It's way different than last year. We are way better than they are. We lost to a team not as good as us. ... The last two days, we shouldn't have given up anything. ... I want to throw somebody through a wall. ...Some comments:
[On Sunday] they scored on a pop fly they called a hit, which is a joke. [On Monday], they score on a broken-bat ground ball and a fly ball anywhere else in America [except in Fenway Park]. And [Pedroia's] fist-pumping on second like he did something great.
2. You ought to be angry at your second baseman who should have caught the ball, but stopped running and watched it fall in front of your center fielder. (Is he saying the official scorer's ruling was a "joke" and calling out Kendrick and Hunter? If so, that's extra fun. Hit or error, your guys blew it, and allowed the runs to score.)
3. You won the game in which that pop fly was hit.
4. Your team is playing in Fenway Park. Pitch accordingly, i.e., don't throw fat, hanging curves to a guy who might win the AL MVP award.
5. I'll bet your teammates didn't appreciate the pity party you threw on the mound whenever they did something that was not to your liking. Torii Hunter was screaming and celebrating whenever he did anything positive. Figgins practically did a dance on third base after his triple, and your whole fucking team whined and cried for the entire series. You losers could give Kevin Youkilis pointers on bitching.

8. Your team's .200 average (8-for-40) with runners in scoring position, your multiple blunders on the basepaths, ineptitude in the field, refusal to take pitches and work the count, and your irrational habit of giving up outs sealed your defeat to a stronger all-around team. Enjoy your winter.
Torii Hunter:
I'm pissed off. I'm upset. This one's going to be with me for a while. It doesn't feel good, because we're a better team than they are.Perhaps watching some TV would relax you. Here are some shows that will be on soon:
***Oct. 10 - Red Sox at Rays, 8:30
Oct. 11 - Red Sox at Rays, 8:00
Oct. 13 - Rays at Red Sox, 4:30
Oct. 14 - Rays at Red Sox, 8:00
Oct. 16 - Rays at Red Sox, 8:00
Oct. 18 - Red Sox at Rays, 4:30
Oct. 19 - Red Sox at Rays, 8:00

Joel Sherman, Post:
The Yankees stopped playing more than a week ago and yet their season keeps getting worse.
If you think that is impossible, then just consider the following:
1. The two teams that outplayed them in the AL East both clinched Division Series yesterday. ...
2. The Yanks still might have to deal with this World Series: the Red Sox vs. the Joe Torre Dodgers. That will make the attack of midges that helped drive them from the playoffs last year seem like thousands of kisses. ...
3. Seven of the eight starters expected to work in the ALCS will be 28 or younger. ... [T]he Red Sox and Rays are not only fighting to reach the 2008 World Series, but already are ahead of the Yankees for 2009. ...
4. It must gall the Yanks that the Red Sox can handle the Angels, but they cannot. ... Against the Yanks, Aybar not only would have gotten down the bunt, but the Yanks then would have thrown the ball away, setting up the Angels for an insurance run, as well. ...
The Yanks sit at home. Their season done. Yet their season keeps getting worse and worse.
John Lackey must be a popular guy in the clubhouse. Generous with a compliment and really puts the team on his back.
100 wins? Didn't he notice the Angels were playing the Rangers, A's and Mariners all season? They won the division by 21 freaking games! That says as much about the Angels as it does the rest of the division.
Here's what I've learned from watching baseball all these years - you have to score more runs that the other team to win the game!
100 wins? Didn't he notice the Angels were playing the Rangers, A's and Mariners all season?
No kidding!
Perhaps watching some TV would relax you. Here are some shows that will be on soon...
Or you could watch the other Los Angeles team play for a shot at the World Series, hmmm?
Come on, Allan, the Angels only had like two months to prepare for that series.
To further follow chief's point, the combined records of respective division not including team's own record:
AL East minus Sox: 340-307 (.526)
AL West minus Halos: 215-270 (.443)
Record versus own division:
Sox vs. AL East: 38-34 (.528)
Halos vs. AL West: 36-21 (.632)
Also the expected won-loss record based on runs scored and runs allowed:
Sox: 95-67
Halos: 88-74
Also the expected won-loss record based on runs scored and runs allowed:
Sox: 95-67
Halos: 88-74
Blue Jays: 93-69
Great post, Redsock! Funny stuff!!
Extra! The Post does not disappoint!!!
Eric Van at SOSH massaged the numbers and ranked LAAAAAAAA seventh behind Boston, Tampa Bay, Toronto, the MFY, the Cubs, and the White Sox.
Latest round of Manny:
"You think I'm going to get a full share [of playoff money] from Boston?"
"I'm just being myself. That's why I got problems all the time."
"They haven't given me any shoes. You know anyone who can get me size 11 1/2 shoes?"
The Dodgers are splashing in champagne Saturday night, Ramirez moving from clubhouse to field to celebrate. On the way, he runs into Dodgers GM Ned Colletti.
"I want a five-year deal," Ramirez says while hugging Colletti.
"Let's see what we can do," says Colletti.
More Manny...
"The day I came here, I see him (Frank McCourt). He shows me the mountain, all around the stadium, this and that, but hey, I just want to get dressed and play."
"That was a great trade for Bay. They got the right man. He's a six-tool player. I got just five."
When someone suggests the Phillies were interested in trading for him, he laughs. "They've got great hitters and Gold Glove defenders; I got a green glove."
"You see this?" he says while holding up one of his Nike bats, a twinkle in his eye. "It says, 'Just do it!' right there on the end of the bat. They came up with that just for me."
Speaking of Manny, here's a Manny story with a long intro on it.
A guy at The Bar last night has a Sox hat with signatures on it. I ask him to take a look, and he shows me. He works at an expensive steakhouse. Last year for the All-Star game, the Sox players come in. He approaches Ortiz, who gives him the "Papi hug" before a word is even said. He gets his, Beckett, and Lowell's autographs on the bill of his cap, and wears it around. Didn't put in a plastic bag in his closet. Pretty cool.
The guy didn't care for Manny, though. Manny's at a different table and asks for their best chardonnay. The server brings it over. Manny glances at it and says, "I want the red kind."
Sore Losers Finish Last
HAHAHA Fuck the Angels. Eat it twatwaffles!
What a bunch of soreheads the Angels are. Maybe they're a better team than the Red Sox, but, so what, the Cubs are a better team than the Dodgers. The Red Sox *outplayed* you. Big time. Own up.
P.S. -- that's a good point about the Rangers, A's and Mariners.
You folks should take a look at Angels blog Halos Heaven today. Some SERIOUS, SERIOUS sour grapes going on. And how can that guy possibly suggest the TBS broadcasters were biased for the Red Sox???
If Angels fans thought TBS did a pro-Boston telecast, and Red Sox fans thought TBS did a pro-Anaheim broadcast... does that mean TBS really was neutral?
No, it means Angels fans are idiots. Just like the Yankee fans who hate McCarver for being vehemently anti-Yankee.
You folks should take a look at Angels blog Halos Heaven today. Some SERIOUS, SERIOUS sour grapes going on.
Wow, no kidding! The post-season recap shoulders the blame squarely on second baseman Howie Kendrick. Howie Kendrick, who batted in the bottom third of the order? Whose average was slightly worse than Garrett Anderson's? While the three, four, and five hits failed time after time to drive home runs at crucial times?
From Rev Halofan:
...John Lackey, team leader, Angel icon...
Pass-The-Buck Lackey? Throw-My-Team-Under-The-Bus Lackey?
From ViolaHalo:
Sometimes you DON'T state the facts so that you can avoid sounding like a d-bag. But if you’re in Red Sox nation, you don’t worry about such trivial things. You own your douchebaggery.
Oh, I'm hurt.
The term "twatwaffles" amuses me.
Nevermind. These guys liked Bon Jovi.
(Twatwaffles) Me too. Me too.
News Flash for Angels fans:
The Red Sox:
scored more runs per game
scored more runs per game at home
scored more runs per game on the road
had a better AVG (.012 higher)
had a better OBP (.028 higher)
had a better SLG (.034 higher)
Scored 80 more runs
Hit 79 more doubles
Hit 8 more triples
Hit 14 more home runs
Drew 165 more walks
Stole 9 fewer bases but had a higher success rate
Better team OPS+: 108 to 96
(Yes, the LAA offense was clearly below the AL average)
Near identical ERA (LAA 0.02 lower)
ALlowed 3 fewer runs
Allowed 84 fewer hits
Allowed 13 fewer home runs
Struck out 79 more batters
Pitched 6 more shutouts
Better team ERA+: 114 to 109
And made 6 fewer errors.
And all of this was with several important bats out for significant amounts of time.
The Red Sox are a better team and won the series as a better team should.
Stop your sobbing.
HAHAHA. Anyone ever seen this before?
That's about as awesome as a blank Itstribetime.com.
Something I noticed when looking at the final regular season standings, with the list being organized overall.
The Yankees and Mets finished with identical records. 89-73. They also had identical home and away records. 48-33 at home, 41-40 away. The Yankees scored 789 runs, gave up 727. Mets scored 799 runs, gave up 715.
And made 6 fewer errors.
And all of this was with several important bats out for significant amounts of time.
The Red Sox are a better team and won the series as a better team should.
Stop your sobbing.
Tue Oct 07, 03:20:00 PM
I'd also like to see the stats of how many guys the Angels left on base. Geez. That's why they really lost. Grow up, Angels and your whiny fans. They're worse than Mariner and Seahawk fans.
I'd also like to see the stats of how many guys the Angels left on base.
Game by Game LOB:
BOS: 9 - 10 - 11 - 6 = 36
LAA: 9 - 11 - 16 - 7 = 42
Pretty even I'd say. Maybe they left more guys at second and third?
Game 1
BOS: 2-10
LAA: 1-7
Game 2
BOS: 4-11
LAA: 3-14
Game 3
BOS: 2-8
LAA: 3-14
Game 4
BOS: 2-8
LAA: 1-5
BOS: 10-37
LAA: 8-40
Not as one-sided as you would think. And that 3-14 showing in Game 3 -- again, that's the game they won.
LOB is often just a measure of OBP anyway.
Michael Wilbon just called the Angels a bunch of whiners and told Lackey to "shut up!"
Anyone with Frod as a teammate has NO business complaining when an opposing player expresses his emotions after doing something good on the field.
My dislike for these clowns is getting up near White Sox-levels.
My dislike for these clowns is getting up near White Sox-levels.
I know. I had no idea these guys were such douchebags.
"HAHAHA. Anyone ever seen this before?
Yes, it's number 8 on my list of "teams who don't own [their name] dot com" from this past May. There are some other funny ones on there. I LOVE how the Rays don't have rays.com.
John Lackey and Hank Steinbrenner should have a Sour Grape-off. They would just sit and watch the ALCS together and the winner is whoever's head explodes first. ...Come to think of it, we'd all be winners.
wicked schdenfreude!
and WTF someone voted for rays in 4? fuckers!
and WTF someone voted for rays in 4? fuckers!
troll, i presume.
There is something to be said about the Red SOx team since '03 .They have a different swagger , something that is being instilled into the younger guys at the lower levels. It's seems as they say we are the Red Sox ,beat us, because we won't beat ourselves...This organization has changed the mindset of fans , players, and mlb.
I haven't gone through the game thread of last night, I had bit of a stomach flu, but toughed out the game......I am still trying to wrap my mind around the squeeze bunt....
And people at that Angel site, even if the broadcasters were pro-Red Sox , who cares , they didn't play or call balls and strikes.....
To further the sore loser point...
What a fucking cunthat. Almost as bad as the yahoo answers "how is babby formed"
I am going into work tomorrow to debate this lackey bullshit. The one fan there today who paid up his $20 bet with change was trying to convince me that the Angels just played bad and that should worry me that we barely beat them. Duh, the 3 run single did not win the game so it is out for an excuse. Lackey is now criticizing Fenway? Does he know that Fenway is one of the original great parks that helped to launch baseball to national prominence thereby allowing for the shit eating team he plays for to grow out of manure on the west coast? The broken bat single that scored a run was nothing unlike what they do running all over the fucking bases making dumbass mistakes. Oh and nice bunt. I suppose that was because of the Pesky Pole. Bottom line: your wins were inflated and Boston did not make any of your mistakes for you. Fuck you Anaheim. My new favorite team to hate. Because of my locality I now hate them more than the yankees.
I am so fucking mad right now over this entitlement attitude that the angels have. How can they think they deserve to win a series? This Angels team is half as good as the early 2000 teams. The team that won the world series would put this team to shame. Those players are all over the league now making a difference for their current teams. A whole lotta hype that they bought into and now their egos are huge. Nice job winning zero games where there is no big green wall in this series.
I hurt myself laughing at the babby formed thing. wtf is that? I cant stoppp laughing.
Andy is going to be in fine Rays-hating form by Friday night. Should be fun.
Great post, and great Post. Thanks for both.
and WTF someone voted for rays in 4?
Hey, some people are going to vote for John McCain!
andy said...
This Angels team is half as good as the early 2000 teams. The team that won the world series would put this team to shame. Those players are all over the league now making a difference for their current teams.
Andy, I agree with your thoughts about this years team, but what players from the World Series Team in 2002 are all over the league making a difference......?????
Tim Salmon, Darin Erstad, Scott Spiezio????? who
I am so fucking mad right now over this entitlement attitude that the angels have.
Psst, Andy. We won.
LOB is often just a measure of OBP anyway.
I always say this (tho not as succinctly), but no one ever listens.
i know i'm a sox homer. but there's no way you can say TBS was biased in favor of the red sox. as a matter of fact, the TBS broadcasters were going on about red sox fans' sense of entitlement and complacency as the result of winning because fenway was too quiet for their liking in the early innings of game four, and one of them even said it would be good for baseball for the angels to win. i didn't get as upset about it as others in RSN because i figure, probably the broadcasters get paid more if the series goes 5 games, or some other cynical reason like that was behind it. but to say they were biased in favor of boston...i just don't see how you could say that.
but... judging by rev halofan's pre-series comments, i'm not all that surprised to see him / her take that tack.
also, the person alleging the series is fixed b/c the league wants the sox in the series...wrong again. the league wants nothing more than to have someone new win every year and spread the wealth / attention around as much as possible. that's what any national sports league wants - as many fans in as many cities involved as possible, especially in the playoffs. it just doesn't make any logical sense to say such a thing.
I came across this lovely quote from George Will and I thought I'd pass it on...
“My friends rooted for the Cardinals and grew up happy and therefore liberal. Because of my early and prolonged exposure to the Cubs, I became morose and conservative.’’ -George Will
I love it!
The George Will quote is a classic. Of course, it only goes so far, with all the liberal Red Sox fans pre-2004, but whatever.
I wondered the same thing. Might it be a Midwest v. New England effect? And I don't know that Cubs fans are particularly conservative, are they? Mostly it's just a funny bon-mot from Mr. Will.
I thought there were others out there from the Angels 02 team. I can be wrong about that point. They were still gooder than this moron team.
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