
April 6, 2010

G2: Yankees 6, Red Sox 4

Yankees - 010 030 011 - 6  9  3
Red Sox - 102 010 000 - 4 9 1
With the game tied 4-4, Terry Francona went with Daniel Bard to face New York's 2-3-4-5 hitters in the seventh inning, a Jamesian decision (aka the nearly universally misunderstood "bullpen-by-committee") that had his best available bullpen arm on the hill at the most important part of the game.

Bard started by walking Nick Johnson, but then came back to get Teixeira on a pop to left (Ellsbury made a back-hand diving catch) before buckling Slappy with a nasty slider for strike three and fooling Cano on a change before jamming him with a fastball for an easy 4-3.

In the eighth, Posada hit a ground rule double to right off Okajima, but he could not advance to third as Gardner singled softly past shortstop and Granderson flew to the track in left. Scutaro should have closed the inning on Jeter's grounder, but his throw was low for an error that loaded the bases. Jeemer then walked Johnson on five pitches to force in the go-ahead run, dropping Boston's chances of winning from 47% to 26% (according to Fangraphs, above). Suddenly, Scott Atchison was in the game -- and it felt like the pen was simply punching the clock.

Youkilis singled to start the bottom of the eighth and moved up on an errant pickoff attempt, but the Sox could not move him past second base. Ortiz flew to center and Joba came on to fan Beltre (who had singled twice and lined out earlier, but here lunged at a pitch way outside) and Drew. Scutaro doubled off Rivera with one out in the ninth, but Ellsbury was caught looking and Pedroia flew to right.

Victor doubled, homered, walked, and drove in three runs. Ellsbury singled (with a stolen base) and doubled in his first two trips.
A.J. Burnett / Jon Lester

Burnett had a rough time in his three Fenway starts last season: 22 runs in 12.2 innings. He did quite well in his one Bronx start, but overall Boston worked him over for 16 walks, 23 hits (7 doubles and 6 dongs) and 23 runs in 20.1 innings. His WHIP was 1.918 (omg!!!).

Jacoby Ellsbury's glove was stolen during spring training last year. He borrowed one of Mark Kotsay's gloves for awhile, then bought a new one. Before Sunday's game, two MLB officials arrived at Fenway with a present. Someone tried to sell LBJ's glove on e-bay and MLB was able to get it back. Portland Press Herald: "When Ellsbury held his glove, he looked at it like it was a runaway dog come back."

So ... are the sports radio airwaves burning up yet? OPS+: J.D. Drew (36), David Ortiz (-25). And both with 0 RBI!

Minor league rosters: Pawtucket, Portland, Salem, Greenville.
Right out of the gate: one of the plays of the year.


  1. SG has 5:14 of Pedro on NESN, pretty much his entire time on the field. You already know what a wildly cheering crowd sounds like, so be smart: mute.

  2. Amazing play, but was it just me or would that have been a reasonably routine play for Beckham if Buehrle doesn't kick the ball in the first place?

  3. Oatmeal:

    Jeter, SS
    Johnson, DH
    Teixeira, 1B
    Rodriguez, 3B
    Cano, 2B
    Posada, C
    Swisher, RF
    Thames, LF
    Granderson, CF

    Ellsbury, LF
    Pedroia, 2B
    Martinez, C
    Youkilis, 1B
    Ortiz, DH
    Beltre, 3B
    Drew, RF
    Cameron, CF
    Scutaro, SS

  4. First comment at the Globe Hawk post:
    "Its there to feast on the remains of AJ Burnett after the game."

  5. Alas, these 7pm start times are 4pm start times for me, and work is going to prevent much participation. Great play by Beuhrle, and congrats to L-Girl!

  6. Both those videos were great to watch. Another disadvantage of watching in The Bar is not being able to enjoy the emotion of something like the Pedro appearance. You can only half hear. I look up and someone says in my ear, "Hey, look, it's Luis Tiant!"

  7. My first gamethread of the season! Also our first game watching together (me & A) in 2010. This is a big year.

  8. Emma's borrowing my laptop to look at pictures of Camelback Mountain for school... got the TV on. will return.

    Got him!!!

  9. <3 Jon Lester. Cancer can suck it.

  10. Lester. Just knocking Yankees out of the game. I really like that.

  11. Castiglione "looks like he read the label on the ball before throwing" refering to Beltre 6-3!!


  12. Already double the Ks of our Ace ;-)

  13. Nice way to start both halves.

  14. Hi Noah, your first gamethread here? Welcome.

  15. Thanks! I was a lurker and very infrequent poster the last two years.

  16. MLB Gameday getting all technical now...AJ's pitch 4 to Pedroia was a "knuckle curve"?

  17. You must have posted on days I wasn't around. :) I always remember names.

  18. And that's an even better way to start the bottom of the first.

  19. SB LBJ !! And to 3rd, very cool.

  20. FY makin the pitcher work; LBJ makin the catcher sweat--sweet start. now bring him in!

  21. so .. steal home or passedballa?

  22. Gotta love what ends up being a bloop triple. Bring him home, Yook.

  23. i love that lbj got his first hit, then stole a base. perfect.

  24. That'll do, Yook. That'll do.

    ...Scrotum fly!

  25. Ish, how are you enjoying your netbook? I love mine.

  26. Sneaking a peek at the game - I really like At Bat. Seems to be a good deal. Anyone have any problems with it?

  27. Burnett 24 pitches in the 1st! Nice. Let's see that Yankees bullpen early.

  28. I haven't seen it yet, but will, since I do audio from work on the weekends.

  29. L, I am absolutely loving mine. Words cannot describe how amazing this is. Not just for outside of the house but inside, too. Plus it runs great. Way better than my desktop.

  30. Gotta run... especially now that the no hitter is gone. Enjoy.

  31. Ish, that's great! I love mine too. I love how totally portable it is, just popping it open and using it anywhere, much more than my old laptop was. Great battery life, totally fast and zippy.

    What make is yours?

    K! Whew.

  32. L, mine is an Acer Aspire One 1410. It's the 11.6" version, more towards top of the line on netbooks. Windows 7 came with it, not that Windows 7 Starter crap. It's fantastic.

  33. There we go. Good recovery, Lester.

  34. Heh. If the hitter and catcher both call for time and the pitcher begins to throw, then stops, but the umpire doesn't call time, isn't that technically a balk?

    I'm glad the rule wasn't strictly interpreted there.

  35. I read good things about that one when I was researching mine.

    Mine is Lenovo IdeaPad S-10 2. 10" screen. I got it a little cheaper b/c it came with Windows XP, which is totally fine w/ me.

    It helped me so much this term. I carry a lot of stuff in my backpack and I have a bad shoulder, so any reduction in weight is terrific.

  36. 31 pitches for sid, 46 thru 2.

  37. I wonder what Beltre's nickname will be as the season goes along.

  38. My sister really turned me on to netbooks when she bought hers last year. She got a 10" Acer that had Windows XP and I loved even that. And the coolest thing is they do everything that a normal laptop can. Unless you're doing heavy computing like video games or Photoshop.

  39. Loving the Finch Olympia sports commercial

  40. They certainly do all the basics. I don't know if I'd want this for my main/only computer. I still like having my desktop too.

  41. Yeah these ads are good. The NESN barbershop ad was cool too.

  42. I think he knew that was coming...


    My laugh for the day

  44. double clutch but gets him - yeah boy

  45. Lester's correct to complain. That zone is wandering back and forth across the plate.

  46. My netbook makes me a lot less annoyed at my desktop. It's made things so much easier all around.

  47. Single: Check.
    Double: Check.

  48. My boy's having a good day!

    Yeah, breasts, what a riot. (?)

  49. That made me curse twice in front of emma. "Oh shit... yes!" "fuu--ahhhhh"

  50. L-girl - the funny part was the organizer complained about the men looking as they marched - well doh!!!

  51. My netbook makes me a lot less annoyed at my desktop. It's made things so much easier all around.

    Reduction in annoyance is always good! I love my desktop, never have any problems with it, especially since we added a little RAM last year. But the 2 computers are great in different ways for different things.

    The biggest annoyance reduction for me is Allan's new computer! Not listening to him complain all the time is pretty great.

    (well, not complain about that, anyway. :) )

  52. There is a sale going on and it is sponsored by V-mart!!!!

  53. I mean, like, that wasn't the longest shot ever but I was so not getting truped on it.

  54. I like the sound of that! "Allan's new computer"

  55. s1c, yeah, I guess she'd have to go to another planet for that. although I agree it's pretty ridiculous, what skin you can show where with what reactions.

  56. it's beyond great.

    still the old laptop for games, though.

  57. Extra-Mart extra-dong!

    (Ah, gamethreading. It's been a while)

  58. Nice to see Cletus get knocked around a little bit.

  59. Am loving the cooliris preview - can comment and refresh - like having two browsers in one.

    Youk got screwed.

  60. L-girl, we're genetically programmed to respond that way. We'd be an evolutionary dead-end if we didn't.

    (that's what I tell the wife, anyway)

  61. s1c, how did b-fly's freshman year go?

  62. A.J.'s first name is Allan.


  63. And his/our middle name is James.

  64. Noah, I have no problem with that. Although lots of men are genetically programmed to not care about breasts, you know. :)

    I was referring to laws about who can and cannot show which bits of skin. Pretty silly.

  65. L-girl - Dean's list - 4.0 1st semester - looking like same for second semester, so academically great, been having problems with roommates though. 1st one was a prima donna, 2nd one is a whiner. She is looking forward to next year when she shares a quad with similar people.

  66. Wow, good for her. Roommate problems suck but hopefully are behind her.

    Just as importantly, how did you and BH do with your empty nest??

  67. empty nest was great. :) :)

  68. L-Girl, agree on both points.

  69. Yeah roommate problems suck, was always lucky with mine.

    Marist has a program where you get to pick your roommates etc and if you make so many Marist points you get the better housing. So her and 3 of her friends got together and their Marist points put them in the top of choices so she is pretty excited about that.

  70. empty nest was great. :) :)

    Cool! Very cool. :)

    DP me likee

  71. Nicely turned, compliments of Posada's slowness.

  72. Crap, move your feet jackass

  73. hey noah, welcome! new "face" to the thread (i think) - cool!

  74. Liking the way this game is going, now get some more runs!!!

  75. I see Tim has joined me on the welcoming committee, that's good, since Amy's not around.

  76. I just bought AtBat--I couldn't stand another session channel-surfing trying to hear the game through AM static.

    So far (five minutes), I'm totally happy.

  77. c you guys later - got to stop the threading for awhile! Hopefully will see a blow out by time I get back!!

  78. Hello to this Noah sort.

    dropping in... sweet.

  79. I'm heading off to the gym. May or may not be back by the end of the game, but since this is Red Sox and Yankees, it'll probably still be on when I get back.

    Happy threading!

  80. Nick, I clicked. More information, please?

  81. Yeah, I got the iPhone app with the MLB radio and it was great on Sunday, didn't have to listen to the ESPN jackasses.

    Part of the reason I wasn't threading - the feed was like a minute behind so I had to pause the live video feed and watch on a bit of a delay. No biggie, got to enjoy Castig.

    Also have I mentioned how much I loooove Beltre?! Sweet single man!

  82. Hey Scutaro - fuck off! That's why we got rid of the last 14 guys!

  83. sorry I wasn't more specific. Just enjoyed seeing all these websites using the same stock image. That sort of stock photo irks me and makes me disinterested in a site that uses 'em.

    Fascinating to scroll down and look at 'em all. That crew must be super busy working at all those places.

  84. lol to the microstock image.

    i feel bad though, i had to make a company website for my company and we have some of those shitty generic "office people" on there...granted, not the same people, but still - thats part of the "after tax season plan" - update that shit.

  85. I'm going to be getting the MLB TV deal, but if you're looking for just the radio...I would still recommend XM Radio. I have a Roady and the home kit, so I can listen in my car, at work or in the house. Plus, you get all of the other channels with XM.

  86. I liked that, Tim.

    I like having the iphone app...getting the radio feed wherever I am. also the video clips, while not immediate, are great during the game.

  87. Tim, still no word from my Rogers guy. Very unusual! Maybe he's away or something. I'll keep you posted.

  88. But MLB Audio is $20 for the whole season. I only use it for a few games a week. It's enough.

  89. Evening, all. Sorry to be late, but had some other stuff to attend to tonight. :(

  90. Hi Amy, I hope everything is ok.

  91. Uh oh, I arrive and the Yankees have two on base.

  92. No problem L, as long as I hear back soon (by like the weekend) so I can order other tickets if necessary.

    I was a bit concerned because opening day is the one game people actually attend, but again - don't really care, since its not a 'good sox' game. As long as I can bring my buddy for his birthday.

  93. XM's not for everyone, I admit. I just hope they never close their doors and I have to go back to terrestrial radio.

  94. Yeah, just work obligations and then breaking Passover finally.

  95. Not the way you wanna start an inning. A K would be most welcome here. MOST welcome.

  96. houdini time.

    mdc up -- hmm.......

  97. That photo stuff went totally over my head. I zoom in on the words and miss the photos altogether.

    Paging Mr Houdini, paging Mr Houdini, Mr Houdini please appear on the mound...

  98. Hey, Amy, weren't you supposed to break passover yesterday?

  99. Force at the plate, infield pop and fly out.

  100. No, Ofer, here in the Diaspora it's eight days...if you are Conservative or Orthodox.

  101. He was out, but that's borderline... shit, it looked pretty good.

  102. Amy, glad that's all it was.

    Tim, I'll let you know either way. He usually gets back to me right away, so I think he must be away.

  103. How was that NOT two, rather.

    Bad call.

  104. Alright dinner time for us and the pup. Be back later!

  105. blow call at first ...
    okay, slappy dp to end it.

  106. Oh, yeah, the whole 2-day holiday thing. Forgot about that. I'm guessing you've never heard of the mimuna?

  107. I will take a K, even tho I'd prefer a DP

  108. Mimuna...nope, does not ring a bell. What is it?

  109. Come on Sox, fulfill the prophecy of Tom Egan (RIP)

  110. isn't mimuna a reliever in pawtucket?

  111. Welcome, Amy, though not at the best of times.

  112. What's Lester's pitch count? He had that long second.

  113. Scrotum fuck. Cameron's arm looks pretty good, though...

    LBJ! Nice catch.

  114. jesum. They sure had lester's # in that inning.

  115. Thanks, Nick, for the welcome. Sorry to have brought the bad karma.

  116. 94 pitches? i may have missed a couple in that last inning

  117. Amy don't blame yourself. I blame Lugo.

  118. So...what is mimuna? Google turned up nothing with that spelling.

  119. Good to see LBJ is hitting tonight. Must know Laura is here.

  120. Amy- Mimuna is the Morrocan jews celebration of the day after passover. Tons of extremely fat and greasy dough-based pastries, mostly. Cool stuff.
    Everyone in Israel starts looking for their Morrocan friends that day...

  121. That's cool, Ofer---never heard of it! I love the Sephardic foods and customs. They especially have it smarter for Passover---allowing rice and legumes.

  122. Yeah, LBJ is showing off for me. :)

  123. My connection is pretty shitty- my comments are taking a long time to get through.

    Watching on YES, btw, and they've got the pitch count on the scoreline at all times. Pretty cool.

  124. So, Laura, you are all done with school? No exams or anything! That's great! Congrats on getting year one done.

  125. You can't eat rice at Passover? That doesn't make sense, it's not leavened.

    I can't remember if we ate rice during Passover... chances are we never ate rice anyway, so it didn't come up. (Growing up, I mean.)

  126. They especially have it smarter for Passover---allowing rice and legumes.

    Hmmm. I always thought it was the other way around. Then again, I can't remember ever keeping passover, and even if I did, I wouldn't care beyond the obvious 'no bread'. No beer wouldn't work at all...

  127. Thanks, Amy! Yes, I'm completely done for the year. No exams, just papers, and handed everything in today. I am beyond thrilled to be free of school for several months.

  128. Ofer, are you still in NYC next week?

  129. OK, first, I grew up knowing nothing about Passover---we had seders, but that was it. So everything we do now is

    YES, VMART!!

  130. Wow, Laura, you're done already? That's cool... I barely got started with the second semester! It doesn't really actually start until after the passover break.

    Haha, AJ was afraid of VM for a reason!

  131. i like this not-varitek guy!

  132. I grew up Reform, but we always kept Passover strictly. I loved it. Passover is a great holiday for social-justice types.

  133. Anyway, what we do now is what I learned from Harvey and other sources since. Ashkenazi Jews do not eat any grains that may have "risen" (rice expands when it is cooked) including non-grains like chickpeas, soybeans, corn, etc.

  134. Ofer, are you still in NYC next week?

    Nope, flying back on Thursday, and school starts on Sunday.

  135. Well fuck, wtf red sox. Guess pasta is a bad mojo.

    After pasta seems to be doing OK though, pls give me a sweaty dong don't how long its been, baby.

  136. The winter term here is early January (right after New Year) until early April. And I've decided not to torture myself with summer classes.

  137. Hey, Allan, I am still adjusting. Watch that non-Tek stuff. :)

  138. Oh bad timing for me. I'll be there from Mon to Thurs next week.

  139. well, yook knew that was a k.

  140. I've got five weeks left--the fastest five weeks in the universe. I tell my students it's going to be like cheap drugs and--zippp!-- next time they look up, I'll be posting their grades.

  141. Also congrats on being done one year, L!!!!! I think that was steph that said "Like" on facebook, haha, but I likey too!

  142. Alright us your dong.

  143. I think my Ashkenazi relatives would have disagreed with that, although I can't swear to it. I never heard of rice being excluded. It could be family/clan tradition more than anything else.
