Giants - 000 000 300 - 3 7 0WS MVP Edgar Renteria hit a three-run home run off Lee with two outs in the seventh and Lincecum (8-3-1-2-10, 101) was dominant.
Rangers - 000 000 100 - 1 3 1

The Giants lead the series 3-1 and can clinch their first World Series title since moving to San Francisco for the 1958 season with a victory tonight. Neither starter pitched very well in Game 1, though Lincecum did get into a bit of a groove, retiring 13 of 14 batters at one point.
Edgar Renteria (!) leads the Giants in AVG, OBP and runs scored, while Texas' Mitch Moreland is 5-for-11, with a 1.318 OPS.
Rangers reliever Darren O'Day has pitched in all four games. No other pitcher has worked more than twice.
So far:
Game 1 / Wednesday, October 27Nearly half of the Giants' runs -- 12 of 26 -- have come in the eighth inning. They have yet to score a run in any of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, or 9th innings. That may be noteworthy, in a Starkian way. (Or not.)
Rangers - 110 002 003 - 7 11 4
Giants - 002 060 03x - 11 14 2
Game 2 / Thursday, October 28
Rangers - 000 000 000 - 0 4 0
Giants - 000 010 07x - 9 8 0
Game 3 / Saturday, October 30
Giants - 000 000 110 - 2 5 1
Rangers - 030 010 00x - 4 8 0
Game 4 / Sunday, October 31
Giants - 002 000 110 - 4 8 1
Rangers - 000 000 000 - 0 3 0
Other WS Games in November:
2001In this series, a possible Game 7 is scheduled for November 4.
Game 5, November 1 - Yankees 3, Diamondbacks 2 (12)
Game 6, November 3 - Diamondbacks 15, Yankees 2
Game 7, November 4 - Diamondbacks 3, Yankees 2
Game 4, November 1 - Yankees 7, Phillies 4
Game 5, November 2 - Phillies 8, Yankees 6
Game 6, November 4 - Yankees 7, Phillies 3
Does this mean we will have a game thread? :) I miss you all!
Might be the last game until April.
I will try and be there for at least a part of the game! Go, Giants!
Torres, RF
Sanchez, 2B
Posey, C
Ross, LF
Uribe, 3B
Huff, 1B
Burrell, DH
Renteria, SS
Rowand, CF
Andrus, SS
Young, 3B
Hamilton, CF
Guerrero, DH
Cruz, RF
Kinsler, 2B
Murphy, LF
Molina, C
Moreland, 1B
7:57 first pitch
Hooray! Happy 01.11.10 all!
Uuuuuuuu-ribe! Go Giants!
I was there for WS Game 2, the 9-0 masterpiece by Cain. Javier Lopez pitched a great inning in relief, and I remember thinking, why can't the Red Sox ever have any relief pitchers like that? I might try to tune in to the thread tonight while watching. Yikes, it's 4:45 already, need to rush home for the game in 15 minutes.
play ball
Yay! Baseball! And a game thread in November!
This guy's hair looks like the guys I went to high school/college with (Lincecum). I didn't know that anyone wore it that long any more.
tex batters on deck - i hope we don't have to see shitforbrains and his wife the joker too many times.
Please.... That's the key reason I am rooting for SF. I can't stomach the thought of being in favor of any thing that George Bush favors....
And that fact that WCS and Zen are out there in Giants territory.
why does fox call lincecum's delivery violent all the time? i got the impression it is just the opposite.
in that SI cover story a few years back, didn't he say that he doesn't even ice his arm?
i want the result that makes ME happy, i cannot worry about some other person. therefore, tex over mfy = good.
I don't remember any SI story. Sorry. I barely read anything other than Red Sox stuff.
cover story - if i recall, his father came up with this delivery because it would not cause arm/shoulder problems.
The result that makes me happy is anything that makes W unhappy.
I don't feel like I owe the Rangers anything for beating the Yankees. Though I am glad that they did.
It's feeling like a pitchers' duel so far.
Guess it's just you and me here. I posted on FB that there would be a game thread, so maybe others will chime in later.
I prefer to think that I could root against the Yankees without rooting for the team that was beating them.
As if reading my mind, Benjamin appears!
Sometimes it is easier to root for a NL team since all the AL teams are our rivals during the season.
go edgar!
Too bad Renteria wasn't Renteria when he played for the Sox. He must have really hated playing in Boston.
damn - quick work of murphy
It's hard to believe this is the same team that shut down the Yankees. Either the Giants have much better pitching than the Yankees, or the Rangers exhausted all their power in the ALCS.
fuckin' dealing this inning...
balls 2 and 3 there looked as good or better than the strike called to molina.
A bow tie with that long hair! What a strange dude.
Too bad about the baserunner. But still no hits.
Finally home. Morgan was hilarious on radio: "man, these guys are all swinging at the first pitch like they have a plane to catch.". Then, after Rowand's first-pitch hit, "great first pitch hit - I never said not to swing at the first pitch, just only swing at good pitches."
Happy to be turning off that crap. Licecum!
Hey, WCS! You must be happy with this series so far.
Yes, Amy. Nice to have the hometown team winning.
What would you do if it were Sox-Giants? (Be careful what you say here!)
i am hoping for a line drive to nail shithead flush in the head...
Funny, my 7-yr old has asked me a similar group of questions, and we established that I would root for the RS against everyone, the Giants against everyone other than the RS, and never root for the Yankees, unless they were playing "the Nazis."
Buster Posey is a great name for a ballplayer. He could be on the flower team and on the body part team.
The other name I liked was that pitcher, Bumgarner. Also could be on the body part team.
never root for the Yankees, unless they were playing "the Nazis."
That is known as an intrasquad game.
Giants 3 & 4 hitters:
Buster and Cody!
That is sort of like me with the Mets. Red Sox over anyone, Mets over anyone else but the Red Sox, and everyone over the Yankees.
Buster and Cody! Maybe we need an all dog names' team, using everyone's dogs. But I have never seen a ball player with any of my pets' names. We did have a cat named Louie once, but otherwise, just looking at male names...not much.
Boo, a hit.
never root for the Yankees, unless they were playing "the Nazis."
That is known as an intrasquad game
Well, we can't have too many no hitters in the post-season.
no go, jesusboy.
This would be the pitcher's duel we all thought we'd see in Game 1. Lee with 51 pitches through 4, Lincecum with 53 and 5 K's.
theo has to trade dice + something for lincecum. get 'er done!
1 hour in, and we're in the 5th already. Yankees-Phillies would be entering the 3rd, maybe.
Burrell looks bad.
Won't everyone want Lincecum? Would he cut that hair for enough money from the Steinbrenners?
If Prop 19 passes, Lincecum's not going anywhere!
Is everyone else getting the Meg Whitman-plagiarizing Arnold Schwarzenegger commercial, or just us lucky CA folk?
OK, excuse my ignorance, but how does Prop 19 relate to Lincecum?
I assume it is pot-related.
I am watching Fox from Buffalo.
No Whitman commercials here, thank you. Bad enough I had to hear her years ago at my daughter's college graduation. What a pompous, self-absorbed duo she and her husband make.
nice shot of fans back in SF
At this rate they could finish this game in two hours. But someone has to score, so unlikely.
Prop 19 will legalize marijuana in California.
Hey Guys,
Just stopping by to say hi. I'm visiting my brother(s) in the Atlanta area. We just got back from dinner. Enjoy the game.
So you are suggesting that because Lincecum has long hair, he's a pothead? LOL! Sorry to be so slow about this. I am out of threading shape!
Hi, MrsG! Hope all is well.
Amy: that and his 2009 arrest for possession.
Oh, that's right. Ron Washington is the pothead.
No, he's the cokehead.
a pot of cocaine, maybe.
Guess I missed that story or forgot it. I don't follow much non-Sox player news generally.... Hard enough for me to keep track of the players I care about most.
pasta non-diving andrus
Two on, no outs! Maybe time for some scoring!
mcmoron obsessed with bunting
Wow, nice bunt!
I would have pinch-hit for Burrell here.
1st SAC bunt of his career?!?!?
fox starting to show sad texas faces?
Sad Texas faces...but no score yet!
"long wait for lincecum" (/don)
Full count.
Yeah, no longer a two hour game.
Big K there.
Useless. Lee up to 91 pitches.
Renteria. An MVP contender?
Just bad managing bunting Huff and having Burrell bat.
Yup, definitely an MVP contender!
Why can't we get players like that?
Woohoo! Why can't the Red Sox ever get a shortstop like Renteria?
Like I said earlier, he must have really hated Boston. He couldn't do anything right that year.
Lincecum's meh start in G1 could mean Edgar is MVP if this holds up.
Uch, GBA and W. Puke.
his swing looked great and i got excited, but then buck did not say much. but i was right - and he was wrong!
i just changed the channel in one direction. seeing a tv guide station.
Starting to get that end of summer baseball is just about over for another year. Even though it is NOVEMBER, I still feel like there is a bit of summer as long as someone is playing baseball.
1/3 the dong.
Uh oh, 3-1.
Not over yet!
feliz up - washington now getting it.
Lincecum losing it?
dp pls
Allan, I thought you were rooting for Texas?
Amy: Seriously?
Amy, he lives in America's hat, not its sack.
sack, colon, whatever.
haha eff you nolan
Lincecum and Lee both done now?
Wouldn't surprise me too much if they're not.
But yeah, Feliz in.
Well, you said earlier i want the result that makes ME happy, i cannot worry about some other person. therefore, tex over mfy = good.
I read that to mean you wanted Texas to win since they beat the Yankees! It seemed quite odd to me, but who am I to question your feelings? :)
Now I realize you simply meant you could root for TX over the Yankees despite Bush. But that you did not mean you wanted TX over SF. Sorry for the mistake.
i wanted the yankees to lose. i did not care who the winning team was or what various murderers root for them.
Got it now. Like I said, I couldn't figure out why you would root for Texas, except, of course, against the Yankees.
I feel much better. I thought you had gone off the deep end. :)
i wasn't rooting for texas to win
i was rooting for nyy to lose
6 outs away! Giants were there in 2002 and lost to the Angels
Alas, even if they lose the World Series, they're still gaining four congressmen.
lincecum at 101 - would like to see him finish, but i assume it'll be wilson
nice catch, tubby
if that was a 1/4-pounder, he would have grabbed it.
If it were a 1/4 pounder, he would've picked it up off the ground after it bounced and eaten it.
mcmoron: never seen a mgr make so many good/right moves in a post-season than bochy.
he has forgotten 2004.
Bochy kinda looks like W too, unfortunately.
Not many shots of Nolan Ryan tonight, or have I just missed them?
TEXAS getting its ASS kicked by a manager born in fuckin FRANCE!!
Fear the beard time!
Bottom of 9th. Sigh. I want SF to win tonight, but also a bit sad to see the end of baseball for 2010.
seen nolan maybe twice
Wilson in.
But 2011 is gonna be good.
3-4-5 hitters vs duh beard
Yes, 2011 should be good. But it's a ways off. Lots of that winter stuff to endure til spring.
Can we get this guy as our closer?
Byebye, Hamilton.
One more, San Francisco!
Brian Wilson, on the rock star team.
No, he signed a 2-year extension in March through 2012.
A strike away!
It was just a fantasy, Benjamin.
San Francisco Bay Water.
That's it! Giants win! Giants win!
And baseball is over for the year.
wilson has been a bit of a rollercoatser too, i believe
Hopefully people aren't too hung over tomorrow to vote.
fans in SF not doing much in that shot?
Lincecum MVP or Renteria?
Great series. Thanks for the threading.
At least Molina's still getting that ring.
Yes, Allan, thanks for hosting the thread. Always fun to watch a game with all of the JOS crowd.
See you next year!
... and then Panda fell on Lincecum's shoulder in the pile ...
They messed with Texas.
Good night, everyone. See you on the offseason posts and in April, for real!
F U Selig.
"My friend." "My friend."
Heh. Had said to L, I wanted Edgar to say, "You are not my friend."
See everyone in April!
(I wore my City Lights Bookstore t-shirt to the show last night and got razzed mercilessly, but we see who had the last laugh) :)
I enjoyed reading over this thread just now. Game 5 was a shocker, as was the identity of the MVP. San Francisco went insane that night, and apparently the parade today was just huge although I could not go.
I'm touched you all watched and threaded and rooted for SF. I love this team now. Not the same as the RS, of course, but it's great to have a home in the NL. And a WS trophy.
This was great. Growing up in the Bay Area, the A's were closer but we still went to many games at Candlestick. McCovey was still playing during my first games there in the late '70s. Then seeing guys like Jack Clark (who ended up on the RS later), Will Clark, and the original Uribe, Jose, who was the shortstop during the 1987 NLCS series I saw against the Cardinals. But of course, they lost then, got sooo close in '02, and were dominated in '89. Nice to see the home team win. I wouldn't mind seeing the Cubs, Indians, Mariners, Rockies, even the Rangers eventually win, as long as it wasn't at the expense of the Red Sox. Looking forward to Spring already.
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