A knife-wielding mugger wearing a Boston Red Sox cap has been targeting mostly young women in a seven-month reign of terror on the subways. ...If this guy was a true Red Sox fan, he'd be robbing only people wearing Yankees caps. ... Shouldn't he really be sporting a Pirates hat?
Police sources described the fiend as a smooth operator who sidles up to his victims, flashes his blade and calmly makes off with cash, bank cards and other valuables.
Is anyone really surprised that this came out on the morning of the beginning of an August Red Sox/Yankees series?
They chose a picture that looks eerily similar to the Large Father.
"A slow fastball-wielding pitcher wearing a Red Sox cap subjected fans to a months-long reign of terror at Fenway. Despite a Hall of Fame career, the fiend sidled onto the mound, threw crap for 5 innings, and was a total disaster. He calmly made off with millions of dollars and was last seen talking to Dave Duncan in the St Louis Cardinals bullpen. He'll start for them on Saturday."
Ha ha, good comments, all. I am so psyched for this series! On to our next sweep!
I'll check with the nursing home staff to see if they'll let me stay up for the whole game.
Hopefully my hip ("ol' rickety") holds up for this game. I don't think I've seen excitement like this since General Lee surrendered his troops in eighteen-dickety-five!
I'll check with the nursing home staff
You know they're going through your things and stealing your money while you're at meals, don't you?
Speaking of old farts, here is Jim Rice:
"You see a Manny Ramirez, you see an A-Rod, you see Jeter ... Guys that I played against and with, these guys you’re talking about cannot compare.
We didn’t have the baggy uniforms. We didn’t have the dreadlocks. It was a clean game, and now they’re setting a bad example for the young guys."
Forget the hair comments -- the game was clean in the late 70s and early 80s??!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!??
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