Yankees - 020 321 100 - 9 13 0 Red Sox - 001 300 000 - 4 10 1

Terry Francona:
I've never seen a team so happy to be 1-6.Based on Nova's 2010 splits, the Red Sox should be teeing off on him in the fourth inning or so:
PA AVG OBP SLG OPS Pitches 1-25 57 .212 .281 .288 .569 Pitches 26-50 60 .226 .305 .302 .607 Pitches 51-75 55 .373 .400 .588 .988 Pitches 76-100 12 .250 .500 .375 .875Dustin Pedroia has hit a home run in the last three home openers. The only other Boston player to have done that is Fred Lynn (1978-80).
Jere was at Fenway yesterday and snapped this shot of a fellow optimist:
Annoyed that the game is on at 1 and not at 4, since I'm at work from 12-7 and I only have one TV unlike at home. So I have to choose one or the other, or flip back and forth.
I know, I know. Tiny violin and all that. But hey.
You can blame NASCAR for the 1:00 start today.
I'm just the opposite, Rob. 1:00 or 7:00 weekend starts mean I can listen to the whole game on MLB Audio while at work. 4:00 starts mean I miss at least an hour on my break from work.
Thank you, NASCAR! :)
Carl Crawford LF
Dustin Pedroia 2B
Adrian Gonzalez 1B
Kevin Youkilis 3B
David Ortiz DH
J.D. Drew RF
Jed Lowrie SS
Jarrod Saltalamacchia C
Jacoby Ellsbury CF
Brett Gardner LF
Derek Jeter SS
Mark Teixeira 1B
Alex Rodriguez 3B
Robinson Cano 2B
Nick Swisher RF
Curtis Granderson CF
Eric Chavez DH
Russell Martin C
Great pic from Jere.
Ha! At least since this is Red Sox/Yankees, the game will only be in the 5th inning by 3:30 when the Bruins game ends... :P
I hate Fox.
I hate HATE FOX's move to widescreen, screwing those of us without high definition.
A Yankee fan friend of mine lives in Philly and has been screwed out of this game today.
Could he use MLBTV premium?
McCarver says that's the best throw to 2B that Salty has made all year. He's seen them all?
Didn't you know? Tim McCarver is everywhere.
Tex's butt is amazing. You could probably stack an encyclopedia on that thing.
Tim McCarver is everywhere.
Like Elvis.
Random comment of the season (so far) goes to... Patrick!
free baserunners = good
So now I've got the Bruins on the TV and listening to the Red Sox on MLB At-Bat on my phone.
...which of course has about a batter delay.
This TV/cable box combination is stupid. The cable box is put in a spot where there's interference when the TV is on, so I have to turn the TV off in order to operate the cable box, like to change the channel.
red sox strand a pair after having something going.
A-Rod hits solid with an accelerated bat head.
Come on, HH- KK...
So is Lackey is wearing Clay's uni?
2-0 Yankees? Balls.
They had a 2-0 lead yesterday, too.
Can anybody describe the play at the plate just now? Good defensive play? Baserunning error?
hard gronder to yook, granderson took off (and was looking back to see yook field it on th egrass), yook made a bullet throw to salty and the tag was made. runner held at second, too.
OK, coulda been worse. Now, let's go get the fuckers.
seemed like he'd be a dead duck -not sure why he ran (or bothered to look back). if everyone stayed put, they would have had 2nd/3rd with 2 outs rather than 1st/2nd.
Wait a minute...the Bruins are on now? I thought it was a 7pm start. Oh well. Looks like the remote will be on overdrive today.
FIRE! >>>
nice! used the force on that one.
the table is set, but we need some salt.
damn, no passedballa
Come on, Saltala- jump on it!
Yeah, Tim. 1st intermission.
Some salt of the shrubland biota in Mediterranean countries, typically consisting of densely-growing evergreen shrubs?
red sox strand a pair after having something going, part 2.
It's time to start clogging the bases.
Good start!
Jockey Half Dong? Or Half Jockey Dong?
This just in: MLB At-Bat is a battery DRAINER.
Yeah, my phone went from about 85% to 20% by the 7th inning of yesterday's game, listening to it.
what's the pitchcount on no-go? are we into the danger zone yet?
he's at 49.
By the sound of it, HH has two strike outs this inning that weren't called.
Just checking in because I'm watching my kids and listening to MLB radio.
I wish I was hearing more positive news, though.
felix, into the fire.
wtf -- do we have to lose another 6 games before we get another win?
It's not like the games are going to win themselves after you win your first.
dear tito:
lowrie > scutaro
mccarver: "one of his nicknames is 'super nova'"
A dong would be quite timely here.
fuck yeah!!!!!
Joe Buck is AWFUL.
more of a chevy nova than a super nova...
Right on schedule! 72nd pitch or so?
1/2 dong= 2/3 timely! Fuck yeah!
alright EB...tie this up.
or take the lead.
A tie in runs scored in the 4th, still a 1 run game.
Radio just said 113 pitches for sox so far!
clay had 92 in 3.2
felix at 28 with the 3-2 count to jeter
Know how I JOKED that the Red Sox would have only played five innings by the time the Bruins game was done? Seven minutes and one commercial break remaining in the hockey game - I won't be off by much!
what a great day (except for this game). awesome weather for a 2 hour walk with winston, drinks on the patio...now win this shit and make it perfect, bosox!
tie it now, will you jedi?
Hello, everyone--I've been listening out in the dooryard with the windup emergency radio, watching the dogs watching the passing scene and bagging rays, spring in Maine, wishing things in Boston were a little better than they have been.
froze him, and he knew it. damn.
c'mon salty.
hey john, that sounds great. except for the whole 7-4 thing. time for some sodium from the shrubs...
another pair stranded. boo.
well, at least the other boston team won.
dirty water playing at the garden. make it so at the fens too, sox.
jack layton commerical - yay!
nice snag, pedey!
So the Bruins game ended at the 5 1/3 innings completed mark.
who the hell is 91? sergei federov?
oh, aceves.
this is (to use the annoying phrase that seemed to be everywhere last season) not how the red sox drew this one up
florence and the machine being used as fox commercial music.
the dog days are over? sure, i hope so, florence.
McCarver says Manny "leveled" Red Sox Traveling Secretary "Jack McDonald."
as soon as buck said "manny", i muted.
tim prides himself on getting his facts and names straight. just ask brandon arroyo.
joba up -
the story keeps growing ... in five years, mccarver will tell that story and manny will be stuffing frances mcdormand into a wood chipper.
wakefield up...
Nine LOBs. I dont't like this.
We are home. We ate at a fun restaurant in Baltimore last night. We had bone marrow for an appetizer. Glad I tried it, but I wouldn't get it again.
Ive had it before but only in the context of osso bucco
Ugh, what a crappy game. Amy was texting from Fenway - where she was surrounded by NYY fans.
in five years, mccarver will tell that story and manny will be stuffing frances mcdormand into a wood chipper
Thanks for this. I want to use it as wmtc's new tagline.
Well at the very least, we are .500 against the _anks.
sigh. how i love april in canada. everyone goes nuts for baseball.
i don't think jays fans realize the season extends past the end of may, nor do they realize that it is 162 games.
every year i get truped into thinking that the team has a great base of supporters, but every year by about june, its clear that they either have short attention spans, or are not actually interested in supporting the team and just go along with it until they hit their first losing streak of the season.
at least the smart ones know better than to say anything about boston's shitty start.
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