomar.

    If players get what they want in their free-agent year, the team has treated them well and they are "happy." If they don't get raises and extra years that place all the risk on the team even when their skills are fading (Damon, Pedro, Nomar, whose range at short was pathetic at the end), then they've been "mistreated." How many years has Nomar been healthy since the Sox traded him? Anybody watched Pedro thte last two years? See much of Damon in center?

    Shut up, guys.

  11. i would think that at least espn2 or espnnews would carry it!
    but thanks i'll check as well.
    cant wait for the dodgers game! I HOPE HE RAKES!

  12. sportscenter is showing the never seen before manny add for espn he taped in april. they said they prolly wont air it anymore, as he's in a sox uni.

  13. I'm kind of surprised Manny agreed to go to LA, aren't you? It's not the best line-up to drive in runs, it is, as redsock says, a big-ass left field there. I think the odds of anyone paying him 20 mil are long no matter what, but the chances of maximizing his stats in LA seem remote. Less remote: the chances of him busting a hamstring trying to show up the Red Sox in the field or running to first, a la Mo Vaughn's ankle. Then what? This is what's so strange. The best place for Manny to get what he wanted---from somebody-- was Boston. Manny's at risk now.

  14. That ad, which was running yesterday, by the way,makes fun of the media for portraying everything Manny does as eccentric. That takes balls, given that ESPN was one of the main offenders.

  15. i might be getting ahead of myself, but i call it right now, that on aug 26 (or whenever the sox play at the toilet again) when Bay is introduced for his first at bat, the yankees fans will give him an ovation because he's not the bad man.

  16. Regarding whether Yankee fans welcome or don't welcome the trade: Who the hell cares?

  17. im just making a prediction, jack. last time i checked, it was ok to do so.

  18. maybe it affects me a little bit different 'cause i have tio live in the rival city at the moment and get to hear constant reaction from yanks fans.
    that ok with you?

  19. I'm kind of surprised Manny agreed to go to LA, aren't you?

    I'd say his options were limited.

    I hope Bay destroys the Yankees. Destroys.

  20. I hope Bay destroys the Yankees. Destroys.

    Oh yeah. I also hope Pedroia, Youkilis, Ortiz, Drew, Lowell, Varitek, Cash, Lowrie, Casey, Lugo, Coco, Ellsbury and Cora destroy the Yankees as well. Not to forget the entire pitching staff too.

  21. Nixon---I'm not criticizing the prediction. Predict away. Didn't mean it as criticism.

    But half the commentary I see on ESPN, like from that fool Steve Phillips, is "I can tell you that in New York, Fans are high-fiving, because they won't have to face Manny."

    To which I say, who the fuck cares what Yankees fans think? Will they be high-fiving if they stay in third place? Why does the reaction of Yankee fans have any impact on the analysis of whether the trade was wise or not? Is the team supposed to test market its moves according to whether it makes the Yankees happy or not?

    I,for example, think it's GREAT that the Yankees are bringing in Sexon, I-Rod, Marte and Nady, essentially turning the team into a bus station when they are supposed to be settling in. Do they care what I think? Should they? Hell no.

  22. Heh. iRod.

    iRod nano...iRod shuffle....I'll stop there.

  23. In the context of Bay destroying the Y's...
    The footage of Bay that NESN showed yesterday makes me believe that his bat speed is much better than Manny's and he wont be caught looking at fastballs in the inside part of the plate.
    So I would say the Y's can bring it on.

  24. I see Manny hustling as always in left for LA tonight.
