
April 7, 2010

G3: Yankees 3, Red Sox 1 (10)

Yankees - 000 000 100 2 - 3  6  0
Red Sox - 001 000 000 0 - 1 7 0
Chan Ho Park allowed only one single in three innings of relief (7th-9th), while Jonathan Papelbon, in his second inning of work, allowed a solo home run to Granderson and two one-out walks before being yanked mid-inning

David Ortiz's line drive single to right brought in Dustin Pedroia with Boston's only run. Flo also grounded out hard into the shift in the first.

Lackey (6-3-0-2-3, 100) pitched very well. After they scored a run in the third inning, the Red Sox got only one runner past first base -- and that was thanks to an accidental HBP with two outs in the fifth.
Andy Pettitte / John Lackey

The concern or panic or anger over David Ortiz's weak bat began (or was rekindled from last June) in spring training and now that he has gone 0-for-7 in the first two games of the season, it's getting louder.
... how long can the Red Sox afford to wait?
There was even a SoSH thread bright and early on Monday morning about how Ortiz should not have started on Opening Night. (It looks like that thread is (for now) where discussion of Ortiz/playing time/DH platoon will happen.)

Terry Francona, who wisely doesn't give a shit what the fans and media think, says Flo will start tonight against Pettitte. And it's worth noting that Tiz does have better slugging numbers against the large-beaked lefty than Mike Lowell does:
Ortiz:  18-for-49  .367/.431/.551
Lowell: 10-for-29 .345/.429/.379
Last night, Ortiz showed that he is already pissed off about having to answer questions about a slump:
(Expletive) happens. Then you guys talk (expletive). Two (expletive) games already. You (expletives) going crazy. What's up with that, man? (Expletive). There's (expletive) 160 games left. Y'all (expletive) go ahead and hit for me. ... Ain't that a (expletive).
He is absolutely correct -- divining anything meaningful from two games of data is complete nonsense. At the same time, his level of frustration right out of the gate is also a bit disconcerting.


  1. Re Ortiz's level of frustration, we've got to assume it's cumulative. It would be good if he could shake off all the past scrutiny and start fresh, but since the media (and apparently many fans) never do, it may be too much to expect of him.

  2. Jeter, SS
    Johnson, DH
    Teixeira, 1B
    Rodriguez, 3B
    Cano, 2B
    Posada, C
    Granderson, CF
    Swisher, RF
    Gardner, LF

    Ellsbury, LF
    Pedroia, 2B
    Martinez, C
    Youkilis, 1B
    Ortiz, DH
    Beltre, 3B
    Drew, RF
    Cameron, CF
    Scutaro, SS

    Peter Abraham has some notes:

    Lackey's spring: 20 IP, 3 ER, 1 BB.

    Okajima (W in G1 and L in G2) is the first Red Sox pitcher to get decisions in the first two games of the season since Bill Campbell went 0-2 in 1977.

    Pettitte is making his 35th career regular-season start against the Red Sox, the most for a Yankee since Mel Stottlemyre made 36 from 1964-74.

  3. "what the fans and media think"

    Meaning the media and the .01 percent of fans who complain about anything but seem to have the loudest voice, plus the other 2 percent whose opinions come from what the media tells them it already is.

  4. Jeemer's five-pitch walk to Johnson that forced in the go-ahead run? Four of the five pitches were in the strike zone.

    And Bard threw 4 strikes in his five-pitch walk to Johnson in the 7th.

    So Angel Hernandez blew 6 out of 9 calls in those two at-bats (there was one foul).

    Bring on the robot umps!

  5. plus the other 2 percent whose opinions come from what the media tells them it already is.

    Wow, you're very generous. In my experience, a good 75% of fans form opinions based on what the media tells them to think.

  6. He took all the good media attention , he also has to accept the bad...

  7. L-girl said...

    Wow, you're very generous. In my experience, a good 75% of fans form opinions based on what the media tells them to think.

    Really? most of my interaction about baseball is here and with all my Yankee friends, and we all think the media is full of shit.

  8. Do you know people who say the media is full of shit but still form their opinions based on what they hear and read in the media? I sure do.

  9. He took all the good media attention , he also has to accept the bad...

    Since he cannot control it, he has no choice but to accept whatever it is. Even if he said fuck you and retired, he'd still hear it.

    And he took the good because he was friggin' GOD when he was getting it.

    Assuming his last 4 months of 2009 closed the door on the howling about the first 2 months, which they should have done, he's getting shit for having TWO games. And that's so stupid, it makes ragging on Drew for low RBI totals sound like the wisdom of the ages by comparison. By the way JD is 1-for-8. Any calls for his benching?

    I fear some boos are coming soon for Flo, like they did last year. Watching a once-great player on your team decline is no fun. I'll get frustrated, maybe I'll wish Tito would sit him down sooner rather than later, but how the fuck can any Red Sox fan EVER truly boo David Ortiz?

  10. I fear some boos are coming soon for Flo, like they did last year. Watching a once-great player on your team decline is no fun. I'll get frustrated, maybe I'll wish Tito would sit him down sooner rather than later, but how the fuck can any Red Sox fan EVER truly boo David Ortiz?

    I was once at Yankee Stadium and heard people boo Mariano, and I thought I could not believe my ears. That was the attitude that helped drive me away from the team.

    Totally disgusting.

    Also, I was going to say the same thing re Ortiz taking the good w/ the bad from the media. He deserved the good. He doesn't necessarily deserve the bad. Not now anyway!

  11. Yeah, MFY fans booing Fruitbat is almost as bad as booing Flo. It can't be as bad or worse because of "history".

    Re Tizzle's noodle-bat and Lowell on the bench:

    Remember what an NL scout said about Lowell two weeks ago: "How he looked today, I would not have any interest in him. I don't think he's moving very well at all. Right now, his swing is very upper-body dominant. I don't think he's popping his hips or using his legs very much. It looked like he was swinging an iron gate."

  12. That SoSH thread has been retitled: "The Thread Where People Get Their Panties In a Wad About Ortiz And Lowell"

  13. I will be teaching, and checking the score as I prep for my night class.

    Go go go Lackey.

    David, buy some earplugs and nail the ball.

  14. My first TV game tonight. I did try to get wifi at Fenway and saw networks for Aramark and the official Red Sox one which they said was free for media. I thought I connected but it just didn't work. And every second I spent looking at that thing I thought Oh my god I'm the guy who goes to a baseball game and looks down at some gadget! I am never getting a cell phone....

  15. ESPN ON EI, but Rogers has NESN!! Woohoo.

  16. No YES in Canada for this series!

  17. we were one strike away from setting them down OTT in every game of the series. I wonder how often that HAS happened.

  18. send horseface to the gloo factory.

    and could someone call a balk on this asshole?

  19. Hi, all. I will be in and around, got to get some work done tonight. I can't wait for school to be DONE so I can focus on baseball!

  20. LBJ infield hit!

  21. I want to see Ellsbury steal second, third and home here. Is that too much to ask?

  22. yes. now he can steal only 3rd and home.

  23. All right, I have to stay through this half inning... two on, nobody out!

  24. got home and turned on the TV just in time to see Ellsbury's hit.

    Here we go!

  25. tremendously shitty pitch to hack at

  26. OK, going to get some work done while watching. Too bad I can't thread, work AND watch!

  27. pitching around yook to face tiz

  28. Naysayers meet your dooooom!

  29. That's some mild-mannered dooooom.

  30. Ugh. Solid liner right into the shift.

  31. fuckin shift. may be time to drop a bunt down.

  32. fuckin shift. may be time to drop a bunt down.

    Naw, he's gotta save that for the World Series.

  33. Who has been suggested to take the DH spot if Ortiz and Lowell are both all done? If you are going to go with someone inside the organization I say Aaron Bates.


  35. fuckin zimmer is in the red sox hall of fame.

    what the fucking fuck??????????

  36. i know! he's tarnishing the Brunansky catch too! The Brunansky catch will have to take two showers after that ceremony. Good to see Piersall getting in.

  37. seriously - what has the gerbil done to warrant this?

  38. Maybe they MEANT to induct the Pedro takedown as a memorable moment.

  39. Is there going to be a ceremony at which Pedro will introduce Zimmer? I would pay a large sum of money to watch that.

  40. intro should be by bill lee -- then pedro can come in and toss the gerbil to the ground

  41. shit - that's his sig play ...

  42. yeah i've been waiting to this this play! why is remy so sure he woulda been safe. I say he has him easily if he picks that ball up.

  43. K!!!

    me too. by a step or two. but then remy thought posada might get an itphr if his hit into the rf corner last night was misplayed a bit

  44. let's get us some runs


  45. It's nice when hits and walks turn into runs. I'd like to experience that.

  46. Irregardless of whether or not we score here, Girardi will be into the bullpen by the sixth. Hilarity will ensue.

  47. Obviously the "real" Tiz is back now.

  48. Holy Christ, Ortiz Proves He Has Not Been Swinging a Large Piece of Spaghetti So Far This Season!

    (suggested headline)

  49. Hi all. Back from war resisters meeting (by phone tonight). I had the game on my netbook but couldn't pay attention.

    So I missed Papi's first hit! YAY!

  50. interesting - this lackey isn't such an asshole now!

  51. This Lackey guy, just might have to keep him!

  52. Stolen Base Attempt Successfully Thwarted in by Boston Catcher!

  53. Wait a minute-- we got 4 outs? MLB at BAT shows a K for the batter but the radio call says Cano caught stealing--what gives?

  54. so tired... I fell asleep for a bit and missed Papi's RBI! Guess now I have to skip drinking wine and start sleeping through the games.

  55. posada swung and missed a 2-1 pitch and then the CS was 2-6. not strike 3.

  56. These guys better watch out or the fans will feel cheated... they expect NYY vs RS games to last at least 4 hours.

  57. thank goodness the sox are helping disabled vets. because the us military has very little money. spending only 16 billion a month in the two middle east wars.

  58. Yeah at Bat cleaned it up. It has some of the same end of inning glitches that GDGD has.

  59. Good thing there's nothing political on these spots, just war.

    anti-war = political

    pro-war = neutral


  60. WEEI has Steven Tyler and J Giles in the booth right now... weird.

  61. Hooray for unnecessary CF dives!

  62. Actually, after seeing it on replay, I think that catch was far less awkward than it appeared live.

  63. they were on nesn last inning.

  64. tyler and peter wolf were in the NESN booth last inning

  65. When I was a kid and first heard that band, I thought their name was Jake Iles.

  66. yeah - have the red sox or nesn ever asked the coordinators of a huge anti-war march to stop by the booth to promote their cause?

    me thinks not.

  67. Good evening, everyone. Netbooking in the living room. Might go back outside. I'm on beer #2 so things are beginning to become funny.

  68. John Rish reminiscing about "Angel is a Centerfold"... I too remember that video--IT ROCKED!

  69. J Geils goes back before the days of videos, even.

  70. First Youk nailing of the season. beaned!

    "that's where the history lies" (shot of JtC)

  71. Just dropping by to say that the JGeils Band has been around since I was in high school, and you all know how long ago THAT was! :)

    GO SOX!

  72. Heard Centerfold this morning. My sister got it in her Easter basket in '82. B-side was Rage in the Cage I think. (I got baseball stickers.) I remember there was controversy because my sis was 10 and we didn't really know what "centerfold" meant. I talked to my mom just now, and asked how she and my dad dealt with it, and she said, "I don't remember any of this."

  73. funny - heard the tail end of centerfold on the car radio last week - total shoulder shrug of a song, but wolf's prononciation of "lingerie" at the end is a total dylan parody.

  74. "that's where the history lies" (shot of JtC)

    "That's the history book right there"

  75. I don't know why everyone is harping on Ortiz, when his average is higher than J.D. Drew's! (Lurking while I work)

  76. Horseface escapes again... come on guys.

  77. what i love about Centerfold is how at the end he's just like, Well despite all the heartbreak, of course I'm still gonna look at the damn pics. ("oh yeah, I guess I gotta buy it")

  78. Centerfold, one of a 100s of examples of a band being best remembered by some throwaway song.

  79. One of my favorite songs by J. Geils band is "Just Can't Wait."

  80. OK, the twitter stream at MLB's At Bat is inane, and cannot be hidden. -1.

  81. Apparently the umpire has decided that Lackey intentionally plugged Jeter after getting two strikes on him. Interesting.

  82. i guess these guys have missed all the fights these two teams HAVE had in the last few years.

  83. L-girl, I think it's because I'm on the free trial. Once I buy it, I probably can hide Twitter. Am glad I haven't yet succumbed to that technology.

  84. Westcoast, I hope that's what it is. I thought maybe it was b/c you are signed into Twitter, but obviously not.

    I have not succumbed either. No interest. And quite enough to keep track of without it.

  85. Nice job Lackey! You're hired!
    Love those defensive DPs :)

  86. Westcoast, you're on Twitter? What's your username?

  87. I probably should have read previous comments before asking you that. Oops.

    Blame the beer. ;)

  88. rally starter in nyy pen


  89. Game needs more Chan Ho Park imo.

  90. One San Francisco Giants player had the city's name misspelled on his jersey today. Shades of "Natinals".

    But we swept Houston to start the season, so I'll take it.

    Am I allowed to say "we" if they're just my NL team?


  91. Am I allowed to say "we" if they're just my NL team

    Sure, why not.

  92. "San Francicso"

    Not that easy to notice.

  93. Would have been funny if it was spelled "JERK OFF", though.

  94. It amazes me that something like that gets as far as it does. So many people have to not notice.

  95. shit - catchable. cameron figured it'd hit higher up.

  96. Now that would be hard to miss.

  97. That'd be a heck of a typo, Zenslinger.

    That throw makes me glad Cameron is so good at catching the ball...

  98. Granderson is so awful against LHP.

  99. schoeneweis looking filthy so far this year, too.

  100. Is it possible for these two teams to have a 1-0 game?

  101. Is it possible for these two teams to have a 1-0 game?

    Apparently not.

  102. don't mind the changeup, unlike remy, but a weak throw by werd.

  103. I think Drew may have had more time to throw than he thought. Ugh.

  104. "...designate a driver... we're pretending to be cool and singing... but we will have no effect on anything... "

  105. I remember when Tim Wakefield was on the losing end of a 1-0 game against the Yankees and Randy Johnson.

  106. Sorry, stupidest ad ever here in Ontario.

  107. cheap-ass hgh dong in that one, if i recall.

  108. I immediately suspected my comment would cause a run to come in.

  109. Could you please post a comment that will cause Red Sox runs to come in?

  110. First ever 1-0 Red Sox/Yanks game: My birthday! I turned negative 72 that day, 9/8/1903. Yanks beat Dinneen. I mean, Highlanders.

  111. My 1st food report of the season: hummus & rice crackers. And red wine, of course.

  112. "An exceptionally clean and scientific game of baseball," the NYTimes called it. Okay, leaving 1903, back to 2010. For now.

  113. Fox Family Potato Chips made in Mapleton Maine.

  114. funny, Jiffy Park was a Ho haven.

  115. One of the earliest games I can remember had the Yanks beating the Sox 1-0. 1976 or thereabouts.

  116. No more sliders down the chute pls. Thx.

  117. they also swept a DH from the yanks at shea in 75 (?) 1-0 and 1-0.

  118. you may be thinking of a 1-0, 6-0 DH sweep at Shea...i don't see a 1-0 1-0 in 74 or 75 but I could be missing it

  119. bottom of the 9th and I have to dash off to the radio....!

  120. Obviously El Murcialago de Fruta on the mound here.

  121. i love the situation where if it's a win, it's a walkoff

  122. Lee and Moret both went all the way. 7/27/75

  123. girardi dodges a big-ass bullet. so we win in 10.

  124. Come on I don't want this game to run into "Human Target"

  125. OK, I am here for the extra frames. Can't believe this game.

  126. And Blogger still sucking at the comments.

  127. Damn, that's what I get for showing up at the thread so late.

  128. And my concerns about Papelbon unfortunately will continue into 2010.

  129. Or maybe Granderson is going to break out with some power hitting this year?

  130. Why does Remy keep saying Ghana?

  131. setting up the dp?

    oy. atchison.

  132. If I thought he really intended to set up the DP, I might feel better. Not much though.

  133. too many low infield throws to first this game.

  134. we needed 2 to win anyway. (I said this last night too and it clearly didn't work.)

  135. Is the plan to stake the Yankees to a four-run lead so that Rivera sits? If so, I like it.

  136. let's get 2, then take it from there.

  137. Dude, we dominate Rivera, remember?

  138. OK. false sense of insecurity. over. bash...bash...thunder...booom.

  139. Okay here's a quiz for you--in the second game of that shutout sweep doubleheader on 7/27/75, what Yankee pitcher made his MLB debut, pitching the last two innings?

  140. I was going to guess Rivera because it seems like he has been around since 1975.

  141. yes Guidry, nice. First hitter he faced: pinch-hit single by Denny Doyle.

  142. I've been around since '75.....

  143. Alright...V-Mart with the 2-run solo we go!
