This odd trio did it for seven straight seasons: Cy Williams (1917-1923), Darrin Fletcher (1991-97), and Jim Thome (1991-97).
Williams Fletcher Thome TizzleFlo:
1917 5 1991 1 1991 1 2000 10
1918 6 1992 2 1992 2 2001 18
1919 9 1993 9 1993 7 2002 20
1920 15 1994 10 1994 20 2003 31
1921 18 1995 11 1995 25 2004 41
1922 26 1996 12 1996 38 2005 47
1923 41 1997 17 1997 40 2006 54
1924 24 1998 9 1998 30 2007 ?
I did a lot of work in the offseason. So when I got to spring training, I was like dead, dude. Spring training was like, my time off. I tried not to be bothered too much, because I want to be fresh for the season. But I'm pretty good now.

He's an arrogant, thin-skinned, criminal, corporate whore, who delighted in police brutality/murder and pocketed sacks of dough while pissing on the graves of Manhattan's 9/11 victims.
The "Evil Empire" was a brilliant wisecrack from Larry Lucchino. The SOB who ran my city for eight years is simply Evil.
"He's an arrogant, thin-skinned, criminal, corporate whore, who delighted in police brutality/murder and pocketed sacks of dough while pissing on the graves of Manhattan's 9/11 victims."
I was going to make the "but you're overlooking his intangibles..." joke, but then I started thinking about it, and it's true: Anybody that votes for Giuliani is probably doing so based on the perception that he somehow "got New York and America through 9/11." So, in a way, Jetes and Giules are a perfect match.
Schill mentioned something on his blog about the Royals having the 2nd best spring batting record in AZ and maybe there was some carry-over. While individual ST stats are useless, maybe some general confidence levels get a surge, who knows? The best teams lose 40% of their games anyway-- when you play someone might be just as important as who.
With Manny and J.D. batting 4 and 5 it would not amaze me if he reached 55+ this year. As for Rudy, don't worry about it.
Just finished looking at the numbers for the Sox against Perez. Game 2. If you look you might see that Lugo is a combined 0 - 12 against Meche and Perez and other wonderful stats.
I still have hope though for Beckett to turn in a gem.
I'll never forget that summer of '98. Baseball was back from the dead, and we all watched in wide-eyed wonder as both Fletcher and Thome went for that elusive number eight. Cy Williams' grandchildren were standing by, but neither man would break the record. Sadly, we can all admit now what we ignored then: that if only they had taken steroids, we might have seen that record fall--twice, no less.
Come on, Papi!
'oh fuck! giuliani. he's such! a fuckin jerrrk' tee-hee ;)
really tho i wanna vomit when i see him. he's like the mayor of townsville's evil, fugly doppelganger.
I agree.... it is a shame for our next President to sully his reputation by posting with Jeter!
I'll never forget that summer of '98.
Me neither.
is a shame for our next President to sully his reputation by posting with Jeter!
Oh yes, it's extremely likely that the Republicans will nominate a pro-choice, pro-same-sex-marriage, twice-divorced man who has had public affairs outside of marriage, and has been tied to police corruption and government nepotism. And after they do, the US public will certainly elect a former mayor of New York City. You are such an astute political observer!
Oh yes, it's extremely likely that the Republicans will nominate a pro-choice, pro-same-sex-marriage, twice-divorced man who has had public affairs outside of marriage, and has been tied to police corruption and government nepotism. And after they do, the US public will certainly elect a former mayor of New York City. You are such an astute political observer!
Talk to me in November! This is a man who cleaned up NYC and brought the country back from 9/11. I don't believe that a person's personal foibles make him or her less capable of being our Commander-in-Chief!
But more importantly, how 'bout them Red Sox?
This is a man who cleaned up NYC and brought the country back from 9/11.
I lived in New York City for both of Guiliani's terms (and his aborted exploitation of the terrorist attacks to gain an illegal third term) and he did no such thing.
He shovelled millions of dollars from social services to the police department (which he put in charge of a man who had once served as his chauffeur) at a time when crime was going down in huge numbers all across the country. He was able to move homeless people away from "nice" parts of town so that tourists would not have to see them. Thus, the popular image of a cleaned-up city. He didn't actually DO anything helpful for those people, he just hid them away, like putting dirty dishes in the closet. That does not count as "cleaning" the house.
And brought the country back from what?
I'm going to assume that you did/do not live in New York and are merely repeating the standard bullshit about Guiliani. By 9/10, he was quite hated in the city, even by many people who had voted for him.
There are serious reasons why many members of the city's fire department (and families of fire fighetrs who died on 9/11) are speaking out so forcefully against him -- and it isn't because of his "personal foibles".
That is simply hypocrisy -- and shows the Republican party believes little of the morality it tries to shove down its citizens' throats.
It is beyond doubt that Guiliani's failure to correct the problem of the police and firefighters radio system after the 1993 WTC attack (a problem that existed for his entire two terms)-- and his questionable ties to a $30+ million no-bid contract for radios that were never tested before being used -- as well as his "bunker" with its illegal gas lines (all it was, really, was a huge boondoggle for Guilani's corporate cronies) -- contributed to dozens of avoidable deaths on that day.
Then he sealed away from proper public/investigative view many of his papers from City Hall and began pocketing tens of thousands of dollars in speaking engagements, cashing in on the deaths of 9/11.
This is a man who cleaned up NYC and brought the country back from 9/11.
Boy, are you ignorant, and like most ignorant people, you don't mind showing it. I will be happy not to talk to you in September or any other month. What you know about New York City and US politics couldn't overflow a thimble.
Cleaned up New York City! That cracks me up. When you're done with that, I got a bridge for sale.
Good job on the facts, Redsock.
By the way, last time I checked, the Republican Party does not view abortion rights and same-sex marriage as "personal foibles".
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