You want to complain that there aren't many Red Sox on the list? You want to rail about the obvious juicers on those teams, maybe link that to the fact that Mitchell is a director of the team? Go ahead. Or simply understand: The Sox were spared because the men who did this investigation couldn't nab whoever it was who supplied the home clubhouse at Fenway Park. That guy was out there. He's out there still. He was luckier than McNamee, luckier than Radomski.

Just to balance things out: next year we'll have one of the Steinbrenners investigate and center it in Boston.
That's glorious.
Just to balance things out: next year we'll have one of the Steinbrenners investigate and center it in Boston.
Two comments:
1. There is no doubt in my mind that the Red Sox had/have their share of roiders on their team(s).
2. WHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Mommy, the big bad senator is picking on my team!! WHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
This is great. This is what being a Red Sox fan--no, a human being, is all about. It's a good feeling, after basically calling the Yankees cheaters on my blog for four years, to see a pic of Clemens and Pettitte on the front page with just the word CHEATERS above them.
"Just to balance things out: next year we'll have one of the Steinbrenners investigate and center it in Boston."
George's steroid list:
1. Tommy
2. Tommy
3. Tommy
4. Tommy
5. Tommy
6. Tommy
I don't have much stomach to feel a lot of schadenfreude about it. I'll save that for when the Yankees lose. If there's no doubt that the Sox have had our share of roiders, then what's there to feel good about? It sucks all around.
And I'd really like to know where the "leak" list (which included Varitek, Tavarez, and Damon) came from.
It's always fun to rip on Fat Billy. Always.
FBfO Headline in Trenton paper:
He Took It In The Butt
Allan, did you hate Clemens when he played for Boston, or only after he left? Just curious.
I always thought he was a bag of hot air and worse, but I sure loved when he pitched for the Sox.
I get no joy from any of this, as Zen said. I think that there is more to come, or more than we will ever know, about the extent of abuse. I look at baseball players from the old days---like Williams, Yaz, Mantle, Maris, Mays---all power hitters---and it sure seems no one was as big and bulked up as Bonds, McGuire, even Ortiz. (I also remember looking at Conseco's forearms and being amazed that someone could have such HUGE forearms.) Could there be no current Sox player involved in all this? I doubt it....
Allan, did you hate Clemens when he played for Boston, or only after he left? Just curious.
While he was in Boston. At least as far back as this game (1990). Then he let himself get fat and ineffective in 1995 and 1996.
Refresh my recollection: what did he do in that game that made you hate him (other than lose the game)?
the old days---like Williams, Yaz, Mantle, Maris, Mays---all power hitters---and it sure seems no one was as big and bulked up as Bonds, McGuire, even Ortiz
Weightlifting and bulky msucles were considered bad in the old days you mention.
Plus, amphetamines have been a part of baseball for decades. In 1985, Pittsburgh's John Milner testified that he got greenies from Willie Mays and Willie Stargell.
I'd be surprised if even a handful of players from the 60s and 70s did not take them. I think Aaron admitted in his bio to using them.
Pitcher Tom House says he used steroids in the 1970s and that it was not uncommon.
October 10, 1990 - ALCS Game 4 in Oakland. A's lead the Sox 3-0 in the series.
Clemens takes the mound for this must-win game (facing his rival Dave Stewart) wearing eye black and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shoelaces.
Not getting the calls he believes he should be getting, he starts cursing at home plate umpire Terry Cooney.
Cooney tells him to knock it off. FB does not and gets more pissed instead. Cooney ejects Billy (he lasted 1.2 innings) and during a further meltdown, Billy allegedly tells Cooney he will "get" him and "I know where you live."
Oakland led by only 1-0 when Billy was canned, though there were two guys on (who both eventually scored). Boston lost the game 3-1 and were swept.
Thanks. I am so glad that being over 50 has caused me to repress bad memories!!
I didn't think it was ever possible but Clemens has made Dan Duquette look like a genius......
But in turn his steroid use and career revial has alot to do where the Red Sox stand in regards to management and ownership....
Not getting the calls he believes he should be getting, he starts cursing at home plate umpire Terry Cooney.
Cooney tells him to knock it off. FB does not and gets more pissed instead. Cooney ejects Billy (he lasted 1.2 innings) and during a further meltdown, Billy allegedly tells Cooney he will "get" him and "I know where you live."
Roid Rage ftw.
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