Red Sox - 010 001 000 000 0 - 2 7 1Takashi Saito was in his second inning of work, having thrown 29 pitches. Tampa Bay had the potential winning run at third base with two outs in the bottom of the 13th. Evan Longoria was up.
Rays - 000 000 110 000 2 - 4 9 1
Terry Francona decided to pitch to him. Longoria crushed Saito's 1-0 pitch to deep left for a rays win. And the Red Sox bullpen, which escaped from serious jams in the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth innings (!!!), finally ran out of luck.
For Longoria, it was his second home run of the night. His solo shot off Daniel Bard to begin the eighth tied the game at 2-2. He had struck out four times, but that was no excuse to pitch to him in the ninth. Saito could have put Longoria on and pitched to Ben Zobrist or loaded the bases and dealt with Joe Dillon. (Clay Buchholz had begun warming up in the 12th, as the Sox had run out of relievers. I'm a little surprised Saito came out for the 13th at all.)
Boston had no offense to speak off. Its two runs came via leadoff solo dongs -- from Kevin Youkilis in the second and Dustin Pedroia in the sixth. The only real sustained scoring threat of the entire game came in the tenth, when with the bases loaded with one out, Pedroia grounded into a double play.
The Yankees topped Toronto 5-3, so the Red Sox are now 1.5 GB.

Nearly two-thirds of the team's remaining 58 games (36 or 62%) are against teams currently .500 or better.
August could be a tough month for the Red Sox, who are currently 0.5 GB the Yankees and 4.5 GA of the Rays. After this two-game series with Tampa Bay, Boston plays four at the Yankees (1st in AL East), hosts the Tigers (1st in AL Central) for four, then visits Texas (2nd in AL West) and Toronto. Then it's back home for three against the Yankees and four against the White Sox (2nd in AL Central). After three-game sets against the Blue Jays and Rays, it's four more in Chicago.
Tim Wakefield, who turned 43 on Sunday, may need a second cortisone shot to deal with a sciatic problem that has spread to his left calf. He had been scheduled to throw off a mound this week, but that may be postponed.
I’m just depressed that this isn’t progressing the way I want it to progress. I’m throwing, playing catch. There are different symptoms now. I’ve got zero strength in my left calf due to the nerve. I’m just waiting for it to get better.Jacoby Ellsbury has had multiple hits in seven of his last nine games.
Yankees-Pettitte/Blue Jays-Halladay at 7.
1 – 200 of 638 Newer› Newest»4:00 pm: Massive flash flood filled our basement with water.
That in itself might not be so awful, but the basement is Allan's office - filled with thousands of books, CDs, DVDs, stacks of paper, photos, memorabilia, and whatever else.
We were frantically carrying armloads of soggy paper upstairs while the water continued to rise.
Sun's out now, Allan went out to the LCBO (liquor store) to get boxes to put his books in. I'm afraid if the bookshelves become unstable or warped, everything could tumble into the lake below.
Lots of precious family and Red Sox memories submerged. Ugh.
See you later, maybe.
I hope this thread was ready to go up!
We're lucky this happened this week, and not while we were away. That would have been much worse.
Shit guys, that's brutal. Sorry to hear that. He better pick up something strong at the LCBO!
The rains haven't hit here YET (I'm in Hamilton) - but Steph got whacked hard while driving here from Kitchener-Waterloo a couple hours ago. Was nuts apparently. We have severe t-storm and tornado warnings in the area tho. This is what happened in Hamilton last Sunday (July 26) - I'm envisioning a similar situation in your basement.
And yup, better to have happened now instead of while you were away. This summer has been piss-poor for weather, especially these random torrential downpours.
Tim, yes, those pics from Hamilton are what we had here. Then the sun came out and all the water receded!
Everyone's been complaining about the cool, wet weather this summer. I hate the heat and I'm not a beach person, so I haven't been disappointed like most people. But this rain is insane.
Meanwhile, rampant forest fires in BC and nothing by dry hot weather there. Wish we could share some of this rain with them.
I bought RS's 1918 book off of B&N today if it's any consolation.
Happy birthday to the TCM. 47 years and 47 butt pimples.
Thanks, Zen!
God fucking damn it. This fucking sucks. The books\papers stuff on the floor and in the bottom of boxes got the worst of it. But still ....
Everything 2004-related is safe.
And now ...
I need a drink or 8.
Don't thank me, I'll thank you -- when I've read it.
Yeah, I don't mind it being cooler/mild and overcast. Don't like the rain (especially the volume at which its fallen) and would never go to the beach around this area. Enjoy hot and sunny days though. And they've been few and far between this summer.
Anyway, on-topic now...
Got $15 on the Sox and wicked Sid. Let's shell the mad Garzer. Doc going in Toronto against toucan. Should be do-able.
MFY gerrymandered their rotation for us apparently. How special. So we miss Steroidio Mitre and get the overpaid asshole, porky pig, the cunt, and toucan sam himself this weekend. Cool. Looking forward to continuing the streak.
Go Sox and Jays! [Yay! I can unabashedly cheer for the Jays tonight on here tonight :)] I do admit a bit of a soft spot for them when they aren't playing the Sox.
The way they always seem to play better against the Sox than anyone else does irritate the hell out of me though. Hopefully they will bring their "A" game against the MFY tonight. The guy on the mound certainly helps
That really stinks about the water. Helpless feeling. My noticing that the first letters of the last four guys' last names in the Tampa lineup spell out PUNK isn't as exciting any more....
Yeah sorry about the flood, guys :(
"So we get the overpaid asshole,"
Um you're talking about the MFY rotation can you be a little more specific?
tim said...
MFY gerrymandered their rotation for us apparently.
Didn't we do the same thing
Who cares? It makes sense to put your best pitchers against a team you're in a race with. I have no problem with them doing that or Tito doing the same.
just wish there was a way we could skip both Penny and Smoltz against them.
It pains me to say Go Jays, but oh well. No soft spot for them in this house, but I hope they can do their jobs tonight.
I hate facing Garza. He seems to get all pumped up when he faces us.
This is a game I'd really like to win, because I have a good feeling Pettitte isn't going to beat Halladay, and I'd rather not have us start this tough stretch with our #2 losing.
Bummer about your flood. I hope you can salvage everything that's important. Like the '04 stuff.
my basement floor looks like garza stopped by for an hour or so.
destroy these fucks.
Zen, cool you bought the book. I look forward to hearing how great it is. :)
Let's hope the result of this game = whats all over A+L's basement.
Was Joe Maddon drinking a cup of coffee? You don't see that very often.
Let's hope the result of this game = whats all over A+L's basement.
Ha ha, that's good.
I'm gonna relax with the game and wine, sans thread. Thank dog for baseball.
Joe's still trying to recover from his ALCS hangover.
saw maddon in the pre-game (we got stuck with the tb feed, so we got radio going). he looked like billy idol's older brother.
Blue Jays playing like complete shitstains. 2-0 MFY, still top 1.
DO: Victor Martinez kills Tampa Bay in his career.
Everyone has good career numbers against Tampa Bay pitching, pre-2008.
who knew that ditching joe migraine would make the rays tv duo WORSE? ... kevin kennedy took over.
Oh good god Kevin Kennedy? I'm never listening to the Rays feed now.
Well that is a double really..
Not that it did Toronto any good, but Posada did let one by.
2-0 after one.
Oh my god Jason, at least pretend to give a fuck.
Am I the only one who's surprised that Crawford hasn't stolen two bases already on Tek?
But seriously, it's good we have Lester on the mound. Tougher to run on him.
i was shocked he threw down to 2nd. 3rd? forget it.
Oh, and it really sucks about your basement. Is a lot of it irreplaceable?
to twist a phrase, if you're surprised, you haven't been paying attention.
Thanks Ofer. I think the most important, irreplaceable stuff was higher up and didn't get messed up.
Wow, that's hilarious. I'm really delayed, and when I wrote that he hadn't stolen 2nd yet.
Now I'm caught up. Fuck Tek.
Fuck Tek
...'s throwing arm. Let's not get carried away too much.
The Rays announcers fill me with indifference so far. At least it isn't MASN or YES or the white Sox guys
Well, that's one way to strike out the side.
fucking a - he is white hot
My stream doesn't seem to be lagging as bad as usual tonight so maybe I can actually follow thins thread without spoiling the suspense of the game tonight.
[I know I should just pony up the $ for MLB.TV, I'm cheap]
It's a SWEATY day in Boston!
Houdini. I'm afraid we're gonna see a surge in theft today...
Yay yay Youk.
Guess I spoke too soon about the lag but awesome for my main man YOUK!
OK, maybe I shouldn't thread today. I'm about 3 minutes behind, I think. It's cool that Youk donged but I haven't seen it yet...
I just saw it finally...It was a majestic thing of beauty
Merloni was ragging on JD earlier today. Fragging Lou Merloni, ragging about JD. Fragging WEEI
There it is. YOOOOOK.
Good evening, Joy InterNation! Looks like we're headed for a high volume comment night!
I'm hungry. Where's the oatmeal?
did merloni say drew was making a mockery of something?
Damn them, and their awesome outfield defense.
So many almost hits against these pesky punks.
Good evening, everyone. That is terrible about your basement, Allan. I can't even begin to imagine losing all that stuff. I hope most is somewhat salvageable.
Slugo is Slugging .642 in 38 AB's for St. Louis before today.
His first at bat, he doubles.
Shift works for us for once..
did merloni say drew was making a mockery of something?
Actually he said that Drew was holding Francona hostage. Was pissed that he was in the line up tonight after coming out of the game on sunday.
Amy, I think the most important stuff will be salvageable or else wasn't effected. He'll lose a lot of stuff, but I think it's stuff he's less attached to. Thanks for being sympathetic (here and on FB).
It's funny about being attached to stuff.
ceiling cam shows how late upton was on that fb
.642 in 38 AB's for St. Louis before today.
How come we can't get SS like that?
NESN Feed Here for any computer-dwellers (sans TV)
So Merloni knows how to manage better than Terry, eh. Sure.
Is the umpire McClelland? He's got a sloooow strike call.
Love the excess of ceiling cams this year. Got one on first as well.
s1c gets the cue
JL: 22-17
MG: 17-22
Merloni has became a mouth breather on WEEI (Has the baseball show asked you back on yet Sock?).
s1c gets the cue
I knew all my drama training would come in handy someday!!!
HA. A twitter friend of mine just said: "I find Dave Roberts to be like the loud background hum of a kitchen or tech appliance. Annoying at 1st but then easy to ignore"
thanks Tim
Ugh, I hate green beans.
roberts was only grown worse -- at this point, every letter in every word he speaks annoys me.
NESN Feed Here for any computer-dwellers (sans TV)
Thanks, Tim. Less delay+less Rays announcer= double cool.
Can't rub it
How Pete Rose of you Dave
LMAO. It's hilarious to think of what Roberts is saying about getting hit by a pitch and think of dongs.
"Green is a professional. He didn't rub it. You never rub it."
I am usually good at blocking out the announcers, but Dave Roberts is even getting on my nerves. The Devil Rays?? Has he not watched baseball the last two years?
Huff would say "you always rub it".
i was on that show a second time awhile back, but that was it.
i sense a v mart dong
I just basically want an announcer to tell me what's going on and Dan Orsillo is great at that. DR's "analysis" is bad but luckily there's the net for baseball analysis.
the one thing I absolutely can't stand though is bush league crap like "thuuuuh YANKEEES WIN!" At least DR doesn't do that kind of shit.
irid: you should check this blog out asap. lotsa warbles.
MFY 2 - TOR 1
dan orsillo, is he better than don? :)
It would have better for his Red Sox legacy if DR had stayed out of the booth.
RS: thanks! bookmarked that. Should make for some hilarious reading!
So with the NYY series coming up, we all have to be really careful not to feed trolls. Including NYY fans who claim not to be trolls.
If I get itchy I'll just post DNFTT, to remind myself.
if roberts was good throughout the game but said "thuuuuuhh red sox win" at the end of every win, i'd love it (and mute the tv right after the final out).
MFY: 200 0
TOR: 000 1
Yeah but (I may be biased) but Sterling is a horrible announcer even apart from the end quote I can't stand him.
(Admittedly I try to avoid him whenever possible so haven't actually heard him that much but he seems really bad).
Ken Singleton is a good guy. Does he still do MFY games? Wish the Red Sox could get him or someone like him instead of Roberts.
OK, take advantage of this, please!
Drew with the sacrifice grounder. :)
Wow. That is an unforced error.
c'mon tek - shock the world.
Singleton was good, one of the better NYY announcers for sure.
Irid, everyone here hates Sterling. It's like saying you love the Red Sox. It's a given.
Tim, that website for the NESN feed... They quit showing baseball for awhile and now it's back? Wonder what happened. Hopefully I can watch the Dodgers tonight.
c'mon tek - shock the world.
Lefty Tek SASAHE. I'm shocked.
Wasn't Ken Singleton once on the Mets? Or is my memory playing tricks on me? (I know I could look this up, but that feels like cheating.)
Is Varitek an HOF candidate if he retires after this year?
L-girl, yeah I've even heard some NY fans complain about him (like that site that RS mentioned) I was just bringing him up to say we could have worse than Dave Roberts.
The sad thing is, John Sterling used to be a very good announcer. In the 80s and early 90s when the Yankees sucked, he was very good. Not all cliches and tag lines, he was able to be critical of the Yankees (there was very little to like), and just generally smart and funny.
He's changed a lot over the years, not for the better.
Is Varitek an HOF candidate if he retires after this year?
Not even close.
I've even heard some NY fans complain about him
He's almost universally hated. Most NYY fans are totally sick of him by now, it seems.
Looking things up is not cheating. Says a future librarian.
I bet Tek will be in the Red Sox HOF. FWIW.
Amy, that is entirely possible.
I think his number should be retired though, IMO he was one of the most important guys from the 04', 07' WS winning teams.
Likely even. With the 2 WS.
Yeah, Singleton played for the Mets in 70 and 71, when I was still a Mets fan.
Thank you, Memory, for coming through for me.
Lester's fucking awesome.
L, this is called being on the fuck train.
Is Varitek an HOF candidate if he retires after this year?
The Red Sox HoF...
Lester might be awesome but the offense is fragging stinking.
Get Some Runs - please!!!
I want to do the happy dance!!!
Ah, the elusive Fuck Train. Still don't know what it means. It's like missing the first day of class.
Uh-oh, I'm actually going to do that soon.
L, so you're starting school this fall, then?
Tek in the RS HOF for sure. I think teams should be easy about their own HOFs.
When do classes start? Have you had to buy books yet? How many will you take?
Ish, yes. I graduated "university" (as they say here) in 1982. Going for a master's degree beginning in 2009.
Has anybody mentioned that we're against toucans and puffins today? If you're an exotic bird with a big beak, beware.
Actually, Ofer, you're the first one to mention puffin tonight! But I was going to try to work it in. Well I did a search for puffin and didn't find any else.
they did not retire 14 until rice got in (which was an iffy move anyway). tek isn't going in, so i don't see 33 being retired.
Tek in the RS HOF for sure. I think teams should be easy about their own HOFs.
I think Tek would get into the Sox' HoF even if it was really hard.
KFC/PFK should change their $5 fill-up boxes to $5 fill-out boxes. They'll help fill you out.
2 classes - no books yet!
classes start week of sept 8 but we'll be in santa fe for our favourite nephew's wedding, so i'll start the following week.
it's only 2 classes, but that comes out to 4 sessions, b/c there's lecture + tutorial.
plus my weekend job, of course.
plus maybe working a small p/t job at a local library.
i'm a bit nervous about juggling it all.
also this means not writing professionally for several years. thank [something] for blogging, that will get me through.
why is garza a puffin?
Ha. Puffin face spat on himself in the dugout.
It's always a good idea to spit on yourself on TV.
upton fans on the 2-3 pitch.
His face from the side looks puffin like.
Ofer, I agree, Tek is a bona fide RS HOFer, no matter what the standards.
I do think the standards shouldn't be too high, tho.
I think Josh Beckett is more puffin-like, w/ those puffy cheeks.
I can imagine the anxiety before you start, but I bet once you get into the routine, all will be fine.
I still remember the excitement and nervousness every semester when I went to buy the books for the new classes. (Not in law school. In college.)
Will you take notes with a laptop? That would be a huge difference for me. How would I doodle? Plus writing things down by hand helped me remember them. But almost all my students now use laptops. I can't imagine it. I still write out all my class notes by hand.
why is garza a puffin?
Because everyone wants to punch puffins in the face, obviously.
Seriously (well, kinda), though, I think Jere decided he looks like a puffin. I can see that, somehow.
#25 is the only other number that needs to be retired at the moment IMO.
I know I'm wicked nervous for the start of school. Also more of an agitation. I'm not used to making a big life change so suddenly.
So just why did Kapler think he had to retire? And why didn't he stay retired!?
do toucan and puffin qualify for the animal team?
i guess not.
Superjew hit.
I'm wicked nervous for the start of college. Mostly because I haven't had a big life change so suddenly in such a long time. I know I'll get over it but it's still worth being said. Stressful nervousness.
Ish, I thought you had been taking some classes all along. Is this new?
Now see, I reloaded and my comment didn't show up. Then I reloaded again and it did! So I double posted, sort of.
Excuse me while I land this 757 at Brisbane.
Jeremy Giambi?
Amy, I'm starting college this fall.
wait, ish, you are starting school too? i must have missed that. that's great!
community college near you, or something else? (I remember a conversation about community colleges...)
of course you're nervous. it's totally nerve-wracking! by october we'll both be fine. :)
L, community college near me. :) It'll be cool to see how each of us feel as the time goes on.
That's great, Ish. I guess I remember you talking about taking courses in the future, not presently.
What are you taking? I wish I could go back and be a student again!
we will all be fine in october.
Amy, I do know that once I get going I'll be fine. I'm lucky that I don't worry about the academic end of it. I'm worried about the time and energy. I'm worried about my health, and if I'll be able to do everything. But I also know it will work out.
Not sure about notes. I'm a journalist, I can do either.
Jeremy Giambi?
Am glad you posted that because I have been trying to remember a 25 worthy of retirement.
Maybe they meant 24?
Heh. I'm not real fond of classes and going back to school but I know it's something I had to do. Fall semester I'm taking college algebra (I could've started with pre-calc or finite math but I don't need to bog myself down with math) and college comp. Plus the college success seminar. So I'll pop over to the college four days a week for a couple of hours and have my classes.
we will all be fine in october.
Lots of us with big changes in September. Laura and Ish starting school, we are moving to our new place. Anyone else? Let's hope we have lots of consistency from the Sox to give us cheer and stability!
jesus christ -- fuck you jerry lane.
I'm mostly apprehensive about the workload, especially when I take more classes at once, and how it'll affect my current lifestyle and the things I do around here. Unfortunately I can't do school or help out around here. It's and. So we'll see how it goes.
i'm doing fuck all in sept.
Instant Karma got Crawford..
I hope you find college classes more interesting and satisfying than high school, Ish. I sure did.
Laura, what are your courses?
Good play, Youk!
Great Youk play!
I wish I was doing fuck all in September. September is always a month I've grown to enjoy the last three years when I didn't have to worry about school.
Same with October.
SLowell woulda had that... but lost the race to the bag for sure.
We're gonna need at least 3 innings of bullpen tonight, it seems.
Bustin' Dustin! Fuck yeah! Jockey dong!
Try and catch that one, Crawford!
Woo Woo!!!
Fuck Yeah!
Nice one, Pedroia.
fuck yeah!
we went to get our frozen yogurt w/ blackberries and when we came back he was trotting
BWAHAHAH!!!! The middle right infield homegrown motherfuckers will grind your pitchers into DUST!
That was a fucking laser show right there.
/obligatory food mention
¡Fuerza de Caballo!
Lots of us with big changes in September. Laura and Ish starting school, we are moving to our new place. Anyone else?
B-fly starts at marist 8/28
Conigliero's # was 24??
Ish, I know what you mean. Mine is also not or, it's and. It's a bit scary. But we'll all do it.
Oh, right, s1c. That is a HUGE change. Empty nest, right?
Damn, he could have killed himself there.
Yep, empty nest
Did I hear someone say 'community college'?
I wanna see the replay from that camera.
I'm going to watch the rest of the game threadless. Until I get bored. Have a good rest of the game, everyone!
Good luck, S1C. Keep the tissues handy. Though they DO come home!
Ish--if you come back, let me tell you: your instructors are nervous too. They have to stand and deliver and even hitting .300 won't cut it. Instructors all make allowances for that.
s1c, both my siblings have done that change recently. i think you'll enjoy it. (altho i'm sure the tissues will come in handy.)
johngoldfine, as i typed the words "community college," i said to allan, where is john goldfine...?
I'm also starting school in October, since we're on the subject.
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