Source: The Red Sox have a seven-year, $142 million deal done with Carl Crawford.Pete has posted it at the Globe, too.
9 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
A bit pricey, but it ain't my money, so Welcome aboard, Carl! I fear his stolen bases are going to go drop not being able to run against us.

Oh my god !! I feel giddy. Unbelievable !!!
Thanks Ish for posting it in comments. Glad I didn't go to bed 20 minutes ago or so.
Rosenthal also twits it.
SoSH: Not just Rob [Bradford], everyone is out of the loop on this. Edes latest from a Sox source says the market is too "crazy" for Crawford. Heyman just a little while ago said the Angels were pretty much the destination.
Hell fucking yes.
Now build us a bullpen, Theo! And grab Russell Martin while you're at it. Even after having broken his hip, I REALLY would love to see him in a Sox uniform, apologies to Saltaladmszlfmsdfmlasmsmamamachaiadfskia.
Sounds like Heyman also confirms it.
SoSHer Foulkey Reese: "Is there any doubt that Theo's standing in front of a mirror flexing right now?"
Crawford physical for Boston as early as Thursday...
Crawford ain't worth no $20 mil per year (.337 career OBP; Darnell McDonald was at .336 last year).
I look forward to reading more about this.
Sox home and dusted in the AL East? Looks like. Just getting the walking wounded back might have been enough to put you a**holes over the top but AGon and Carl - WOW - seriously WOW.
Won't it be so terrible and awful if the Spankies can't get Lee and Andy doesn't come back - gosh what a shame - what a shame.
Ironically, as a Jay's fan this is good news - one way or the other we gotta beat two of the Sox, Yanks and Rays - now we know the two we gotta beat.
No question you're gonna be an interesting watch next year - wish I had the popcorn franchise!
I guess LBJ is back in CF.
WEEI's Alex Speir is reporting $124 M not $142.
I really do hate the mentality of NEEDING to OVERSPEND, but then again, it's not my money. I still get antsy over these big contracts, especially $20 mil for a guy like Crawford, but hey, this is exciting, anyways.
Not like anyone cares what I think, anyways.
November 25, 2010
One thing to keep in mind this offseason is that MLB has changed over the last 5 years. Strategies must evolve as well. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey now.
I hear it is on Sportscenter.
Well, if the MFY whiff on Lee, Crawford is no longer Plan B.
Speier: 7/124
Heyman: crawford receives partial no-trade clause from #redsox
Crawford at Fenway, 2008-10:
Eric Van, with a good point at SoSH: "They could have been just fine and completely competitive with Kalish and Cameron in LF this year. So it's important to realize that they looked at the LF vacancy that was opening up a year from now and decided that there was no one they could count on anyone being available that they liked nearly as much as they like Crawford right now."
110-52!!!! Oh sorry I thought this was the 2011 W-L contest post....
I wonder if the "they're too boring for me" faction will suddenly find that "lots of awesome players" is the cure for what ails.
And I wonder if the mythical "panickers" will know what to do with themselves. Surely the Bruins have to have some major holes to worry about.
L is gonna be thrilled!
Just wow. Didn't see that coming.
By the way, Johnny Damon says he would play in Boston...
Belly laugh.
shit. speier now posting 142
I was getting ready to go to bed early. Had already shut off the TV and was doing my obligatory Extra Bases refresh before bed. Now I have to stay up to get the details.
I fear his stolen bases are going to go drop not being able to run against us.
This made me LOL.
Thanks for everything, Mr. Damon, but...
Original posting by all the leeches (writers) was 142.
I don't know what the Yankees record is for stolen bases against them in a game but I do know it's going to go up in the next twelve months.
Also, I have wood.
Jayson Stark: "12 LH hitters in the big leagues got at least 62 extra-base hits in '10. Red Sox now own 3 of them - Crawford, Gonzalez & Big Papi"
Meh, Carl Crawford is old news.
The Phillies just agreed to sign Dennys Reyes!!!
The SB vs MFY record is 7.
Here is a list of the games with 6 and 7 SB since 1920.
Should I stay up until 3 AM in case Theo signs Lee?
There's not a dry set of shorts in New England right about now.
"The SB vs MFY record is 7.
Here is a list of the games with 6 and 7 SB since 1920."
Yeah but does it mention the corresponding wood?
Man, if Theo had also signed Jeter, we'd be a lock for 140 wins.
B-Ref does not have a Wood Index with its Play Index. We should petition Forman about that.
okay i am off to bed in a few minutes. we should know more after sunrise.
NYDN says MFY offered Lee 6/140 today
What I wanna know is: "Where are the runs gonna come from?"
If Luke Scott is a birther, does that mean he's also a bagger?
HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's Pedroia's take:
so umm, in relation to my wood index...
Or something?!?!?! I couldn't even put together spots 1-7. No idea what Tito will do, but whatever the case, that is one beautiful lineup.
Now lets shore up the bullpen and not have an injury riddled season!!!!!
PA expands his Globe report:
UPDATE, 12:28 p.m.: The deal came to fruition late last night according to a Major Source with direct knowledge of the negotiations. The deal will be complete upon Crawford taking a physical, which could come as soon as today.
The deal makes Crawford the highest-paid outfielder in baseball history. His contract language includes partial no-trade protection. ...
The Red Sox see the speedy Crawford as having the ability to hit third, adding depth to a lineup already bolstered by Gonzalez ...
Seems like a shame to have Ortiz/Drew 6-7...but man, thats a lot of awesomeness!
Before signing Carl Crawford, the Red Sox may have engaged in some good old-fashioned negotiating hijinks. ...
The Sox are one team that made a seven-year offer to Lee, according to officials with another club.
But there was a catch.
The offer was for a lower dollar figure than Lee would accept, making it an offer that Lee was certain to refuse.
Why would the Sox do such a thing?
Because with such an offer, they would empower Lee’s agents to say they had a seven-year bid, potentially forcing the Yankees to increase their six-year proposal.
The Yankees do not plan to go beyond six years for Lee, according to a source with knowledge of the club’s thinking.
No way Crawford ends up hitting 3rd.
Rays teammate Rocco Baldelli on Crawford: “Behind the scenes they’re going to get one of the hardest working ballplayers in the league."
I sure hope not, would rather he hit leadoff if LBJ can't get it done, or in front of Ortiz/Drew even.
okay - sweet dreams
And I don't see any chance of Adrian batting below cleanup. I think:
Crawford L
Pedr R
Adrian L
Youk R
Papi L
The catcher
With Tito maybe even doing a little L-R action with those last 4, too.
What great news to wake up to! So it looks like Theo wants to win this year.
This is what I get for going to bed early... a nice surprise crawling across my news feed this morning! Crawford should be a nice addition to the lineup. Without thumbing through the previous comments here, my guess would be that Ellsbury gets moved back to center, which seems more his natural position. Of course, I'm basing this on his limited play in LF last season.
How much long until pitchers and catchers report? ;-)
"No chance we'll get Crawford... Werth deal... blah blah blah..."
In Theo We Trust
Wow. This was some kinda news to come home to last night! I'm stoked. Saw yesterday afternoon that he was signing with the Halos, which made sense, and I really didn't think we would pursue very hard after the Gonzalez deal. Yay for surprises!
In Theo we Trust indeed
Exciting!! I went to bed at 11:30 last night and heard this on the radio as I was going to sleep. I grabbed my phone and checked out JoS first.
So, do we lose our first round draft pick now since Crawford was a type A free agent?
So, do we lose our first round draft pick now since Crawford was a type A free agent?
So, do we lose our first round draft pick now since Crawford was a type A free agent?
Lose our pick (24th), but we picked up the Tigers (19th or something higher up) for them signing Martinez.
Still will get first round picks for Beltre and V-Mart, and even a pick for Felipe Lopez, who might end up being a Type B, so that could amount to five good picks that we'd have regardless.
Unless I'm totally wrong and have no idea what I'm talking about, which is mostly true for the latter.
Allan! Research time for you.
I'd rather see Crawfords numbers against the rest of the AL East than at fenway. Numbers at fenway are a function of the red sox pitching staff, therefore they are irrelevant to me.
Peter Abraham was just on the radio this morning and talked about how the Red Sox will still come in under budget this year, at this point, and still have $10 million to spend on relief pitchers, etc.
For instance, Boston was still paying money to Julio Lugo and Billy Wagner last year!
He also brought up the point of perhaps a boring winter meetings next year because the Red Sox are pretty well set, provided this season goes pretty well. All five starters are signed through 2012 and the only hole you'd be looking at in the lineup would be RF, where Ryan Kalish is expected to take over after Drew leaves.
That was a classic night; our little college basketball team hosted North Carolina [got killed, but in front of a 12,000 sellout for the first time in years], then to the pub with buddies, then home in time to feed the baby and one last check of twitter, and I see Pete Abe's first tweet. Holy Sheet! Wake up to see that it was real. It's gonna be a fun few weeks!! Love all the comments here too on this thread. Wood indeed. Maybe "Wood" becomes Crawford's nickname?
Maybe "Wood" becomes Crawford's nickname?
You boys talk about your genitalia enough as it is. Please leave them out of JoS nicknames! Please.
Early money is on "Leo".
"Numbers at fenway are a function of the red sox pitching staff, therefore they are irrelevant to me."
With players changing teams so often, especially relievers, the park you hit in would matter somewhat...right? Anyway, quick AL East report: hits great at the New Loo. Is a power machine north of the border. Seems to be fine at Fenway South. His Trop #s are a little above his career #s.
"my guess would be that Ellsbury gets moved back to center,"
Crawford's been exclusively a LF so yeah Ells back to CF.
L-girl said...
You boys talk about your genitalia enough as it is. Please leave them out of JoS nicknames! Please.
I conferred with my genitalia and it agreed with you so long as our love of mighty dongs never abates.
Here is Crawford's split page. Hit the split thing to get individual years.
Thanks for that jere...To clarify that earlier point - no, fenway numbers aren't completely irrelevant but you figure a majority of his ABs would have been against Beckett/Buchholz/Lester/Dice-K/Wakefield etc. which is why I'd be more interested in seeing how he's done against the other teams in the league.
Thanks for the splits link allan, was going to look it up but you beat me to it. One thing that quickly jumped out at me was his .396 average with the bases loaded. Sounds good!
I think carl crawford should just stay with the rays because he should stay loyal.
Is that you, Joe Maddon?
In that case, I think Adrian Gonzalez should have just stayed in San Diego.
L's personal hell: Everyone ends up calling him "Wood," but shortens it to "W". After all, he is a Crawford from Texas.
I conferred with my genitalia and it agreed with you so long as our love of mighty dongs never abates.
Dongs - sweaty, mighty, fatherly, laserly and otherwise - will live forever at JoS.
Nice to know you and your body parts are fine with that.
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