
April 12, 2012

"Surviving Grady" Podcast

I am one of Red's guest on the latest Surviving Grady podcast.

Jere was the other participant and the three of us talked about how we got started blogging, what has kept each of us going strong for nearly a decade (!), and what we expect to accomplish. (Answer: Nothing.) Plus some personal highlights and lowlights.

Thanks again to Red for inviting me. After the formal part was done, we kept talking for what seemed like another hour, and that was probably as entertaining as what was actually recorded.

Red claims this bloggers-rap-about-the-Sox might be a semi-regular thing this summer. Or not!

Note: Only two of us were in our basements for the interview, however. Click here to find out who was sitting upstairs (and probably wearing pants; apostate!).


  1. Watching The Blob was a much-anticipated annual event at our house. We loved it!!

  2. Watching The Blob was a much-anticipated annual event at our house. We loved it!!

    OMG. I was completely traumatized by that movie as a child and had fears and anxiety about The Blob for years. It's a big (semi) joke in our home.

    * * * *

    Re the actual post, this is great, very cool. I look forward to tuning in.

  3. Allan - the podcast was awesome. You guys were really good. Jere, you were great too! Thanks for doing that, not to mention thanks to you both for the great work you do on the two blogs.

  4. Just listened to the podcast. It was great. I enjoyed the stories and conversation. Awesome!!
