
September 24, 2008

G158: Red Sox 5, Spiders 4

Spiders - 012 010 000 - 4  13  1
Red Sox - 400 000 01x - 5 10 2
The Red Sox sent 10 men to the plate in the first inning, forcing Carmona to throw 51 pitches. They scored four runs, which was nice, but they left the bases loaded.

And by the middle of the fifth, Cleveland had tied the game against Byrd (5-11-4-1-4, 89). Byrd seemed to always be pitching with men on base; he was helped out by two double plays.

With one out in the bottom of the eighth, pinch-hitter Gumball Bailey tripled high off the Wall in left-center -- he missed a home run by only a few inches. Mark Kotsay ripped Rafael Perez's next pitch down the right field line for an RBI double, and the Red Sox led 5-4.

Manny Delcarmen came in for the ninth. After Grady Sizemore walked and was bunted to second, MDC struck out both Shin-Soo Choo and Jhonny Peralta. Both called strike threes were highly questionable pitches. In fact, if those pitches had been called strikes against Boston, I'd have smoke pouring out of my ears right now.

Baltimore had a 6-0 lead over Tampa Bay after two innings, but the Rays rallied (as effing usual) and won the game 11-6, lowering their East-clinching magic number to 1.


Fausto Carmona (5.19, 85 ERA+) / Paul Byrd (4.53, 98 ERA+)

Terry Francona said J.D. Drew "was putting on a clinic" this afternoon in batting practice and felt great. He will be in tonight's starting lineup, playing right field. Chris Carter will play left field, giving Jason Bay a day off.

Mike Lowell thinks he will be able to play a game or two this weekend and tune up for the ALDS.


Two more pictures from last night, posted to the SoSH Game Thread:

Rays/Orioles at 7
East                     Magic #
Rays 95 62 ---
Red Sox 92 65 3.0 2


  1. Sayeth Justin "The Big Donkey" Masterson: "Youkilis is a pansy."


    1. Jacoby Ellsbury, CF
    2. Dustin Pedroia, 2B
    3. David Ortiz, DH
    4. Kevin Youkilis, 3B
    5. J.D. Drew, RF
    6. Mark Kotsay, 1B
    7. Jason Varitek, C
    8. Chris Carter, LF
    9. Alex Cora, SS

  2. OK, maybe this was discussed in a previous thread - I've been traveling and not keeping up with the game threads. Has anyone else notices that Jed never swings at the first pitch? Now there have been Sox players who always swing at pitch 1, but Jed never seems to. And they are always called strikes! Seems like every game I've watched or listened to in the last week has Lowrie down 0-1 every time he's at the plate. Am I crazy?

  3. Seems to me that Ortiz and Youk are almost always starting 0-2 or 1-2. The Sox like patient hitters. Not worrying about getting to two strikes is part of it.

    Admittedly, it hasn't been working out for Jed lately.

  4. OK, Allan, how in the world do you read that chart?? It is so confusing that I still couldn't find an answer to Jeff's question. Is it just me?

  5. I believe the first part is what he did when he put the ball in play on that exact count. The second half is what he did in PAs after specific counts were reached, like after an 0-1 start to his PA, as opposed to putting an 0-1 pitch into play.

  6. he put the first pitch into play 24 times, he put a 1-0 count into play 18 times, etc.

    he has had 146 plate appearances that began 0-1, 43 that began 2-0, etc.

    as you can see, he hits really well when he gets ahead 2-0.

  7. OK, got it (I think). I will have to look more closely later, but this is why I find Baseball Reference pretty useless without someone else interpreting.

    I am off to teach my class, hoping to catch the last part of the game.

    GO SOX!

  8. and crusaders slay dragons. or get fire-breathed by them.

  9. Jamey Carroll's on the all female name team. And the All in the Family Team (Carroll O'Connor).

  10. Don't tell me Kotsay's using that stupid Nickelback song.

  11. Carmona not glued to success tonite

  12. car-moaner's gonna hit his pitch limit very soon.

    ... and hey ho let's go!!! over the PA

  13. 51 pitch inning!!!

    "long wait for byrd" (/don)

  14. FKR: 0
    BAL: 5

    GET BACK ON THE BUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Remy just called Bullington "Burlington".

    Bullington on both the animal team and the British ale team.

    Not sure there's an ale called Bullington but there oughta be.

  16. this guy has pitched 4.2 IP
    11.57 ERA
    .381 opponents avg

    destroy him!

  17. how about an all-champagne team--let's start with remy

  18. I love me some 4 run first innings!

  19. Hey Remy on a team, we never did that before (that I know of). Any Tattinger every play baseball? Mmmm, Tattinger...

    Oh boy, it's error time.

  20. Carroll on my girls team, of course.

  21. Choo on the train team, the gum team, the tobacco team...

  22. Hafner on the All-Taxi Driver team?

  23. Byrd's not fooling anyone tonight, is he?

  24. If the Blue Jays knew what was comin', his old teammates certainly do

  25. So maybe it's Byrd in the cage for the playoff, er, in the pen rather.

  26. I didn't see Drew's hit, but I have a sudden' hankerin' for Mickey D's!

  27. L thought it was an old replay at first ...

    idiots at nesn

  28. Drew came he hurt? I mean, re-hurt?

  29. no - tito planned on a half game or so, spring training style.

  30. FKR: 0
    BAL: 5

    GET BACK ON THE BUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Would not get excited, Liz is pitching for Baltimore (all girl's team).

    Rays have the bases loaded, one out, down 6-0.

  31. half game for Drew, but he still gets whole snow cone.

  32. I heard those errors on the way home. Very disturbing. Too much champagne last night for Drew and Kotsay?

  33. Pretty quiet here. Everyone must be resting up for the playoffs.

  34. no - tito planned on a half game or so, spring training style.

    Thank Satan (it is ON FIRE we're talking about, after all) for that- I saw it on GDGD and was immediately worried. Came here fast to see what's what.

  35. I'm having a hard time getting into the game tonight. Kind of strange.

  36. Pretty quiet here. Everyone must be resting up for the playoffs.

    I hope so. 110 or so posts is not good for an ALDS game.

  37. Carter hitting .714!!!

    Yet Tito keeps him on the bench.

  38. I hope so. 110 or so posts is not good for an ALDS game.

    Hey, the biggest game thread of the regular season was a 9-inning loss to the Royals. Go figure...

  39. They just asked "who was the last to wear 6 (in 2002)?" I remembered from your post Gaetti was the last player in 2000. So a coach must've worn it in '02?

  40. Ish, post Fenway reaction or post clinching reaction?

  41. Ish, post Fenway reaction or post clinching reaction?

    I think post-clinching. And it's been a long day - I've been going a million miles per hour all day and it's hard trying to slow down.

  42. Too much fried food for dinner, too, I think.

  43. But diehard lists coaches on the uni-# list. So I'm curious to see who NESN says wore 6 in '02.

  44. They came back with the answer, and the question had changed to say 2000, with no mention from Don. I swear it said '02 when they first asked it.

  45. Jere, I saw 2002 when they first asked the question, too.

  46. FKR: 000 5
    BAL: 510


  47. Yeah, I am sort of anxious to get to the post season. But I want to enjoy these games also. Hard to take them as seriously now though.



  49. royals game? really?

    Yep. 1000+ comments. 4-3 loss, loaded up the bases against Soria but couldn't get the run across. I think the last 100 comments or so were after the game ended, and about wind instruments mostly.

  50. Hmm.

    Compared to leaving Byrd in there, White Flag looks rather appealing at this point.

  51. Watching the Cubs/Mets game on ESPN... Oh man, that Mets bullpen is SO HORRIBLE. It's hilarious.

    3rd inning, Carlos Zambrano walks the ballpark, basically. It was 1-0 Cubs, then Zambrano walked in a run, and then went 3-2 with 2 out to Delgado, who hit a grand slam to make it 5-1 Mets.

    Oliver Perez didn't even make it through five innings. Joe Smith came in, gave up a couple runs. Duaner Sanchez just gave up two runs - game is tied at 5.

  52. The Mets bullpen is so terrible that Mike Timlin would be a pretty good candidate for closer.

  53. these are line drives who died, died

  54. The Mets bullpen is so terrible that Mike Timlin would be a pretty good candidate for closer.

    I will be VERY surprised if they make the postseason.

  55. thanks. I'm gonna switch to the Mets on commercial here, even though the giant new stadium in left field scares me.

  56. left and center field. It's like a spaceship landed.

  57. We are being shut down by a Pirates' castaway. This will not stand.

  58. It's funny listening to the Yankees radio broadcast after they've been eliminated.

    They don't even know what to do. They're talking about every other team in baseball except for the Yankees.

  59. I wonder how long it took Heidi to get the champagne out of his hair.

  60. and by his, I mean hers. I wrote his because I was watching Jason Bay's interview.

  61. Enjoying listening to the first meaningless Yankee game since 1993.

  62. I wonder how long it took Heidi to get the champagne out of his hair.

    I assumed you meant Tek.

  63. Braves have broken it open in Philadelphia. Seemed like 20 minutes ago Ryan Howard hit a dong to tie it at 3... Now it's 9-3 ATL

  64. meaningless in the negative way anyway. negative for them.

  65. I wonder, if they ever did start seeing each other, how long they'd keep seeing each other.

  66. meaningless in the negative way anyway. negative for them.

    Yeah, that. Of course, it's meaningless for Toronto too. In the negative way, anyway.

  67. Hey, look, Mike Timlin got through the inning.

  68. we really should have got more than 4 in the 1st. left them loaded.

    after burlington, remy calls him bowlington.

  69. a second inning for timlin - never a good decision.

  70. O's have now fully blown lead, 7-6 Rays

  71. Mets bullpen is so bad that they're relying on Ricardo Rincon, fresh from the Mexican league and brought up to the bigs on the 1st... in a tie game, with 2 on and 2 out.

  72. Heh. Rincon gets his man. Back to Boston.

  73. It's still weird to me to think of Orsillo doing national games as he did last postseason and will do again--but I was shocked Eckersley god the nod for national studio work.

  74. Wow. Ortiz didn't know what to make of that slider.

  75. 2 bases loaded walks in a row, and the Brewers go up 3-1, putting presh on the Mets

  76. "jumping back out of the way"

    dark horse addition to the orsillo drinking game.

  77. FY going for a 20/20 season... He needs a couple more dongs, though.

  78. sure looked like called strik e3!

  79. A, in the 7th, you'll be too drunk from Don Orsillo drinking game that you won't be able to tell what a dark horse saying would be. By this point people drink whenever he says ANYTHING.

  80. Sut: I told ya the Brewers were gonna do something when they saw the Mets score. Yeah, they stood there and took two run-scoring walks.

  81. that's why in the original game, you would pick 3 sayings before the game and drink only on those 3.

  82. Ah. I like that. Strict rules.

  83. Looks like FY took a digger to the face.

  84. did he bang his nose on the ground?

  85. rub some dirt on it and play on.

  86. I think so, Jere. Looked like he was trying not to cry. You hit your nose like that, you don't exactly have a choice.

    Don: "Beach ball, however small, has come out onto the field."

  87. that was about the smallest beach ball they make. Saw some interesting ones at Fenway this year of varying shapes and sizes.

  88. a bit short of a haiku?

    Beach ball, however
    small, has come out onto the field ......

  89. DAMN!

    a bit short of a haiku?

    Beach ball, however
    small, has come out onto the
    field ......

  90. don o drinking game
    choose just 3 catch phrases or
    drown in pool of booze

  91. Mets trail. Before it looked like they'd be 2 up w/4 to play, now looks like tied with 4 left

  92. GUMBALL TRIPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    chew 'em up

  93. that's what i'm talkin bout. High fly, you gotta be on third if it doesn't go out.

  94. Kotsay, why aren't YOU thinkin' three? We could be going for 3 straight triples right now.

  95. TAKE the lead!

    Too bad no insurance, but...nice to see the rookies and new guys contributing.

  96. MDC ("Millions of Dead Clevelands") in to nail it down.

  97. We know for a fact that Delcarmen was drinking last night.

  98. thank you, mr. umpire, for that wide K!

  99. Choo, all he could do is bend over -- and touch his knees.

    Man, that sounds fucked up. Bet Don & Jerry were holding back laughter.

  100. I want to spread some dirty water.

  101. First round of dirty water is on me!!!

  102. 'Nother very questionable called strike, but...I'll take it.

  103. Thanks for the link on Lowrie. I'll need to dig in for the details, but I do appreciate the quick work. A full service blog!

  104. O's walk in a run and a two-run single makes it 10-6.

  105. ack - fuck me - it's actually 11-6.

  106. abreu hit a grand slam in the 10th and the mfy beat the jays 6-2.

  107. Haven't they clinched the division already since the magic number is 1 and they own the tiebreaker?

  108. Holy crap. Mets have man on third no out in tie game, bottom 9. Then loaded, one out. Don't score. Cubs score 3 in top 10th. That team has serious problems.

    Nice job by the O's--last 7 games against TB and NYY, we're rooting for them, and they go 0-7.

  109. Sutcliffe: had never heard of a Nor'easter. Come on, I've heard of El Nino!

  110. Julian Tavarez was pitching for Atlanta... Shane Victorino was on third for Philly, and straying toward home. Third base coach tells Victorino to get back to third, because there's Tavarez, running over to try and tag him out!

    Tavarez goes back to the mound and Victorino starts getting chippy. Tavarez takes exception, starts walking over there, benches empty, etc. But no fight.

  111. Haven't they clinched the division already since the magic number is 1 and they own the tiebreaker?

    I don't think so.

    Rays lead Sox by 3 games
    Rays lose last four
    Red Sox win last four
    Red Sox win East by 1 game!

  112. Everyone knows they own the tiebreaker, so maybe the magic number figures for that. Had the Red Sox owned the tiebreaker the magic number probably would have been 2.

  113. Meanwhile, the Twins beat the White Sox again, and pull to within a half game.

  114. Drinking Liberally intervened, but I still got to watch most of this one. Not too shabby for a couple teams that aren't trying.

  115. Why, you're right!

    My, I never knew MLB could make magic numbers account for ties like that.

  116. yes, the magic number *should* be 2. Meaning one more TB win or BOS loss would make it 1, meaning BOS can only tie. But since the tie-breaker is guaranteed to go to TB, they only need the 1 win (or 1 BOS loss). So their true magic # is 1 to win the division. There can be no tie.

  117. But note that it's only like that because the Sox are in the playoffs anyway. If someone else had locked up the Wild Card by now, and us and TB ended up with the same record at the top of the division, there would've be a one-game playoff which would've been in Boston as we won an earlier coin toss.

  118. In MDC we a chuckle out of the headline. No idea what the article is about.
