"Down by way of the K"Choosing which three is sometimes tough. If Pedro was pitching, we'd choose at least one strikeout reference. Also if he hadn't used one phrase in a while, we'd think he might be due. (I once joked about keeping a scorecard of his comments -- hmm, he's used "full bore" only 3 times in the last 15 games -- though never actually followed through on that particular bit of insanity.)
"Gets the bad news"
"Not enamored of the call"
"Full bore"
"Carves one foul"
"In through the back door"
"Wall ball"
"Canvas Alley"
"Fisted to shallow right"
Don clearly loves to say "Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim", but it is advised to include this one only if we are not playing the Angels. He also loves certain players' names and will almost always refer to the player by his entire name, e.g., Coco Crisp.
Other possibile drink chances:
When Don repeats something Remy just said
Remy rags on a fan in luxury boxes for dropping a foul ball
Remy tells long story about Wally's activities
Whenever Remy pimps his website or tries to sell his crap
Don mentions "a modest 3-game hitting streak"
Anything else?
Love the drinking game. Any preferred alchohol?
Check out this vid from opening day:
Very funny idea, thanks! My wife and I were recently watching a game when Don said "Not enamored of the call" and she commented on how many times he says that. Next time I'll keep some cold adult beverages handy for just such an occastion. Thanks for the good work!
We usually have wine during the game (well, from dinner on through the game actually), so we really only take an extra glug.
We've been considering these.
The game is... outstanding! :-)
That one will really get you loaded.
Believe it or not, I blogged about this a long time ago. Look here - and scroll down.
...also check out the first comment on that old post.
I don't remember writing that. It's pretty funny.
I'm a funny guy.
You two are so cute together. When it's Sox / Indians in the ALCS and my girlfriend and I are fighting and taking turns sleeping on the couch, I hope we're that cute.
We're cuter now that we're both Sox fans. Our friends thought it was cute when we were on opposite sides of The Great Divide, but it usually wasn't very funny. I can't imagine what we would have done in 2003 and 2004.
Sean, are you the commenter formerly known as Sean O? Or is that someone else?
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere L-girl, but what pulled you across the chasm to the good guys? I've been reading Joy of Sox for a couple seasons and have never seen the story.
My wife is a Mets fan (she's from Long Island, so has been a Mets fan her whole life). Our son (age 7) is somewhat conflicted. Fortunately, we live in NESN territory, so only get nationally televised Mets games. Make my job easier :-)
Also, it wasn't very cute from in the late 80s before we learned how to be adults. Or I learned how to be an adult. One of those.
Once upon a time you could get pretty loaded on "A x run lead in which to work with" but someone seems to have told him that wasn't grammatical. Thank god.
How could I forget!!!
When an inning goes on for a while, runs scoring, etc., DO will mention that there has been an X minute wait for the other pitcher.
Does he have a stopwatch or does he note the beginning times of all all half-innings?
He loves to say "The 2-2..." right before/during said pitch and "The count evens at 2 and 2" when the count goes to 2 balls and 2 strikes.
Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere L-girl, but what pulled you across the chasm to the good guys? I've been reading Joy of Sox for a couple seasons and have never seen the story.
This comes up every so often in comments, when my dark past is revealed.
It's kind of complicated. The short answer is I fell out of love (with the Yankees) and got remarried (to the Red Sox).
That's the best way to describe it, because I didn't choose it, I had no control over it. It just happened.
The long version is here, but please feel free to ignore it, it's quite long.
Our son (age 7) is somewhat conflicted. Fortunately, we live in NESN territory, so only get nationally televised Mets games.
And thank goodness! With all due respect to your wife, you don't want your son growing up cheering for the Mets!
"Framed by Varitek" is a classic I hear at least once per game...There's another that he's been using this year but I can't remember it right now.
I think you should have to chug a beer or something every Don and Jerry have a guest in the booth and end up profusely laughing out of control (i.e. Denis Leary last year, which was classic)
every Don and Jerry have a guest in the booth
Standing up, of course.
But of course. I love the games that are complete blowouts, some of the stuff that's said in the later innings is priceless.
My favorite Orsillo-ism is: "This is the nth time the Red Sox have had the lead runner on." Isn't the lead runner always on?
Don Orsillo just said "full boar"
DO's classic-- "Fake to first, then to third but doesn't throw to either venue." That one drives me NUTZ! Lol
"day baseball" .. he must say "here at Fenway Park" a million times each home game!!
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