
April 21, 2012

Rice: Red Sox-Yankees "Not A Rivalry Anymore"

Jim Rice, Sirius-XM's Mad Dog Radio:
It's not a rivalry anymore. Even when I was playing it wasn't really a rivalry because when you have a rivalry back then you're talking about guys that started in an organization and came up and played for both teams. Now you have the free agency. And you throw the name out there, "rivalry" now, and it's not because you have other guys that come from other organizations that did not start and continue playing with the Yankees. You've only got two with the Yankees just about now, Mariano and Jeter.
Man, talk about losing your fastball (or maybe never having a fastball). ... I don't see the NESN pre- or post-game shows very often, but any time I do, I'm shocked at how little substance Rice can provide. It's embarrassing.

TC should clue him in on a guy in New York called Robinson Cano. He's been playing second base there for more than seven years!... And Brett Gardner. And Ivan Nova (who shut down the Sox yesterday, Rice might recall). And Phil Hughes. And Joba Chamberlain. And David Robertson. And ...


  1. "Now you have the free agency"

    I wonder if he read about that on the series of tubes. Maybe one of his kids is on the twitter. Or found it on the google.

  2. Cut Jim Ed some slack. He doesn't do the speaking very well.

  3. "Even when I was playing it wasn't really a rivalry"


    Maybe he has early-onset Alzheimers.

  4. I wonder if they asked him , if the red sox -yankees are not a rivalry what is?
