From Reason, with sources for the ad copy.
Also: I could not care less about the Rally to Restore Sanity, but I love this sign:

I want to be back, and I want to be here for a longer period of time. I'm just a little worn out because of the negativity that I've dealt with the last few years. I don't think there's any baseball player that can deal with all the distractions that I deal with and play baseball. It's hard. I'm not a superhero. I'm just another human being, like everyone else. I've got feelings. I want to give this team another World Series, and dealing with all the other crap with people telling you you can't do it no more, or this and that, I have no room for that. ...Of course, if Ortiz signs for two years -- there is no way on Earth the Sox would do more than that -- and he is again slow out of the gate, he'll hear puh-lenty of crap. Probably more crap than he did this season, actually, because people will be bitching that the team is on the hook for him in 2012, too.
I just want to be able to play baseball and have fun, like I used to. That's where I came back to not wanting just one year, because I know it's going to be just the same thing. As soon as you struggle for a week, it's going to be the same thing. People saying you are old, saying you have no bat speed anymore. People talking all kind of crap. It's hard to avoid that because it's all over the place.
Coming up through the Pirates organization, you knew what his legacy stood for. ... Roberto's legacy truly epitomizes how an athlete should act, not only on the field, but off as well. That's what I've tried to emulate throughout my career. ... This award ultimately is the highest accomplishment I think you can attain or the highest compliment that you can get from somebody, and I'm very honored and humbled at the same time to accept this award.
I think Detroit is going to give him four or five years. And I don't think anybody else is going to give him four or five years to be a catcher. I'm not so sure Beltre will be back. I can't gauge that market. But I do think they will go very hard after [Carl] Crawford, I really believe that. And I think they will go hard after some relief pitchers.
This was a duty ...a lifelong quest to rise above and persevere. ... To be a true fan ... takes commitment. Total and complete. It takes faith -- faith that one day it will pay off. And if for some reason it doesn't, then the journey -- the process -- is the pay off.Sander Lee opens his essay, "Why Are They Our Red Sox?": "Why do normally sane adults root for the Boston Red Sox?" His answer:
[B]ecause we choose to. My wife sometimes asks me why I allow myself to feel bad when the Sox lose. She accepts that it might be fun to feel good when they win, but why torture myself when they lose? There's no good way to explain the pleasures and pains of the true fan to those who choose not to enter the magical realm of sports.John McHugh ("Grady Little, the Impartial Spectator, and My Short Fuse") thinks it is odd to get so riled up by simply watching the Red Sox, when we aren't actually doing anything. But that's the problem, isn't it? We are helpless, at the mercy of these players and the fickle luck of the game.
Losing is a vastly more complicated experience than winning ... Loss is complicated because it includes both itself and what is not itself. ... Victors relish being who they are; losers feel the pain of who they are not. ...Rory E. Kraft Jr. ("Forgiveness, Virtue, and Red Sox Nation") looks at our tendency to evaluate people by the actions they take, seeing them as an extension of those actions. This is why J.D. Drew gets criticized for stuff that mainly exists in fans' heads while Josh Reddick can actually say he is now a better hitter because "I stopped caring so much" and everyone pretty much yawns.
[R]ationalization [is] a way to defuse the hurt. We diminish the importance of the game only because we were on the losing side. ... "It was only a game." ...
Victors are not driven to become reflective. ... They have no need to think. ... [The Yankees] treat loss as an insult, rather than the life-lesson it is.
[N]ever forget those dark and haunted days before October 2004. We were special then. Never forget the strange sensation of being cursed ... We understood ourselves back then. ... Maybe when the Curse ended something weirdly valuable was lost as well.Unfortunately, with so much discussion of faith and fate, even after 2004, the CHB's Meal Ticket gets mentioned quite a bit (under its more well-known moniker, which I have decided never to type or say again), and that soured several essays for me.
We experienced a bliss that can only be born of impossible disappointment. ... The curse turned out to be a blessing, a necessary condition of the impossible joy that dawned with Roberts's steal of second, overwhelmed us in the rout in Game Seven and culminated in the sweep of the Cardinals in the World Series. ...
2004 couldn't have been what it was without reference to these other events [bad stuff like 1986 and 2003]. ... Hence no team could've done precisely what the Red Sox did in 2004. We experienced something that no other fans could've experienced. ... The suffering itself took on an entirely new significance. It suddenly had a purpose for me, a gift that made possible the singular bliss we felt as the Yankees crumbled and the Red Sox ascended. What else, after all, could a blessing be?
They're among the narrowest in baseball, if not the narrowest. It makes it hard for two guys to warm-up. It does have other effects in terms of reducing the depths of right field, which is among the deepest in baseball.The proposal must be approved by the Massachusetts Preservation Society.
102 years Cubs (1908)P.S. The Cubs haven't won the NL pennant in 65 years.
62 years Cleveland (1948)
55 years Giants (1954, as New York Giants)
49 years Rangers (Never, began 1961)
49 years Astros (Never, began 1962)
NLDS: 1-0, 4-5 (11), 3-2, 3-2Schedule (time are EST)
NLCS: 4-3, 1-6, 3-0, 6-5, 2-4, 3-2
WS1 Wed 1027 Rangers at Giants, 7:30 PMGame 3's start time is the earliest for a World Series game in 23 years. In 1987, the Cardinals and Twins began Game 6 at 1 PM.
WS2 Thu 1028 Rangers at Giants, 7:30 PM
WS3 Sat 1030 Giants at Rangers, 6:30 PM
WS4 Sun 1031 Giants at Rangers, 8:00 PM
WS5 Mon 1101 Giants at Rangers, 7:30 PM
WS6 Wed 1103 Rangers at Giants, 7:30 PM
WS7 Thu 1104 Rangers at Giants, 7:30 PM
Joe Girardi won't have to change his uniform number next season.
The end of it for the Yankees, the end of a four-game sweep that just happened to take six games, was the bat on Alex Rodriguez's shoulder against a kid closer named Neftali Feliz. It was 6-1 for the Rangers in Game 6 by then. The Yankees hadn't just been beaten. They had been bounced around most of the last week, Arlington to the Bronx and back, and finally been embarrassed. So there really was no need for A-Rod to take the bat off his shoulder. The Yankees had stopped playing an hour ago. ...
This wasn't as bad an AL pennant defense as we got from the Yankees in 2004, when the Red Sox came back from 0-3 down. It was bad enough. ...
One out away. A-Rod. Of course. Of course it had to be him. Took a called third strike. They paid him $252 million once to put the Rangers in the World Series. Now he had.
... here we were last night, when the old shortstop was Jeter, the cornerstone cracked. He is 36. He couldn't get to the ball in the hole much any longer [a statue already before he ever reaches Monument Park]. He managed to hit a low-impact .231 in the ALCS. ...John Harper, Daily News:
His final game of 2010 felt like an endless loop of the season: Three meek groundouts and, in conceivably his last Yankee at-bat, being overmatched and struck out by Colby Lewis.
Jeter was the little engine that couldn't ...
It was another bad decision in an ALCS full of them for Girardi.
Good thing for him these aren't the days of Hurricane George, when Boss Steinbrenner just might have fired a manager for a series like Girardi and the Yankees had against the Rangers. ...[H]e appeared awfully tight when the Yankees struggled in September, and that seems to be an ongoing issue.
Girardi’s penchant for autumn over-managing only cost the Yankees one game last year, when they already were comfortably ahead of Anaheim in the ALCS. This time, it probably cost them the season, or at least a legitimate shot at Game 7. Four times, Girardi ordered intentional walks last night: They should have a program at Betty Ford for that addiction.Girardi:
I don't know how you measure any of it. It all stinks. It's no fun to be in this position. It's no fun sitting here after a loss. We take this extremely serious. It stinks.Before the game:
ALCS 6Colby Lewis (8-3-1-3-7, 102) made sure there was no doubt about this game and Neftali Feliz capped the night by striking out former Ranger Alex Rodriguez to win the pennant.
Yankees - 000 010 000 - 1 3 0
Rangers - 100 040 10x - 6 7 0
Told I may be preamture on John Farrell , that Alex Anthropolous last night still considering Demarlo Hale. Decision very soon
Measure the toes, initial the tags and clear space in the morgue. The Yankees are nine innings away from self-inflicted baseball death. ...
Etch A.J. Burnett on the pinstriped tombstone, because he is an easy target. But make sure to include relievers Boone Logan and Joba Chamberlain, a lineup that has gone limp and manager Joe Girardi's decision to stick with Burnett in the middle of a 10-3 loss to the Rangers in Game 4 of the ALCS last night at Yankee Stadium ...
[C]onsidering that Burnett was pitching for the first time in 17 days, it was surprising to see the manager put his righthander in a situation where one mistake pitch could prove so costly ...
... after all the debate about whether Burnett should pitch, after a season in which so much went wrong with him on the mound, this seemed to be a night when Girardi would go get him before anything big could go wrong.
[Girardi] invest[ed] trust in his least trustworthy player, A.J. Burnett. After a postseason spent running away from the erratic righty, Girardi stuck with a pitcher with a pretty pronounced loser gene long enough for Burnett to lose. It was Mismanagment 101: Rely on the Unreliable. ...
No one could think it was a good idea to have him on the mound at that moment: tying run in scoring position, go-ahead run on first, season on the brink. ...
Girardi had given a baseball arsonist matches and the Yankees season went up in flames.
That makes it 25-5 over the last three games, Yankees down 1-3 now, trying to somehow find the character to begin the greatest comeback in the history of the team Wednesday. Big guy pitching Wednesday. Go big or go home. ...
The Yankees had a chance to put this game away in the middle innings. Didn't. ...
The Yankees try not to ... watch the Rangers celebrate a pennant at this Stadium the way the Red Sox did at the old one six years ago. ...
The Yankees have not just been beaten three straight, they have been embarrassed. ... The Twins put up a better fight in the three games of the division series than the Yankees have put up against the Rangers over these last three games. ...
The Rangers are having all the fun in the world. Still have one more game to win. The game the Yankees never got off the Red Sox after being up 3-0 in '04. ...
With their season teetering on the brink of oblivion, the Yankees' long-shot odds of rallying from a 3-1 deficit got a little longer when Mark Teixeira [0-for-14 in the ALCS] likely went down for the remainder of the playoffs with a hamstring strain Tuesday night. ...
The injury was diagnosed as a Grade 2 hamstring strain that will keep him sidelined for six to eight weeks.
The fruitcake who ran onto the field at Yankee Stadium Monday [in the top of the fifth inning of ALCS 3] wanted to confront A-Rod out of crazed jealousy over the star infielder's romantic relationship with Cameron Diaz ...
Grim LeRogue, who legally changed his name from Joe Rogan, was carrying five pictures when he made his mad dash -- including one of Rodriguez with an X scrawled across his face and a gun pointed at his head. An apparent threat was scribbled across the picture: "You have to go bud, you've ruined too many of our white queens." ...
LeRogue, 33, of The Bronx, also has a soft spot for Osama bin Laden. A picture he carried of the al Qaeda head bore the inscription, "I will serve you," and described the terrorist as his "master." ...
[LeRogue] has managed to finish writing a 700-page novel "about a ninja or something" that he's self-publishing next month, [his mother] said. "He told police he wanted publicity" for his tome ...
Friday, October 15
Yankees - 000 000 150 - 6 10 1
Rangers - 300 200 000 - 5 7 1
Saturday, October 16
Yankees - 000 101 000 - 2 7 0
Rangers - 122 020 00x - 7 12 0
... you know, there is not an actual law that states the Yankees can't beat Lee ...Lee walked calmly out on the Yankee Stadium mound on Monday night and threw eight shutout innings, allowing only two hits and one walk, while striking out 13!
Monday, October 18The Yankees' three baserunners were the fewest they've ever had in a postseason game and the 8-0 loss was the worst post-season shutout in Yankees history. Thousands of loyal fans gave up and went home before it was over.
Rangers - 200 000 006 - 8 11 0
Yankees - 000 000 000 - 0 2 0
Yeah, that was just a little thing that we have, just something that RJ [first-base coach Ron Johnson] would help us ... that would help us to know where to play guys and stuff like that. That's all it was. I would just look at it and make sure I was positioned right. It just makes life simpler so he doesn't have to constantly wave me - this place, this place ... the index card is about outfield stuff, for outfield positioning. I'm sure that guys like Mike Cameron don't need it. They haven't mentioned anything, like this is what we do for all rookies, so I don't know, but it's something that I definitely took and tried to use as best I can, because I knew that would help me.
a road trip just about every pro athlete looks forward to. Some say the city has a cool, international vibe that increasingly stands out. ...* - If Toronto is "far into the frozen north", what the hell is Seattle?
[plus] the plentitude of cheap concert tickets ... convenience of the must-be-19 drinking law ... relatively libertine gentlemen's clubs ... the tentacles of the tabloids and gossip Web sites rarely extend this far into the frozen north* ...
Knicks rookie Toney Douglas: "It's something different – it's another country."
Four HR In Season With 3 In One GamePatek's game was a 20-2 win for the Angels at Fenway.
Guy Hecker August 15, 1886 (#s 2-3-4)
Darnell Coles July 5, 1994 (#s 2-3-4)
Bobby Estalella September 4, 1997 (#s 1-2-3)
Five HR In Season With 3 In One Game
Jack Manning October 9, 1884 (#s 3-4-5)
Tom McCreery July 12, 1897 (#s 1-2-3)
Clyde McCullough July 26, 1942 (#s 3-4-5)
Bill Glynn July 5, 1954 (#s 2-3-4)
Roman Mejias May 4, 1958 (#s 1-2-3)
Freddie Patek June 20, 1980 (#s 2-3-4)
The Bleacher Creatures say they will no longer chant homophobic remarks from the rafters of Yankee Stadium after a YouTube video reveals their antics.You have been singing the song for more than ten years. That is you.
The Yankees and representatives of the Bleacher Creatures have come to an agreement to end a long and unfortunate tradition: the taunting of visiting fans in the right-field stands with the lyrics, "Why are you gay?" sung to the "YMCA" song played between innings in mid-game.
A YouTube video filmed by a fan went viral recently, showing Yankee fans in the bleachers serenading a visiting fan with the song, while photos were superimposed in the film of young gay adults and teens who had committed suicide. The Yankees were understandably upset with the homophobic chants and the images associated with them.
After a meeting on the subject, several core Creatures agreed to police their own area and put an end to the tradition, which had upset many fans.
"It's all done," said one long-time Creature, who had never participated in the ritual. "All of it. We're going clean. We didn't like the way the Bleacher Creatures were being looked at. That's not us."
St. Louis - 011 111 011 - 7 15 111 runs! I imagine that would be hard to top. (Has there been a game with eight one-run innings?)
Cleveland - 100 010 101 - 4 12 1
Giants - 111 111 400 - 10 12 1Has a team ever scored one run in each of the first seven innings?
Cubs - 002 103 000 - 6 14 3
17 hits - 61930: 97 times
16 hits - 11
15 hits - 9
14 hits - 9
13 hits - 8
12 hits - 9
11 hits - 3
17 hits - 81963: 65 times
16 hits - 13
15 hits - 18
14 hits - 14
13 hits - 17
12 hits - 7
11 hits - 7
17 hits - 31990: 89 times
16 hits - 7
15 hits - 7
14 hits - 10
13 hits - 15
12 hits - 11
11 hits - 5
17 hits - 72004: 151 times
16 hits - 12
15 hits - 7
14 hits - 11
13 hits - 14
12 hits - 12
11 hits - 9
17 hits - 72008: 116 times
16 hits - 19
15 hits - 33
14 hits - 26
13 hits - 28
12 hits - 12
17 hits - 52010: 118 times
16 hits - 12
15 hits - 16
14 hits - 23
13 hits - 17
12 hits - 17
17 hits - 61920-2010: 7,649 times
16 hits - 9
15 hits - 20
14 hits - 17
13 hits - 21
12 hits - 10
18 hits - 207It would appear that 10/16 simply catches my eye like a shiny penny.
17 hits - 436
16 hits - 745
15 hits - 1011
14 hits - 1214
13 hits - 1226
12 hits - 1001
11 hits - 728
Game 1 - NYY @ TEX Fri 1015 8:00 PMNLCS
Game 2 - NYY @ TEX Sat 1016 4:00 PM
Game 3 - TEX @ NYY Mon 1018 8:00 PM
Game 4 - TEX @ NYY Tue 1019 8:00 PM
Game 5 - TEX @ NYY Wed 1020 4:00 PM
Game 6 - NYY @ TEX Fri 1022 8:00 PM
Game 7 - NYY @ TEX Sat 1023 8:00 PM
Game 1 - SFG @ PHI Sat 1016 7:30 PMDay by Day
Game 2 - SFG @ PHI Sun 1017 8:00 PM
Game 3 - PHI @ SFG Tue 1019 4:00 PM
Game 4 - PHI @ SFG Wed 1020 7:30 PM
Game 5 - PHI @ SFG Thu 1021 7:30 PM
Game 6 - SFG @ PHI Sat 1023 3:30 PM
Game 7 - SFG @ PHI Sun 1024 7:30 PM
Fri 1015 8:00 PM ALCS 1 - NYY @ TEX
Sat 1016 4:00 PM ALCS 2 - NYY @ TEX
7:30 PM NLCS 1 - SFG @ PHI
Sun 1017 8:00 PM NLCS 2 - SFG @ PHI
Mon 1018 8:00 PM ALCS 3 - TEX @ NYY
Tue 1019 4:00 PM NLCS 3 - PHI @ SFG
8:00 PM ALCS 4 - TEX @ NYY
Wed 1020 4:00 PM ALCS 5 - TEX @ NYY
7:30 PM NLCS 4 - PHI @ SFG
Thu 1021 7:30 PM NLCS 5 - PHI @ SFG
Fri 1022 8:00 PM ALCS 6 - NYY @ TEX
Sat 1023 3:30 PM NLCS 6 - SFG @ PHI
8:00 PM ALCS 7 - NYY @ TEX
Sun 1024 7:30 PM NLCS 7 - SFG @ PHI