
August 27, 2009

Youkilis Explains; Penny Released; Lowrie Has Pain

Kevin Youkilis explained the comments that were reported in the Globe yesterday.
I've heard from a couple people around here that I'm angry with the fans. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I've also been told that I don't want to play here anymore. That is way far from the truth. I love playing here.

I think I said the greatest time for me is from seven o'clock till the last pitch, because there's nothing better than playing baseball here at Fenway Park every night. That's the greatest part of my day, coming here and being with all the fans. ...

The negative part comes from comments from a select group of fans that are directed towards, not even me, just towards my teammates. A lot of times I feel like I have to stick up for some guys. Maybe it's not my platform to do that. Sometimes you get frustrated. You have teammates who go out there and really work hard and sometimes they're not producing like they'd like to but they're putting forth a hard effort. It's not like they're not trying. They're not having success. ...

It's about sports in general all over the place. This isn't just Boston. It's all over the country. A lot of [negative] stuff gets played up, but there are a lot of positive things, too. Maybe I was wrong by making my comments the way I made them, but these aren't new comments. Sometimes you're at fault for saying things because they get put out in the media in a different light than what you mean. ...

I understand people might have one opportunity to come to a game, and they might see us get beat pretty bad. That can definitely be frustrating. ... I do understand that there are going to be people that are positive in life and people who'll be negative in life. You can't change people.

I love this city. I love the history. There's a lot of great places here.
Well, there's a lot, a lot of culture here.

Youkilis did not mention the media, which was clearly the main source of his annoyance.

The Herald's Michael Silverman thinks that criticizing the media -- he cites examples from Yook, David Ortiz, Jonathan Papelbon, even Terry Francona -- makes the team look bad:
This latest hard-to-miss bout no doubt has as much to do with the team’s August stretch of injuries, suspensions, slumps and poor play as it does with the actual subject of the gripes. ...

It has to be unpleasant, to say the least, to read and hear stories that make you look like a jerk, a cheat or some sort of unappreciative heel when all you want to do is play baseball, help your team win and read fan-boy journalism.
Silverman isn't much of a shit-stirrer -- he probably had the best relationship with Pedro Martinez of all the Boston sportswriters -- but his column makes it seem as if he thinks anything non-jerky will sound like a gushing "fan-boy". He is smarter than that.

Brad Penny asked for and was given his release last night.
I enjoyed playing with all of the guys. I played for a great manager on a great team. I had a great time. I enjoyed it. I wish things had worked out better, but that happens. ... I had some bad breaks and made some bad pitches. But I'm healthy, and that's what I'm happy about. ... All in all I had a great time here. ... I'm glad I came here. It was a blessing.
As a fifth starter, Penny was excellent for two months -- in 12 starts between May 3 and July 4, he had a 3.68 ERA. He ended his time in Boston with a 5.61 ERA.

Jed Lowrie left his third rehab game with pain in his left wrist. Pawtucket manager Ron Johnson: "He said it was similar to what he felt before. I don't think it's going to be a major thing. I'm not a medical guy. ... I think he had some anxiety going on, so we just shut it down."

Victor Martinez used his first baseman's mitt to catch Tim Wakefield last night.


  1. ShysterBall:
    "Also, I was not aware that the Twins have a pitcher named Jeff Manship, which is perhaps the coolest last name in the world. I'd lose the "Jeff" though, and go with something like "Jack" or "Brock" or "Pud." Seriously, tell me that "Pud Manship" wouldn't be your favorite player. See, now I know you're lying."

  2. hahah' Jays/Rays recap he introduces Manship as a verb, "Hallion [the injured ump] manshipped up, however, and stayed in the game over at third base..."

  3. I'm glad I came here. It was a blessing.

    With blessings like that, who needs curses.

  4. for whomever:

    Driving towards the Olympics I passed a building with the sign "PUD #1". Sadly didn't get a snap of it.
