
March 17, 2009

Everyone Loves A Contest #6

It's time for the Red Sox W-L Contest!

Correctly guess the team's 2009 regular season record and win exciting prizes*:

Prize: 6 classic Pedro performances on DVD. I'm unsure of the exact list (I may get more games over the summer), but these two will certainly be included:
Sep 10, 1999: 9-1-0-0-17 at Yankees

Aug 29, 2000: 9-1-0-0-13 at Tampa Bay
Note: Entries must be emailed to me -- though you can post your entry in comments if you feel like it.

Tiebreakers (if there is a tie with (1) we'll go to (2):
(1) How many bases will Jacoby Ellsbury steal?

(2) Jason Varitek's on-base percentage?
Tiebreakers will follow The Price Is Right rules: closest without going over.

Deadline: Sunday, April 5 at 9 PM.

*And I'm repeating the grand [sic] prize! The winner is invited to watch a 2010 Red Sox game+ at Chez L-Sock. Game night will include dinner in our backyard, alcoholic beverages, copious canine attention, and overnight accommodations. Transportation to the Toronto area not included. [+: Monday-Thursday only]


  1. My predictions:

    97 wins, 49 SB for LBJ, and 325 OBP for Tek.

  2. I hope you two have read the instructions...

  3. And just for bonus points:

    AL CY Young: Josh Beckett

  4. Does the TPIR rule hold for the wins, too? Like, if no one guesses 100 or 101, and they win 101, does the 99 person beat the 102 person? Eh, I'm sure all the numbers will be covered anyway.

  5. Almost everyone is recent years has picked 90+, so I'll be shocked if we are not covered.

    But the wins have to be exact.

  6. 98 wins, 54 SB for LBJ and 332 OBP for Tek

  7. Some people are not reading this post correctly -- specifically, the stuff in BOLD.

    There is only one rule -- but you gotta follow it.

  8. Hey, I got a fourth tiebreaker.
    How many games will Drew spend on the DL?
    I say 52.

  9. 100-62 for the Sox, 45 steals for Jacoby, and Tek has a .300 OBP.

  10. Red Sox will win 96
    LBJ will steal 57
    Varitek's on-base = .339
