
May 14, 2008

G43: Orioles 6, Red Sox 3

Red Sox - 100 110 000 - 3 12  0
Orioles - 000 002 40x - 6 8 0
In each of the last three games, the Red Sox have taken a 3-0 lead, then gone on to lose the game.

It happened against this afternoon. Boston led 3-0 in the bottom of the sixth when the Orioles scored twice against Lester. In the seventh, Javier Lopez got the first two outs, then gave up a sngle to Freddie Bynum. Craig Hansen came in and allowed a single to Guillermo Quiroz and a nine-pitch walk to Brian Roberts to load the bases.

Hideki Okajima came in and Jay Payton lined his second pitch into the left field stands for a grand slam. Jeemer has inherited 14 runners this season -- and he's let 11 of them score. Last year, he allowed only four of 28 inherited runners to score.

The team is obviously frustrated, having lost four in a row and five out of their last six games. Manny Ramirez beat out an infield hit with two outs in the eighth, but was called out at first. He slammed his helmet on the ground and was yelling, but was not ejected. In the ninth, after Mike Lowell singled, Kevin Youkilis grounded into a double play. He also barked at the umpire once he was called out.

Manny turned in the Play Of The Season: With one out in the bottom of the fourth, Nick Markakis was on second and Aubrey Huff was on first. Boston led 1-0. Kevin Millar crushed Lester's first pitch to deep left. Manny sprinted back, reached up and caught the ball over his shoulder, took two steps to the wall and leapt up against it to brace himself, high-fived a fan in the first row, then came down, turned and threw the ball in to Pedroia, who fired to Youkilis to double off Huff and end the inning.

NESN later showed several of Manny's teammates -- Lowell and Ellsbury among them -- gathered around one of the cameras by the dugout, crouching down to look very carefully at the replay and laughing. I can't wait to read (or hear) Manny's post-game comments on this play. Also, I hope at least one writer headed out to find that fan.


Jon Lester (4.06, 107 ERA+) / Daniel Cabrera (3.54, 119 ERA+)

The last time Cabrera faced the Red Sox (September 7, 2007), Coco Crisp was dancing off third base, Cabrera balked him home, then threw a pitch behind Dustin Pedroia's head. FY:
The guy's an idiot. ... I was upset they took him out of the game. He's good to hit. He's 9-15. The guy [stinks].
Boston (and Lester) won that game 4-0.


  1. Don't worry, this one's in the bag. I'm going, with my son, and will also take out Gary Thorne between innings.

    During last night's game, Bob Costas had a live forum on HBO about sports and media. Quite infuriating, to hear Costas and that tool Mitch Albom disparage sports blogs and call-in radio shows because "the people running them have no credentials and training, just opinions." No mention of the fact that many blogs, like JOS, are run by people with better credentials than a lot of so-called sports journalists, like, say, Tony Kornheiser, a humor writer and casual football fan who slid over to sports. Or that all the "credentials" and "training" in the world won't compensate for having an IQ below freezing, like Thorne and hundreds of others. Or that lifetime, serious fans of a particular team have "credentials" for assessing that team far more valid than out-of-town national pundits like Albom, who on the very day the Red Sox started their comeback against the Yankees in 2004, could be seen on "The Sports Reporters" intoning that "The Yankees proved in this series that they just outclass the Red Sox by more than the standings indicate. When it comes time to turn it on, they just do it. This series is over, and the Red Sox know it."
    Good call, Mitch. And I'm hoping that the first four people you meet in heaven are Dave Roberts, Bill Mueller, David Ortiz and Terry Francona.

  2. Good call Jack, except for the heaven part. I'd like those guys to keep Mitch waiting.

  3. Ellsbury, RF
    Pedroia, 2B
    Ortiz, DH
    Ramirez, LF
    Lowell, 3B
    Youkilis, 1B
    Varitek, C
    Cora, SS
    Van Every, CF

    Roberts, 2B
    Payton, LF
    Markakis, RF
    Huff, 3B
    Millar, 1B
    Hernandez, C
    Scott, DH
    Jones, CF
    Bynum, SS

  4. Clay Buchholz was placed on the 15-day disabled list with a broken nail on his right middle finger.

    The Red Sox called up outfielder Jonathan Van Every, who will make his major league debut in center field today.

  5. I just walked through my house and yelled out, "Time for some BASEBALL!!!!"

    Then I walked in and tried to turn the TV on with my stereo remote.

    I'm ready.

  6. I'll be on the road for most of this game. I doubt there's any AM broadcast on the NY Thruway.

  7. I have a very peculiar setup for today's game. I'm at work, at the sound board, using the qLab machine to chat with you good folks and a muted phone showing the game through the good offices of my slingbox. It's hard to watch that and work/thread though, I might need to open up a GDGD window as well.

  8. Nothing like a speedster to lead things off! And another stolen base!

  9. lyndon beats out a pretty routine grounder to short!

    AND HE STEALS!!!!!!!!

  10. It's hard to watch that and work/thread though, I might need to open up a GDGD window as well.

    Heh. I wonder how much work will be done.

  11. Jacoby closer to Raines' record.

    Jack, thanks for the tip on Albom. I'm always looking to add to my Dead to Me list.

  12. Hah! Cabrera's getting rattled already by Lyndon.

    I saw go for third then distract him.

  13. we take the lead at 3:12. sweet

  14. FY!

    see? fuck that bunting shit.

  15. Fortunately, Ish, my job today is merely to make sure that the dancers can hear the music, so as long as I can switch back over to qLab in time to hit GO, I don't really have any actual work to do. Oh, and a few piano mics. Nothing fancy.

  16. So my whole absurd prediction from yesterday is off already. I'm sticking by my 7-3 final though.

  17. So Papi forces them into NOT shifting, and he DOES hit to the right side..but right at the one guy there.

  18. Mills said that last night he went out to restrain Ortiz in the 9th and realized Ortiz and the umpire were arguing in Spanish.

    I never think of these things.

  19. Fortunately, Ish, my job today is merely to make sure that the dancers can hear the music, so as long as I can switch back over to qLab in time to hit GO, I don't really have any actual work to do. Oh, and a few piano mics. Nothing fancy.

    I want your job.

  20. A productive first. I have to admit, I'm glad it's not 3. Amy's got me a little spooked about it.

  21. Evening from a slightly chilly London.

    What is this? A game not at an ungodly hour?

  22. I want your job.

    Makes up for all the days when my job is heavy lifting. ;)

  23. They scheduled this one just for you, Lord.

  24. What is this? A game not at an ungodly hour?

    I know! These weekday day games are brilliant to me. So far.

  25. Anyone know how many times Ellsbury's walked or hit a single and not stolen second?

  26. Three quick ground ball outs. Good start.

  27. 7 pitches for sid -- and 3 easy grounders! nice.

  28. Anyone know how many times Ellsbury's walked or hit a single and not stolen second?

    To further that - how about times he's been stranded at first?

  29. I like me some seven-pitch Lester innings.

  30. I could look quickly thru my scoresheets between innings.

  31. Heh. Castig just called Cabrera "Danielle"

  32. Hi all, watching but only semi-threading today. Off to a great start! (That's my boy!)

  33. I like this Lester. Can we keep him?

  34. Damn! Dave must be at home. He's just stolen the cable from me. Grrr...

  35. Yooook resonates.

    Time to flip'em the bird.

  36. Eck on pregame: "when a guy bunts off you, you don't drill the next guy, you wait til the first guy comes up again and drill HIM!"

  37. I'm thrilled it's a day game today, since I'm out on Weds nights and usually only catch the last inning or two (or none at all).

    Plus with a 3:00 start I could get some work done before the game. Very nice.

  38. Damn! Dave must be at home. He's just stolen the cable from me. Grrr...

    Slingbox giveth and taketh away.

  39. Youk flips the double-bird. Meaning, gets a double.

  40. Awwww. Warning track power. 400+ feet... out.

  41. that's off the 18-ft wall at Fenway

  42. Cora's cooling off. He's down to .600

  43. also, i am in home sweet Reveahhhh, MA for the summer. :D

  44. also, i am in home sweet Reveahhhh, MA for the summer. :D

    Sweet Revere? I heard there was a dead body found there yesterday.

  45. Too bad Youk couldn't pitch. Have him bat and play first in the first half of the season, then throw him in the bullpen for the second half.

  46. Sweet Revere? I heard there was a dead body found there yesterday.

    Just a coincedence, I'm sure.

  47. Split between this and a European football final - so will be intermittent.

    Tek was unlucky there..

  48. That wasn't pretty. But it's an out.

  49. sounds pretty typical for revere

  50. Lord, update me on the footie match. Go Rangers I guess

  51. Ha! Quick text message spat, and the cable is MINE! (I don't know why he thinks we shouldn't have a second cable box. For $10/mo, all of our TV and Wii related arguments solved.)

  52. Sarah, it's so worth it. When we lived in NYC, a friend gave us a second TV and that solved all our issues.

  53. When we lived in NYC, a friend gave us a second TV and that solved all our issues.

    I've been using a second TV out in the living room.

    Came in handy when everyone else wanted to watch American Idol last night...

    Everyone: He sounds really flat. He's really butchering this song.

    Me: Oh cock. Can't believe a guy named Luke just hit a three run dong.

  54. We even HAVE the second TV. It's in the bedroom (which is soon to be the spare room) with the old game cube, the xbox for a DVD player and its own surround speakers. All it lacks is a cable box, and while I hate the idea of giving TWC any more money than I must, this seems so worth it. Dave remains unconvinced. Perhaps whatever DVD he is watching now is helping with my argument.

  55. Absolutely not Go Rangers. I hope they get stuffed.

    0-0 at half-time.

    Jon Lester keeping his pitches down. Always good to see.

  56. I was at a rock club last night and they had the game on a little TV in the corner. It was an awesome show and I felt bad for letting out a big f-bomb in the middle of it when I saw the Luke dong.

  57. You knew that was a hit right off the bat.

  58. There is something peculiar about watching a day game from inside a darkened theatre. I've done it loads at night, but it's making me feel as though it must be a west coast game to see the sunlight there and yet be so sequestered from it here. (A shame, as today is lovely.)

  59. I wonder what Ellsbury's going to do now.

  60. You can't catch him! You can never catch him!

    * * * *

    I had a hard time justifying the 2nd box too, until I saw it in action.

    If it's only $10 a month, maybe you can find something to tell Dave you guys won't spend money on, so it will come out the same way. Then after a few months of cable bliss, you both forget about whatever it was you were going to forego, and it becomes the new normal.

  61. if ellsbury came into this game with 24 singles and 19 walks and he's stolen 14 bases, does that mean he has not stolen 29 times?

  62. redsock, love the avatar.

    Lord, I kind of hate the Old Firm in general but I also am not a big fan of Russia. I'm indifferent.

  63. Not really, because some of those situations may have had someone on second base already. This team doesn't double-steal too often.

  64. if ellsbury came into this game with 24 singles and 19 walks and he's stolen 14 bases, does that mean he has not stolen 29 times?

    Does that count HBP's and other things?

  65. Then after a few months of cable bliss, you both forget about whatever it was you were going to forego, and it becomes the new normal.

    I LIKE the way you think.

  66. ish - no, i just went to the BR team page.

  67. ish - no, i just went to the BR team page.


  68. I LIKE the way you think.

    That's what always seems to happen to us. Which is why I am reluctant to take on new expenses, they have a way of becoming permanent. But this is important!

  69. This game that is crazy full of statistics - it's amazing how we can still think of stats that not many (or any) others have thought of.

    You think Bill James has thought of something like that?

  70. You think Bill James has thought of something like that?

    Well, it doesn't really tell you anything, though, does it? It's more of a quirky thing to know or look up. Fun, but not instructive, unless I'm missing something.

  71. I think baseball may be the only thing in the universe where there's a stat for everything that could possibly happen.

  72. Brian Roberts is on my All-Juice-Guys team. aka All-Mitchell-Report team.

  73. we had defensive difference, but he still stole without a throw

  74. Well, it doesn't really tell you anything, though, does it? It's more of a quirky thing to know or look up. Fun, but not instructive, unless I'm missing something.

    It gives you a ratio of how many times a runner steals to how many times they've reached base.

    But yeah, it is just a quirky fact.

  75. Some of the things that people call stats, I think are just factoids or quirks of the game. To me a stat has to inform you about the player's tendencies, not just tell you "this happened". Just my take.

  76. Can we call them the Jamba team, ish? (Man, Jamba Juice sounds really good right about now...)

  77. "I think baseball may be the only thing in the universe where there's a stat for everything that could possibly happen."

    There's a stat for everything that can happen in the world. There's just a lot of things that can happen in baseball, as opposed to, say, soccer.

  78. Heh, I said factoids or quirks, Ish said quirky facts, at the same time.

  79. Can we call them the Jamba team, ish? (Man, Jamba Juice sounds really good right about now...)


  80. L: I see what you're saying, except I'd replace "stat" with "projection."

    If I go to Houston once in my life, it's not going to tell you much about me, or when to go there to wait for me to return. But it's still a stat:

    Lifetime trips to Houston: 1.

  81. This really is a truly awful football match.

    Time to put some numbers on the board, please, Boston.

  82. I wonder how some of the stats are accumulated. Especially in a game like hockey. People count how long every single player has been in the game. And they only come in for 45-90 second bursts. Hits and blocked shots, as well.

  83. Jere, I'm not sure what you mean. Stats are not projections. They are history. Splain?

  84. It's not that more stuff happens in baseball; it's just that the basic rules haven't changed much over more than a century, giving stats greater historical significance.

  85. It will be interesting to hear Don's "set-ups" once Manny's at 499. He's already saying "He's sittin' on 498" a lot, knowing he might get on SportsCenter should the dong come on that pitch.

  86. Wait, I think I know what you mean. I would say the number of times you have been to Houston is not a stat in any sense of the word. It is simply a fact.

  87. remy talking about his 7 career HR. says he thinks he hit the last one in his first year with the sox, against matt keough.

    BR lists his 7 HRs ... and he's right!

  88. L: You're saying "it's not a stat unless..." and I'm saying they're all stats, even if, like you say, they don't tell you shit.

    I see what you mean in that some stats are useless in terms of what they can tell you about the future (though you could still try using what you've got--again, it might not help). But I'm saying, they're still stats.

  89. So which alien organism crawled inside Lester's body and learned how to operate his limbs, throwing 34 pitches of shutout baseball over three innings? Can we sign that creature to a multi-year deal?

  90. The number of times Jere has been to Houston is not a stat because it is a statistically insignifcant sample size. Like giving a guy's batting average on the third day of the season.

  91. Getting a little cheesed off with these DPs.

    Still, I was in the Cleveland series and look how that turned out.

    Still 0-0 in the football.

  92. It isn't statistically insignificant if you consider the number of opportunities Jere's had to go to Houston and chosen to go to Coldstone instead.

  93. Jere, I think you're calling any fact with a number a statistic. That seems like too elastic a definition to me. Stat is short for statistic, and you can't make a statistic out of 1 or 2 examples.

    Of course you can if you want to. :)

  94. "So which alien organism crawled inside Lester's body and learned how to operate his limbs, throwing 34 pitches of shutout baseball over three innings? Can we sign that creature to a multi-year deal?"


  95. "is not a stat because it is a statistically insignifcant sample size. Like giving a guy's batting average on the third day of the season."

    I agree that it doesn't tell you much. Hence using that stat to project what will happen is dumb, I agree. But I still say it's a stat.

  96. And how often can we start that creature? Will it work as well in other pitchers?

  97. L: To sum up my point of view:

    "one is the loneliest number"...but it's still a number.



  99. Hence using that stat to project what will happen is dumb, I agree.

    No one really does that, though.


    HOLY FUCKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

  100. Right. I think people who deal with statistics would disagree.

    MANNNNNYYY!!!!!!! what a catch!! and throw too it's a DP!!!!!!!!!!

  101. Castig: Give him the gold glove right now!

  102. Did you see him give the Red Sox fan in the first row a high five!?

  103. There goes the LIABILITY in Left Field.

  104. Manny being a bad man and looking good doing it.

  105. "one is the loneliest number"...but it's still a number.

    Of course it is. But a number is not a stat.

    If a scientist performs an experiment, and plots the result, each dot on the graph is a number. But only the trends of many, many dots is a statistic. Each individual result is not a statistic.

  106. That is freakin' hilarious. HIgh five.

  107. No one worth paying any attention to says stats predict anything.

    They can offer you a possible likelihood of something happening -- like you would expect a guy with a .400 OBP to get on base about 40% of the time -- but as far as actually predicting the future, no. Avoid all of those people.

  108. Did you see him give the Red Sox fan in the first row a high five!?

    I think that was the best part. Not just excellent playing, but excellent style as well.

  109. Did you fucking see that? In between a great catch and a great throw, he high-fives a fan??!!! Did you see the players watching the replay in the dogout??

  110. L: I've been dealing with statistics all my life! I'm a baseball fan:)

    And I did major in that field, albeit for a short time--until I realized there wouldn't be enough baseball...

  111. Ok, time to hit the road. Later all.

  112. Radio-ing it today, but can't wait to see this high five replay...

  113. "as far as actually predicting the future, no. Avoid all of those people."

    This is my mantra.

    I only brought up projections because I thought Laura's initial statement about stats more closely represented projections rather than stats.

  114. i thought i saw a high five when it happened live. hilarious shots of sox players looking at the replay -- lbj, lowell, etc. -- manny then showing tiz how the fan was waving at him...

    man, we are gonna miss that guy one day.

    TEK DONG!!!!!!!!!!!!

  115. L: I've been dealing with statistics all my life! I'm a baseball fan:)

    Yes, me too. What does that have to do with anything?

    You can call an individual, meaningless number a stat if you like to, but that doesn't make it so. Just like someone can say "I axed him to do that..." but it's still mispronouncing a word.

  116. cue the media talking about how manny's high 5 disrespected the game in 5...4...3...2...

  117. Re projections, I said tendencies on purpose. Tendency, likelihood, maybe probability. Not predictions or projections.

  118. The radio guys are still marveling about that catch.

  119. Time for some baseball vandalism!

  120. Every Man's 1st ML hit! Nice.

  121. Hope its the first of many van e

  122. Zenit St Petersburg just taken the league, joe grav.

  123. Castig, on the future baseball vandalism on Van Every's baseball: "Youk's got a wry smile. He might be in the act."

  124. Castig: How soon before Ellsbury steals second?

    Arnold: Now.

  125. Stay calm L.... your boy may yet become a decent major league player.

  126. FY's screwed Lyndon out of two stolen bases today! That menace.

  127. Stay calm L.... your boy may yet become a decent major league player.

    I try but it's hard to stay calm when he's around!

  128. now remy said "danielle" ...

  129. I read the slightly disturbing admiration from after I left last night, L.


    Any more joy on the Leatherhead Lip?

  130. So is Cabrera on my girls team?

  131. What Remy doesn't say is that he got picked off right after getting that first ML hit! (or did he before?)

  132. Oh yeah, I forgot to look up that nickname. Will do so now.

  133. So is Cabrera on my girls team?

    Well, Remy called him Danielle, and he is the President, so...

  134. Sid with plenty of confidence on that throw to second. I like it.

  135. Lester PC:

    7-12-15 10-10 - 54

  136. Because i made a mistake, L!!!!!

    I blame tiredness....

    He was Chris Kelly.

    My team had a player called Chris Guthrie when I were but a wee slip of a lad!

  137. link

    BASIL FAWLTY was opening a hotel on the English Riviera when Chris Kelly was christened the Leatherhead Lip for shouting the odds about his giant-killing.

    Back in 1974-5, England's batsmen were being terrorised by Dennis Lillee and Jeff Thomson in the Ashes when Kelly's heroes dumped Colchester and Peter Taylor's Brighton out of the FA Cup before going out to Leicester in the fourth round.

    Fawlty Towers has long since been closed after a health inspector was served a rat with his cheese and biscuits, and it remains to be seen how England cope Down Under this winter.

    But the Lip is on the loose again and you don't need an ear trumpet to hear him drumming up support for the Tanners in their first round tie against Basil's Torquay on Saturday.
    Click here to find out more!

    Now 55, Kelly is back at Fetcham Grove as commercial manager more than three decades after he became a household name by appearing on Match of the Day in a blaze of bold statements.

    And although the Ryman League minnows are the smallest fry left in the Cup, Kelly's lips are anything but sealed about Leatherhead's chances of producing another shock at Plainmoor.

    He said: "The whole country still loves seeing the little chaps turn over the big cheeses, and even though we are the smallest club left in the competition we've got a chance on Saturday.

    "We've got a striker called Dave Stevens who has scored 60 goals in 80-odd appearances, which is good going at any level.

    "Torquay are a million miles from Arsenal in terms of technical ability, but we are not a million miles from Torquay and if our boys apply themselves we can pull off a shock.

    "We are taking it seriously because we are staying overnight in Torquay on Friday. Leatherhead used to be one of the country's leading amateur clubs and it's been in the doldrums for too long.

    "If it takes the return of the Lip to give us a push back up the hill, so be it."

    I understand all the Fawlty Tower references, but that's about it!

  138. The catch was okay, the dive was just icing on Markakis

  139. Still 1-0 to Zenit Joe.

    Did you read that I made a mistake, L?

  140. Remy's debut -- April 7, 1975

    Batted 8th - Bottom of 2nd, single and RBI, then picked off.

  141. was just icing on Markakis

    Classic Jere

  142. I caught that, Lord. But I'm so confused about all the football references that I wouldn't have noticed anyway.

  143. But now I get how it was *not* a Guthrie. :)

    DOCTOR DONG!!!!!

  144. Chris Guthrie (7/0/0) (Gls 1) Striker (Signed from Fulham for £100,000 Mar 1980 - Retired through Injury after just 4 first team games)

    And the Doctor hits the jackpot....

  145. life is fun with danielle cabrera

  146. sock: I've been looking at the box. FUnny that he played against Killebrew in that game, in his final season. And since Remy's last game was 5/18/84 and Clemens' first game was three days before that, you can link 2007 to 1954: Clemens--Remy--Killebrew. Just in terms of "being in MLB together."

  147. ... and with manny talking with the media now, we'll get his commentary on the play!!!

  148. I love how the Orioles' management tells Cabrera how to pitch. Aim for the middle of the plate.

  149. Also, Remy was picked off first with a guy on third. You think he fell for the "fake to third, throw to first" on his first time on first base? Busby was a righty...

  150. jere -- BR has a great feature that can give you links between players -- 6 degrees style


    connect ty cobb to remy?

    Ty Cobb played with Ray Hayworth for the 1926 Detroit Tigers

    Ray Hayworth played with Eddie Miksis for the 1944 Brooklyn Dodgers

    Eddie Miksis played with Orlando Pena for the 1958 Cincinnati Redlegs

    Orlando Pena played with Jerry Remy for the 1975 California Angels

  151. 2-0 Zenit. Last kick of the match.

    Shame, Joe, shame. Outclassed.

  152. The world really has turned upside down, hasn't it?

    Manny's talking to the media regularly... Mr. Hankie is telling the Yankees to play more like the Rays... and I'm encouraging my cat to use my shoe as a pillow.

  153. wow zenit is pumped, imagine if they won a tournament that mattered

  154. That's a cool thing. I will definitely use it, though it's almost like using the anagram generator!

    I used to do that a lot, only I'd do it through trades. This guy was traded for this guy, who was traded for this guy, etc.

  155. Good point, Allan. I can't wait to hear what Manny has to say about it.

  156. I watched the last 14 minutes or so. Rangers looked atrocious.

    I'm convinced that the best MLS teams would finish 3rd in the shambolic SPL

  157. that timewaster thing is so awesome

  158. also, one of the writers had better be out there in left chatting with the 5'd fan.

  159. if it were on FOX they would still be interviewing the fan

  160. lopez has been up for a bit
    joined by hansen

  161. Might be time for some relief. Gotta hold here.

  162. Lester: 54 pitches through 5, 154 through 6?

  163. yeah, i was pleased with the quick pace of the game but i spoke too soon

    thanks cabin! another K. whew.

    now some RUNS PLEASE
