Rays - 302 105 020 - 13 14 3Do you really need (or want) a recap?
Red Sox - 001 000 120 - 4 7 0
Pena and Longoria hit back-to-back home runs in the first and the Rays were off to the races. It was still sort of a game at 6-1 when Tampa Bay battered Delcarmen for a single, a triple, three walks and five runs in the sixth.
Crawford went 5-for-5, with two stolen bases, two RBI and two runs, and Aybar went 4-for-5 with a dong and five RBI.
The Red Sox started to hit the ball with a bit of authority in the seventh and eighth innings. Ortiz tripled to start the eighth and scored on Youkilis's groundout. In the ninth, Lowrie and Pedroia singled and Yook doubled. Kevin Cash's solo home run gave Boston a run in the third.
So the team's backs are to the ALCS wall yet again. It has become a familiar place. We'll see on Thursday if the Red Sox can rally for a third consecutive time in five years.
The Assassin Has Returned!
***Red Sox Rays
Drew, RF Iwamura, 2B
Pedroia, 2B Upton, CF
Ortiz, DH Pena, 1B
Youkilis, 3B Longoria, 3B
Bay, LF Crawford, LF
Kotsay, 1B Aybar, DH
Crisp, CF Navarro, C
Cash, C Perez, RF
Lowrie, SS Bartlett, SS
BR Preview
Andy Sonnanstine (Rays 20-12 in his starts)
Tim Wakefield (Red Sox 15-15 in his starts)
Sonnanstine faced the Red Sox twice this season -- in consecutive starts on September 10 and 16. He pitched 13 innings and allowed only two unearned runs, along with seven hits and two walks. He struck out 12 and the Rays won both games.

One-third of the Red Sox lineup is hitting -- Pedroia (6-for-11, .545/.643/1.182), Bay (5-for-11, .455/.571/.818 and Youkilis (6-for-14, .429/.429/.786) -- and that is not enough. Ortiz, Ellsbury and Varitek are a combined 0-for-34 and Drew is 2-for-8. ... Crisp (3-for-6) needs to play CF tonight.
Somewhere around the third or fourth inning yesterday, Jon Miller of ESPN radio started peddling this clump of horseshit:
Red Sox fans are not that far removed from 86 years of pain and suffering. ... doubts may be creeping in.I'm dealing with the radio delay to avoid ever hearing Chip "OMG!!11!!!1!1 The Rays Totally Rock" Caray, so this really pissed me off. If anyone is embracing the gloom-and-doom-woe-is-us-maybe-the-Curse-never-really-left meme, go right ahead. Make CHB's day. Just stay away from here.
Winning today will even the series. And we were in a deeper pit less than a year ago before roaring back, obliterating Cleveland and sweeping the World Series. (The Red Sox also came back from 0-2 in a best-of-5 in 2003 and from 0-3 in a best-of-7 in 2004 -- remember?)
Bay Being Manny:
We put up eight runs the other night. It's not the end of the world. And we won the first night [scoring two runs].And to hell with those people who left before the end of yesterday's game. Loyalty does not mean supporting the team only when they are winning. It's a shame you wasted space in a seat that an actual fan could have used.
The shots did not work their toasty magic, so we need another source of mojo (though you should keep drinking whiskey). I believe I have found it: Kids playing AC/DC! Here's a 12-year-old kid playing "You Shook Me All Night Long":
It's also Election Night in Canada. So FU to Stephen Harper.
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Bring lunch to work one day instead of ordering in and help these guys buy a used car. We're very close to the goal of $3,300!!!
I enjoyed the "Fuck it, we'll do it live!" feel of this post very much.
Anyway time to kick some Ray ass!
Harper and the Rays are both eating shit tonight.
Last night was "Fuckin' thing SUCKS!" Tonight is "WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!"
Still sayin' it's gonna be a conservative minority (a.k.a. what we started with) and this whole thing will have been a waste of time and money.
Last night was "Fuckin' thing SUCKS!" Tonight is "WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!"
Ha! I love it. As long as I don't have to see a cut from Sting's new video.
Still sayin' it's gonna be a conservative minority (a.k.a. what we started with) and this whole thing will have been a waste of time and money.
He may end up with fewer seats than before, though, which would be good. Or we may be very surprised.
Looks our set-up will be: election on TV, muted mlbtv/gdgd on my laptop, and me overseeing the thread on L's laptop.
redsock: Here's how Canadian elections work. We don't do uncertainty or hanging chads. We use normal pencils and paper ballots, each of which will be counted by hand. Really! Now, as Rex Murphy (a national treasure, BTW) says, Canada does have an equivalent of the electoral college;It's called ONTARIO. Whatever they say goes. Within one hour of the polls closing in Ontario, the CBC will have declared a winner. You can take this declaration to the bank. So I predict that by the 3rd inning all suspense will be lifted and you can give your full attention to what really matters.
Looks our set-up will be: election on TV, muted mlbtv/gdgd on my laptop, and me overseeing the thread on L's laptop.
Ehh, I'm not one for election coverage on TV. Just a bunch of people blabbing while polls are being tallied. I'll have the game on and be flipping to the election occasionally, until the polls close in ontario after 9:30. (As richard said...basically the electoral college!)
Hopefully we'll have a cushy lead by then. But my attention will definitely be on the game. It's something I want to see live, whereas the election I can flip onto any channel to see the results as they're being tallied. I don't need a live shot of ballots being counted...I could care less when Flin Flon's John "Big Papi" Smith delivers a walk-off election ballot-count dong.
We use normal pencils and paper ballots, each of which will be counted by hand. Really!
(This will sound rude, but) I've been here for three years. I'm well aware of how it works.
Fair elections was one of the big reasons why we decided to leave the US.
LBJ-less oatmeal with DJ Werd leading off!
1. J.D. Drew, RF
2. Dustin Pedroia, 2B
3. David Ortiz, DH
4. Kevin Youkilis, 3B
5. Jason Bay, LF
6. Mark Kotsay, 1B Why not Casey?
7. Coco Crisp, CF
8. Kevin Cash, C
9. Jed Lowrie, SS
I'll drink to that lineup.
Harper and the Rays are both eating shit tonight.
YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re the lineup: Looks like we got the ASSASSIN in the MOTHERFUCKIN' HOUSE!!!!!!!!
When Tito shows that his lease on Wake tonight is about as short as the rest of Timlin's career (or accudart's dick!), we'll know for sure!
Death to the Rays!
Richard, this is our second election in Canada, and even before we moved, we were pretty well versed in how it works.
I should note that anyone who says this
Rex Murphy (a national treasure, BTW) says
probably isn't worth talking to. Murphy is a tired old buffoon, and a predictable buffoon at that.
However, this
Canada does have an equivalent of the electoral college;It's called ONTARIO.
is just wrong. We watched election returns in 2006, and if it had stopped at Ontario, we would have had a Liberal government. Only when the votes from the conservative West were counted did it go Tory.
Are you sure you know what the electoral college is? It's not a bellweather, as in "as Maine goes, so goes the nation".
Unlike Tim, I love election-night TV coverage and will be glued to the returns throughout. He may be right, it may be a Conservative minority (it certainly looks that way now), but there are other questions to answer. Will Harper get more or fewer seats than he has now, will people like Tony Clement and Diane Finley and other cabinet ministers lose their ridings, how many seats will the NDP get, and other factors, are all important to me.
(or accudart's dick!)
Fundraising update: we're up to $2870!
Wow! I need some sort of shorthand to indicate that comments are made "tongue-in-cheek"! I'm not up on your immigration journey but I assure you that it was not my intention to actually give a lesson on the Canadian electoral process. Sheesh! Of course, I know that Ontario is not like the EC, but it has for years pretty much determined the shape of the commons. That being said, l-g, you are quite correct that that is changing. In fact, until the Bloc came along Quebec very much set the course, usually for the Grits. As for the NDP I don't expect that they will ever form a government in my lifetime. Sorry. I can't quite understand why they can do quite well, electorally, at the provincial level but never break through federally.
As for Rex, well, we'll just have to agree to disagree. His performance on CBC radio in the hours following the 9-11 attacks was riveting. But he's not everyone's cup of tea
As for the NDP I don't expect that they will ever form a government in my lifetime. Sorry.
I don't know why you're sorry, and I don't know why the fact that the NDP won't form a government should prevent anyone from voting for them. Forming the government is not the only way to influence policy. Without an NDP, the Liberals would be little more than the Democrats.
One of the best things about Canada is the multi-party federal politics. Now all we need is proportional representation to make it really work democratically.
His performance on CBC radio in the hours following the 9-11 attacks was riveting.
Oh geez, I can only imagine. I'll guess your "riveting" is my vomit-inducing.
But he's not everyone's cup of tea
Yeah, neither is Bill O'Reilly.
Rex Murphy is a decrepit moron.
* * * *
Don't you love when people make statements, then when someone calls them on what they said, they claim sarcasm?
A bit harsh?
That's the way I meant it.
I can tell andy's been rubbing off on me (ewww!), but I saw that lineup and thought: I'd hump that lineup!
I, of course, dig LBJ, but maybe a rest'll do him good. Wouldn't mind casey either, but it's still sweet!
I can tell andy's been rubbing off on me (ewww!), but I saw that lineup and thought: I'd hump that lineup!
I, of course, dig LBJ, but maybe a rest'll do him good. Wouldn't mind casey either, but it's still sweet!
Me too on both counts.
I really have no desire to get into any type of discussion about this, so I deleted my last comment.
Let me just say that the phrase "hanging chad" pisses me the fuck off. On a list of fucked up things from that "election", it probably rates about the 1,798th worst things to have happened.
Plus it has been used as a punchline by both the media and countless so-called comedians for the past eight fucking years. While not on par with "what's with the food on airlines?", it's outrageously lame.
The Assassin Has Returned!
Hope the wind is blowing slightly from left field to right (I want every fragging Ray fly ball hit to right-center field).
Papi has to start producing. The #3 hole cannot be non-productive when the leadoff and catcher positions are not producing either.
As for Miller and Chip and all the other announcers - STICK IT WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE.
hey dude,
read your blog avidly and my first time posting.
i had the same reaction: those fans who left early were pathetic. seriously, leaving an regular season game early is one thing, but leaving a freakin' playoff game early??? disgraceful.
thanks, dude.
well fuck. my girlfriend of 4 years just packed me in. not a good start to the evening's festivities.
even a red sox win and a liberal majority can't really make it okay, but i'm looking for 'less bad' at the moment
that sucks, joe. sorry to hear it.
l-girl and RS. I'm sorry if this is a sore spot. Really. My initial post was actually meant to poke fun at the US system by showing how simple ours is. It really was tongue-in-cheek but I guess I didn't make that clear.
But I never said one should not vote for the NDP. I do so regularly at the provincial level. I just voiced out loud what most Canadians know about the federal NDP. Ed Broadbent, their former leader, is one of the most decent politicians to ever grace Ottawa (as even his opponents recognise). I would have loved to see him get a shot at it.
Bill O'reilley? Not my cup of tea!
For what it's worth, my fearless predictions: A Tory minority with the Tories holding a few seats less than they had in the last Parliament. These seats will be lost in Ontario and maybe Quebec where some Bloc voters will set aside their allegiance to strategically vote for the Grits. After that's all done Big Papi will have a big night and the Sox will tie things up.
Again, I apologise. Never meant to tick anybody off.
Gotta go vote now ;-)
I can't say this is a must win game , because in reality its not..But I would really like to see them win tonite....
Has anyoone seen anything written or spoken on the status of Sean Casey, has Tito been asked about it?
I didn't read the posts last night, but I think I heard Tek getting booed, did Papi get booed
as well?
Sox 8-4 player of the game- On Fire!!!
Rays lineup posted, same as last night, but Perez at #8 instead of Baldelli.
Hey SOx bats, you know who is pitching against you?
Andy Fucking Sonnanstine!!!
Come on.
richard said...
Bill O'reilley? Not my cup of tea!
Some would say you are giving tea a bad name......
The media here in the U.S. is getting to be just as bad as the politics.....that goes for Fox and thier cast of morons and MSNBC cast of snide , snarky talking heads...
Whatever you do, Richard, do not tell us to check out Rick Mercer!
Richard, it's not a sore spot. I was responding directly to what you said.
I just voiced out loud what most Canadians know about the federal NDP.
I'm aware of that. I find this particular piece of "what most Canadians know" irrelevant. Many people use "the NDP won't form a federal government" as a reason it should be merged into the Liberal party, which of course I strongly disagree with.
Thanks for your apology, although there's no need.
Oh shit, Joe, I'm sorry. (Just saw your comment now.)
Damn. Now we really really really need a win tonight. Win it for Joe!
Joe - sorry bud, but it could be worse, she could have left you for a Rays fan.
Tempers flaring, and the ballgame hasn't started and the polls haven't closed (I assume).
Joe, I am so sorry. Not much else I can think to say except it's obviously HER loss.
I wish these games started earlier. I am so exhausted from the games last week and so down about last night's game. I need an early surge by the Sox and a lead that sticks.
I like the mixed up lineup. Something has to juice this group up.
thanks guys.
she didnt leave me for anyone. it was one of those stupid fucking 'it's not you, it's me!' things. 'you didn't do anything wrong!'
O RLY? then why crush my soul.
Has anyone heard how Nix's cat is doing?
Joe, I am so sorry. Not much else I can think to say except it's obviously HER loss.
Thanks amy. i can assure you she'll never find anyone who cares more. meh.
Joe Grav said...
well fuck. my girlfriend of 4 years just packed me in. not a good start to the evening's festivities.
Joe, my father , told me when I was shattered by a girl I dated for about 3 years, I didn't get it at the time, But he said " beleive me worst things are going to happen to you in your life" He was right he died 3 years later, may not be much consolation to you right now, but one day you realize every thing happens for a reason....Head up , Bro......
Amy said...
I like the mixed up lineup. Something has to juice this group up.
There ya go some "juice" might help...
thanks 9casey.
the sox are still there no mattah what.:)
Hmm, 9C, not that kind of juice!
Where is Clemens these days? He seems to have disappeared completely.
the sox are still there no mattah what.:)
yeah, they never break your heart .........
(insert eye rolling icon here)
i am thoroughly happy with the red sox. i have seen two world series titles and i am twenty fucking years old. life is good, in that regard.
in other ways, euh, not so much.
Trot Nixon is on NESN... He's throwing out the first pitch!
i am thoroughly happy with the red sox. i have seen two world series titles and i am twenty fucking years old. life is good, in that regard.
in other ways, euh, not so much.
You could switch out Joe Grav and put Ish saying that sentence, I feel the same way.
i have seen two world series titles and i am twenty fucking years old
oh right, you're one of those red sox fans who have hardly ever suffered! i hate you people. :>)
misery loves company :-p
hooray for trot nixon!
hey, 2003 was bad enough for me
I'd like to say that having someone you love dump you is one of the worst things that can happen to you. Yeah, there are worse things, but it hurts like hell and there's no point denying it.
I'd also like to note that tempers are not flaring. I was pissed off at one thing one person said.
As much as I want the Sox to win this game, today's election is actually more important to me.
i cried more then than i did today. thats probably not good. of course, i was also 15
hey, 2003 was bad enough for me
Me too! I'm with you, Joe.
I'm one of the older people here, but I'm a baby when it comes to my Soxness.
As much as I want the Sox to win this game, today's election is actually more important to me.
understandable indeed.
harper can suck it.
i cried more then than i did today.
I predict more tears in the future, and at unexpected moments, when you think you're over it.
I predict more tears in the future, and at unexpected moments, when you think you're over it.
Thanks for the ray of sunshine. :p
And yeah...
harper can suck it.
I was hoping for some late-breaking revelations of him doing so, preferably with a 12-year-old boy.
Thanks for the ray of sunshine. :p
Oh yeah, you can count on me! ;)
I'm from the reality-based community.
well, it's true. you are right. this is going to take a while to get over. blah.
I also agree with Amy - it's her loss. (Fat lotta good that does you now, I know.)
nah, it does help.
so uh, fuck sonnanstine eh?
I was hoping for some late-breaking revelations of him doing so, preferably with a 12-year-old boy.
Bwahahaha! Bummer that didn't pan out.
Joe, I'm sorry to hear that, that really sucks. EPIC FAIL on her part, clearly.
I really need to blog today about journalism, but I can't seem to wrap my head around words right now. Too interested in baseball.
It's largely because of you though, Laura, that I feel the need for that particular topic. I'm in the middle of Naomi Wolf's Give Me Liberty, and I unexpectedly saw a name I knew well, a columnist who used to work with my dad, who's writing I grew up admiring. He lost his job last year (at a different paper, but I wish I could say it was different at dad's - it's not) and left the profession entirely, which is a great loss, and to me, a personal one, for all that I found out about it by a passing reference in a book.
Sarah, I look forward to reading your post whenever you're ready. I haven't read that book. Knowing Naomi Wolf, I'm sure it's worth reading.
Just settling in...
Hey Joe, at least you're back on the market again! WOOOOOOOO!!!!
All kidding aside, I'm real sorry to hear about that. Four years... That's a long time for it to just end... Tough times ahead but soon followed by better times. It helps that we live so long, relatively speaking.
not just any four years, but the four years that include h.s. graduation and the start of college. talking major development, growing together. it just sucks. i doubt i can find anything to replace this feeling and there's no need trying to.
You never feel as alive as when someone yanks your heart out, rubs it in broken glass, sets it on fire, and presents it to you wrapped in a bow.
Or so I hear. I'm still on my first relationship, thirteen years later.
not just any four years, but the four years that include h.s. graduation and the start of college. talking major development, growing together. it just sucks. i doubt i can find anything to replace this feeling and there's no need trying to.
Most of the time you won't need to look for it. My best friend was dumped after 6 years... went through high school and college, etc. He had a tough few weeks but then started digging back out of it. He ended up finding someone else soon after and was even happier than he was before.
Anyways... we'll have a good baseball game and give ourselves something to distract ourselves with. (my mother's in the hospital, had a sort-of emergency surgery on Saturday. I need distraction too.)
I'm sorry to hear THAT too, Ish - how's she doing?
So where to go for Canadian elections results? CBC.ca?
CSPAN should be picking up CBC cvg
CBC.ca, yes. Look for the "Canada Votes" section.
Ish, wow, sorry to hear that. My best wishes for her and your family.
I'm just glad this is 2008 with the ability to perform surgical techniques that couldn't be performed even 30 years ago. My mother wouldn't have survived what today is extremely unpleasant - used to be fatal.
I don't see anything on CSPAN or 2 or 3 yet.
Joe, the Bruins traded Andrew Alberts to Philadelphia.
canada election results - toronto sun
Here's hoping that the Sox win because there is already enough other bad news etc on this thread.
Sarah - Which paper does your dad work for?
I'm just glad this is 2008 with the ability to perform surgical techniques that couldn't be performed even 30 years ago. My mother wouldn't have survived what today is extremely unpleasant - used to be fatal.
I am grateful for that all the time, not just in surgery but medicine in general.
I hope her prognosis is good.
[I'd like to hear something about Nix's cat, too.]
One thing my mother told me (and she's had countless health problems throughout her life, but this one happened so fast and she got so sick so quickly, it really hit home to her.), and I wanted to tell everyone else.. Never take your health for granted, because one day you could be perfectly fine, and the next day something could happen to change things drastically.
i heard about that, ish. my first heartbreak of the week. alberts was on the great 2001 BC hockey team.
best wishes to your mom. :(
go sox.
I hope her prognosis is good.
Yes it is. She should be home later this week.
fyi: toronto sun = ny post
She should be home later this week.
From CSPAN.com...
The Canadian campaigns wrap up today as voters go to the polls to elect 308 members of the House of Commons. Tonight, C-SPAN simulcasts the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation coverage of the election, including updates on Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative Party.
Joe, I was gone for a bit, but just read what you wrote about never replacing that feeling. I also had one boyfriend from when I was 16 through my junior year in college. Five years. When we broke up, I thought no one would ever love me the same way and vice versa. I also thought that no one would ever know me as well. Well, good news was I met Harvey shortly thereafter, and we have been together for 34 years and then some. The first relationship is not the last one for most people.
fyi: toronto sun = ny post
:) yep, I know :)
Amazing thing is how when you've gone through and ended a long relationship, for a lot of people I know it wasn't long after that someone else came along. You'll never forget but...
What the fuck? Is that mahogony Sager's wearing?
old comment: when you are 20, 4 years is a very long time.
Sarah, can you do me a favour? Could you post a test comment on wmtc? Allan and I can't test it. Thanks.
Arnold: "Here's the Voice of the Red Sox, Joe Castiglione."
Castig: "Thank you, Dave O'Brien. Akinori Iwamura steps into the box and... did I just call you Dave O'Brien?"
Arnold: "Yes. Yes you did."
And, Ish, sorry to hear about your mother's surgery, but so glad to hear she will be ok.
Seems like lots of sad things going on here---Nix's cat, Joe, Ish. We heard today of two people we know (not well) who died in the last week. I know it sounds weird, but I have always found that this time of year has lots of this kind of stuff. Something about the seasons changing.
CBC coverage on CSPAN for those interested begins at 9:00
Thank you, everyone. Saturday was a nervous day... there's not much you can do except, good logic or not, do something to help pass the time quickly so it passes for them.
But enough of that...
Flip a coin on Wakefield... It lands tails.
Crap. Off to a fine start.
crap crap crap
And Sarah, if you're there, never mind, I got it.
I hope the Canadian election results are uplifting because so far this game SUCKS.
holy fucking shit
Like I said. SUCKS.
People in the monster seats, who could afford the tickets, don't care about the home runs... They're dancing because THEY'RE ON TV!!!
If it's high, let it fly.
The Daily Press in Newport News, VA, s1c. He's been there since I was 2.
Boy, this isn't going to be fun.
Action in the bullpen...
let's hope rays > conservatives
Masterson is warming. In the FIRST INNING!
masterson up already
"It'll be a short leash for Wakefield tonight..."
Not short enough!
People in the monster seats, who could afford the tickets, don't care about the home runs... They're dancing because THEY'RE ON TV!!!
You said it.
You sound like Jere here.
maybe we can take BP with the wind blowing out too.
Wakefield is sweating bullets. And it is not hot in Boston tonight.
Wake's fastball is down by 5 mph, too.
Morgan says these 3 runs aren't a lot if you're the players. "The fans are disheartened, but the Sox can come right back."
OK, sounds good Joe!
Thank you Sarah :)
I'm with you, Joe.
Did I just say that?!
Didn't see your nevermind until I'd already done it, L.
Not to be pessimistic about tonight or about Tim himself, but I want to gauge people's opinions about it...
Do you think he will retire this offseason?
Alright, now that we've gotten that out of the way...
I know, when Joe Morgan sounds good, it's scary!
I actually do agree with him sometimes. But it's still scary!
Ish, I doubt it. Knuckleballers seem to last forever. How old was Phil Niekro when he retired?
Timlin, OTOH, is on his way to retirement, I would bet. After Game 2, I am sure his decision was made final.
Got through 1...
I'd love to see a different approach with the offense tonight. Maybe try to manufacture a couple of runs if they're having trouble hitting.
Ok, we need the new line up to get things going and get this team reight back into the game.
There was a guy at Thom's last night offering to sell a ticket to this game for face. I didn't even ask where or how much - too much temptation. Driving up to Boston would have been a stretch today, but I'm still wishing I'd gone for it though.
wake had a good year, with a awesome stretch of 7+ IP outings in mid-season. i hope he comes back.
I think Wake will be back. And I'll be glad to see him.
Sarah if your dad has been there since you were two I am sure I have read him. Was stationed at Newport News in 85.
The word intangibles is like nails on a chalkboard for me.
Sonnanstine: Former Sanford Mainer.
Probably s1c - he was an editor in the news room then, if I'm remembering correctly.
I feel like screaming.
Hmm... that was not quite what I had in mind.
Pedroia threw something over the dugout Hot Corner camera in disgust, blocking the picture.
rogers giving us the tbs feed, but every other inning or so, we get buffy and zauny for a minute or so telling us what we just saw. ... gotta get my buffy fix, even on mute
Problem with games last last night and tonight... You feel helpless. I look at this lineup and I think, why couldn't someone shake things up a little bit? It just feels like they're going through the motions.
okay - now hot and cold wake can be lights out for 7 innings.
Black jacket so he has to hide in a hole with a black background. pure genius
4 pitches after 2 huge dongs in the first.
Much better wakey, much better.
Ok, perhaps I can breathe again.
YAY -- yook & bay & kotsay
Black jacket so he has to hide in a hole with a black background. pure genius
Maroon, actually. Or mahogany.
When do you start getting poll results up there? When do your polls close?
does the "lights out" promo apply to sager's jacket?
I hate directTV and I hate their commercials even more.
So absolutely awful beginning to the game. We have to fucking kill Son-of-a-stine.
That quick 1-2-3 inning by Wake was nice, though.
Hi all. been watching since the first pitch, but just picked up the computer. Glarg.
polls in newfoundland are closing - they are 1.5 hours east of us. L has a post going at wmtc. also cbc.ca. she'll be here too now and again
A break for us!
OK! I'll take that.
WOW!! That bat had some SERIOUS hang time!!!
Infield hit and an error, now lets get him home kotsay.
Nice fielding there, Rays!
No hit - 2 Es!
Kotsay! Thank you.
YES!! Can we please get RUNS?? Hits are nice, but runs are necessary.
errour :)
slickly. fuckcock.
It is NOT ococ time. Cock Cock.
I was feeling the game changing already.
time to start getting drunk
Back to feeling like screaming.
nix was right.
I like this.
OK, Wake, 5-pitch inning again, please.
These lights out commercials annoy me when you consider how much more juice one of those big ol flat panels takes than the lights.
Notice how that was a rocket but Youk's was playable. According to TBS
The whole lights-out thing: I'm looking out at Manhattan- there's plenty of light.
The way this is going the Red Sox will lose 3-0 but Wake will have thrown a 60-pitch CG.
Sarah, I know. I'm not seeing those ads, but I was thinking the same thing. (No surprise there.)
Good effort by Wake, there. That was a very hard play to make.
Ofer, seeing Manhattan w/o lights is a thing in itself. I've seen that a couple of times, it's impressive.
you are fucking kidding me
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Coin is flipped again.
OK, I am not feeling like this is our game. Maybe not our year. Convince me otherwise, if you can.
Ofer, seeing Manhattan w/o lights is a thing in itself. I've seen that a couple of times, it's impressive.
I'm sure it is- especially on the full moon. I should say I wasn't expecting it to work at all, even though it did in Tel Aviv a couple of months ago.
OK. what the fuck. This is just horrible.
we have to have our fucking backs to the fucking wall before we get it going and win the series?
we'll do it that way -- again.
Last year when we were down 1-3 against Cleveland, I wasn't even worried. I really and truly felt it was ... inevitable.
I sure wish I felt that this year.
We don't have 2007 Josh Beckett pitching in Game 5.
Laura I am there with you. I felt WS for sure in 07. Right now I feel Rays WS for sure. I feel much like the planned loser.
I sure wish I felt that this year.
I agree l-girl, sometimes I get the feeling that this is 2005 all over.
OK, I am not feeling like this is our game. Maybe not our year. Convince me otherwise, if you can.
2004 ALCS.
2007 ALCS.
Need more convincing?
nice to see a few fans -- though very few -- standing and cheering wakefield on his way off.
it's BIG DONKEY time.
Well, Laura has been saying it all season. The Rays are for real.
And the Red Sox don't have the offense they had in 2007. A lot of the same personnel, but as far as it goes now, the Red Sox aren't hitting and that's going to do them in as much as the pitching will.
So, I'm not convinced until I see some fucking numbers on the board and some Red Sox dongs.
We do have 6 no-hit innings Daisuke, though. I'd rather have last year's postseason Beckett, but he's the one I have most confidence in right now (him and Lester, despite last night).
I'm not quite ready to pack it in. Not even in my head.
We don't have 2007 Josh Beckett pitching in Game 5.
Right. He's going in Game 7.
Sarah, I hope you are right. It just doesn't feel like it, though, when I watch our guys at bat. They just keep missing the opportunities to score when they need to.
I'm not packing anything in! Not until the final out of the final game.
Just feeling shitty right now.
Haha! That's what I was thinking too, Allan.
Right now, I require an out. Followed by RUNS. Lots and lots of RUNS.
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