Seriously -- WTF? Out hiking today and now back home in Washington Heights. ... What was going through Francoma's head last night? Anything? Mendoza over Timlin? Then Myers for 3 straight RH batters? And finally,
BH Kim? You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. ... I didn't read the papers, but did glance at a few blogs this afternoon (Dirt Dogs, Soxaholix, Surviving Grady). Why oh why can't we get a manager that tries to win every goddamn game? Are they that hard to find?
And for all that idiocy, the Red Sox nearly pulled out what would have been their third consecutive last-inning victory, David Ortiz's fly ball to right falling about 10 feet short of an improbable 5-run ninth. ... About the only nice thing Tito did was give Ellis Burks an AB.
I don't think Pedro needs any more motivation to stick it to the Yankees tonight, but the Post provides some:
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