Red Sox - 000 003 001 2 - 6 11 0Matsuzaka surrendered a line-drive home run to Ellis on his 3rd pitch of the game and had early control problems (though at times, he was getting seriously squeezed). He threw 30 pitches in each of the first two innings, walking four, hitting one, and tossing a wild pitch. Oakland stranded two runners in the first and left the bases loaded in the second.
Athletics - 200 002 000 1 - 5 7 0
Dice (5-2-2-5-6, 95) recovered, retiring 10 of his last 11 batters, allowing only one ball out of the infield.
Boston grabbed the lead in the sixth. Pedroia doubled to right, Youkilis walked and Manny drove brought them in with a double down the left field line. Ramirez scored on a single from Moss, who got the last-minute start after Drew's back tightened up.
Kyle Snyder relieved Dice in the 6th and promptly gave the lead back as Crosby singled and Hannahan donged. Javier Lopez came in and got out of the inning quickly. Tito gave the 8th to Bryan Corey, a move which paid off. Ellsbury had to make a leaping catch at the center field wall on Brown's leadoff drive, banging his shoulder a bit, but Corey got the next two A's on weak grounders. That let Jeemer take the 9th and Bot the 10th.
In the ninth, two outs away from defeat, Moss hit his first major league home run -- down the right field line off Huston Street -- to tie the game. And the Sox tagged Street again in the 10th. Lugo reached on an infield single to third and was bunted over by Pedroia. Yook fanned and Ortiz was intentionally walked. Ramirez came through again, with a double off the wall in right center. Four RBI for Manny today. He watched it for awhile from the plate, but still slide easily into second.
Snuffer wasn't his snuffin' self in the bottom of the 10th. He walked Barton and Brown cracked a one-out double. Barton scored, cutting the lead to 6-5, but Brown was caught in a rundown between second and third -- 9-4-3-5-6-3 -- for an important out. Crosby and Hannahan both singled, putting the winning run on first, but Suzuki grounded out 3-1 to end the game.
Daisuke Matsuzaka (2007 ERA+ 108) / Joe Blanton (2007 ERA+ 106)

Red Sox Athletics
Dustin Pedroia, 2B Travis Buck, RF
Kevin Youkilis, 1B Mark Ellis, 2B
David Ortiz, DH Daric Barton, 1B
Manny Ramirez, LF Jack Cust, DH
Mike Lowell, 3B Emil Brown, LF
J.D. Drew, RF Bobby Crosby, SS
Jason Varitek, C Jack Hannahan, 3B
Jacoby Ellsbury, CF Kurt Suzuki, C
Julio Lugo, SS Ryan Sweeney, CF
Daisuke Matsuzaka, P Joe Blanton, P

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Morning All!
Happy Opening Day!
morning, chaps.
Update: Sean Casey activated. Dusty Brown optioned to AAA.
Update: Laura is wearing her brand-new Jacoby Ellsbury shirt. My first Red Sox shirt ever!!!
jordan's furniture is doing another one of their crazy gambling gimmicks.
Last year if the Red Sox won the WS, anyone who bought furniture at Jordan's at the beginning of the year would get it free.
This year he's doing the same thing, but this time the furniture is free if the Red Sox sweep the world series. Not like they haven't done that before, though, seeing as it's been 22 years since they've lost a world series game.
22 years, I like the sound of that.
GOOD MORNING VIETNAM! Er...make that JOY! I could barely sleep, I must've woken up four or five times during the night....but it's here! It's here! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
here come the champs!
I like how fast these intros are....not like the damn American one that takes 2.5 days to complete :P
We're 7-0 when drinking a shot of JD before the game -- but L says no whiskey at 6 AM. ... Harumph.
heh...the big screen in Tokyo Dome...
"Oakland Athletics onto Field !"
Hey, you wanna do a shot of JD at 6:00 a.m., knock yourself out. I'll be watching the game while you're off puking.
Yo Sportsnet, get this hockey shit off my screen.
We're 7-0 when drinking a shot of JD before the game -- but L says no whiskey at 6 AM. ... Harumph.
Irish up that coffee ol' boy!
We want to watch pre-game! Booooo.
Brandon Moss definitely getting the start in RF batting 6th.
maybe after this we'll be 2-0 when eating breakfast during the game. you know how it goes. not like you'll be eating breakfast at 11pm one week from today.
What happened to Drew? Gameday has not changed.
First whiteout of 2008!!!!
José, ken u c time...that means coffee for timmy
Man that was weird, waking up, putting on the TV, and just hearing "Be Kind to our Web-footed Friends" (or whatever) very slow and low with no announcers.
Pedroia with the full shave.
Now hearing Orsillo talking during anthem, doesn't know he's on.
they showed tom caron, ken macha, and jim rice from 3:58 this morning eating donuts and drinking coffee. that was the pregame.
Celiene Dion of Japan out to Japanese anthem.
Ahh, this is great. I knew I didn't schedule classes until 12 PM on Tuesday for a reason.
Game thread open, game jersey on...
No breakfast yet (dining hall doesn't open until 7 AM) but rest assured, it will be here. :)
Let's get started.
where is the game on espn2?
What happened to Drew? Gameday has not changed.
Is Blanton a southpaw? Maybe that's it....Moss was intro'd and his name is on the NESN scrollbar on the bottom of the screen.
i think it's appropriate for an opera singer to be singing the japanese national anthem. ellsbury's enjoying it. can't understand it, but it's nice all the same.
thanks ish :)
Francona getting a nice bouquet...lovely.
Oh yeah ... brand new 2007 Champs shirt on for the first time!
Anybody else wearing anything special? ...
on the list of other things you won't see again in the whole of time: terry francona wearing his red sox uniform and holding a bouqet of flowers.
Well, last year when I wore my #18 jersey with Damon's name ripped off the back during DiceK starts, the Sox went undefeated... ditto for my Beckett t-shirt on Beckett starts, and my Schilling t-shirt on Schilling starts.
Can't mess with a good thing, right?
And apparently the game is on NESN. I had no idea. Woo!
Anybody else wearing anything special? ...
pajamas for a red sox game.
drew: tightness in his lower back.
i was prompting L to mention her shirt, but i missed it above. carry on.
also joe: did you see the note re the contest about the tiebreaker tiebreaker?
Pajamas. Nothing special today, gotta go to work at 8:30ish...
DO-DO-DO-DO-DO-DO! *nesn theme*
it sounds beautiful.
pajamas for a red sox game.
I often do that, but from the other side of the day.
maybe when i get my legs under me i'll go get my okajima shirt.
You had no idea the Red Sox game would be on NESN?
"Anybody else wearing anything special? ..."
The same ratty shirt I wore to bed. I'm still IN bed. The soothing voices of Don and Rem don't seem to be waking up Kim, (who alwas complains about late games! come on, morning people, this is your chance!)
I so hope this game starts off like game 1 of the WS for FY.
Morning Jere. I was thinking the same thing.
first they start games too late for kids to watch, now they start them too early. [/mediot]
mornin', L. and everyone else.
No, I didn't get the tiebreaker tiebreaker note...what's up
I really thought this was an ESPN2 exclusive special
Oh well, I am pleasantly surprised
alright, here we go!
good start. FY batting at 1.000 for the year.
Set the tone, Dustin!
Coffee made, check, dog out and fed, check, first pitch a strike and FYeah starts it off with a single, yeah boy!!!!
Fuck yeah! IT IS ON.
(And he is on.)
joe: go look. you and someone else picked the same wins and same OPS
Key bobble by handyman
I'm assuming Kurt Suzuki is japanese. Anyone know what his history is?
damn, oh well...RISP for Flo.
A good old fashioned welcome from London, England. Not taken today off to watch the game, even though it is a kindly 10 a.m. start over here, but will be tomorrow.
Help keep me entertained as I analyse the financial accounts of a dippy bank from Nigeria. The Sox need to keep me sane....
Stop whingeing about the time of the game. It is inconvenient for me most nights!!!!
uh oh... I'll bump my prediction up by .001
Papi going for the first dong of 08
The Lord is in the house! This one's easy for you, eh?
steve phillips: "this is a different manny ramirez, this is a focused manny ramirez."
WEll, Morning all! I've been trying to get DIRECT TV to explain why the $%%^$& I'm getting no signal on ESPN2!
Anyone else experiencing this?
what a bunch of bums, trade them all
This is going to be loud.
Easy for the Lord, L, if only I didn't have to work!
That crowd is into it! My goodness.
(Also, did anyone else notice what an ungodly racket there was when they introduced oakland's defense?)
i forgot -- this is also the first full season with jos game threads.
WEll, Morning all! I've been trying to get DIRECT TV to explain why the $%%^$& I'm getting no signal on ESPN2!
Anyone else experiencing this?
channel 623 son....i just flipped on my direct to check for you and SAME THING. actually NESN doesn't come through either....shit man.
great to see a proper game thread at 6 in the morning, as well.
I'm just glad flo didn't take a nap at the plate again.
fucking ellis dong. goddammit.
He's cooked! We're doomed! The season's over... blah blah blah.
i hate having to listen to gary thorne and steve phillips
Well that didn't take long.
yes, so we do.
Well, he did give up the HR to the new MLB HR and RBI leader.
Unlike the Yanks, we're wearing the road unis as the road team. Dice flustered after the dong. Learn from Beckett, Dice....
It is really quiet in there now.
Not one of these innings I hope.
anyone warming in the pen?
after the dong it's so quiet it sounds like a spring training game on the radio.
Uh-oh. This seems familiar.
bring in papelbon.
oh my god, I just looked out the window to see "first light." first time this decade, I think.
ESPN must have the crowd sound down anyway, because we hardly heard any cheering when Dice-K took the mound.
I love the odd selection of music and sound effects, sounds like Yankee Stadium
First inning and Orsillo's already used "carved it foul" twice.
That's a better pitch.
From the NESN standpoint, I'm not experiencing this so-called "quiet."
I heard the crowd noise on that swinging strike!
ESPN must have the crowd sound down anyway, because we hardly heard any cheering when Dice-K took the mound.
Same with NESN.
Uh-oh. This seems familiar.
a team beginning a season that ends with a world series title?
that was not
First inning and Orsillo's already used "carved it foul" twice.
Wish I could hear that! But it won't be long.
Remy definitely just said that a lot of guys are trying to build up their bitch- pitch count.
Jet lag's a pitch, eh?
come on, genius tek -- get him to throw strikes.
dp pls.
jeez...i thought we'd see a different dice this year. hopefully just jitters.
From the NESN standpoint, I'm not experiencing this so-called "quiet."
I wouldn't call it could be louder is all...
FUCK dammit.
Best not to make long-term judgements in inning 1 of game 1.
where the fuck was that 2-1 pitch?
big pitch
elephants on the pond. gotta get a dp now
Bullpens look brutal. Under the stands behind the dugouts.
I must admit that I did not see this coming. I thought he would have a good outing.
Of course, he could force a double play here and then go on to have a good one.
He hasn't had an outing yet.
especially seeing as game 1 is a week and 6,700 miles from the normal game 1.
i hope the gun is wrong because it was showing his fastball at 87ish.
good play, got the one.
Nice play to get one.
nice play.
That's what I figured til the president reminded me that if he had better control, he probably would've gotten it.
that one was 90 mph. i think it's just the gun.
He's missing wayy outside.
Shaughnessy was right, people overrated this team, they are terrible :P
Is that Jeremy Kapstein's Japanese cousin behind home plate with the suit and the Sox hat....
There we go. Get 'em back.
there ya go dice. lets go bats.
i just heard some guy screaming "gyroball! gyroball!"
well, his changeup has been his best pitch this inning.
and he was able to bail himself out. see? no worries.
way to hold on, Tek. Now we get 'em back. Bear in mind, we are in the smaller office (the A's are the "home" team....)
Thanks, Tim. After I've shot up the DIRECT TV offices, I'll mention that it's on your behalf too. Great timing.
That's what I figured til the president reminded me that if he had better control, he probably would've gotten it.
impeach the dawg! has he tried selling any scorecards yet?
also, the zone is the zone. eff rick reed.
Dice-K's mechanics look fucked. Watch how low his shoulder gets sometimes. I don't remember this being an issue last season during these innings, but I could be wrong.
oh god.
early morning wendy's commericals are not fun to see. last thing i want to eat at 6:30am is a large fast food burger.
Dr. apparently has his papers for practicing overseas.
Half-double for Lowell!
nesn must not have expected moss to play at all. moss wears #44 but nesn has him as #55.
Are the camera folks ever going to get tired of showing the lineup in Japanese? yeah,we get it :-p
'Tek's got his at bat music even in Japan.
I know, it's like, oooo, Japanese, this is exotic.
am i the only one who sees a lot of similarities between moss and drew? their swings, particularly.
they're both from georgia, too. i guess that helps.
Goddamn Mark Ellis is good.
Why hasn't he won any Gold Gloves? He's got to be the best second baseman right now.
thorne does not understand the 25 man roster cannot change between games.
Tek's 1st AB of the season and where's Amy?
high strike zone.
Time for a better inning by DiceK.
Thanks, Tim. After I've shot up the DIRECT TV offices, I'll mention that it's on your behalf too. Great timing.
That's cool. I'm pirating Dish net so I'm good. Thanks for the consideration though...but, you sure you don't want to use a hammer instead?
Blanton is getting the double play.
Let's see if Dice can at least get the ball-in-play.
that's the tek we know and love...unfortunately.
Urgh, I really hope I take a nap sometime between now and the Bruins game. :)
I think I'm also going to the last few innings of the Boston College baseball home opener vs. U of Hartford when I get out of class.
Cool day. :)
I see the Captain is in mid-season form...
Hey, look, the lineups are written in Japanese! That language is different!
3-nothing now? With the bases loaded?
NESN graphics fuckups begin!
Did they ever explain why Drew isn't in there?
Urgh, I really hope I take a nap sometime between now and the Bruins game. :)
I really hope the Bruins game doesn't make me wish I would rather be sleeping like they have been for the past three weeks.
I can't believe Jacoby hasn't hit in this game yet. Wouldn't wanna "risk it"... As soon as Drew goes down, you correct the lineup. Oh, Drew's out, we'll go with Moss. Hmmmm, this Ellsbury guy isn't hitting, we'll slide you in a couple spots above his ass. I don't get that one at all. (If you can't tell by my admittedly rusty early-season sarcasm.)
drew -- tight back just before the game
Jack: Drew has a tight back, or some such. Last-minute scratch.
impeach the dawg! has he tried selling any scorecards yet?
I'm sure it'll come. They'll have....JAPANESE writing!
Doorbell wtf?
Someone's at the door...
Haha what the hell was that random doorbell sound?
Doorbell - Tala started to bark!
Tim, you need to learn to do what I do, which is have no expectations for the Bruins and just enjoy the hockey. :)
no you missed my point about Drew, I'm saying, when they saw Drew was out, Moss goes in, but why ahead of Jacoby, who should be leading off in the first place. ANd then after Drew goes down, (with injury is what I meant), STILL he doesn't go up to leadoff, but instead has MOss slide in ABOVE him...
i'm glad everyone else heard the doorbell. i thought i was going crazy!
Lugo with the attempted hidden ball trick?
Who missed your point?
Thanks Laura---way to turn over a new leaf in a new season, JD. And you'd think Francona would put Coco in there to bolster the "4th outfileder whose gooing to play all the time" argument.
I hate DIRECT TV....
Doorbell - Tala started to bark!
haha, cute.
people who told me drew was scratched
Let's wait on the Drewplaining, 'k? It's too early for me to have to defend Mr. On Fire.
francona wants to let ellsbury start off slowly, rather than just throw him in the leadoff spot. i guess that'll keep the nerves down a little for opening day. pedroia's still a terrific lead-off hitter.
Jerry Remy:
"Other than the constant singing and chanting, I've found the Japanese crowd to be rather reserved and quiet"
Jere, we were answering Jack's q re why no Drew.
Dice-K wastes pitches like no one else.
are you still talking to me? I made no complaint with drew, only Tito for acting like Pop in the Natural when he had Roy Hobbs right there on the bench but refused to recognize his talent.
LOL. That Remy comment is priceless, thanks for that.
oh ok
OOH, "Drewplaining! I like it---another entry for the Glossary?
well i needed to clarify anyway:) twice.
Jere, I was talking to Jack re Drewplaining. I gotta remember to write ppl's names.
i guess dice isn't a morning person.
0-2 count to a
haha must've missed that remy line. too busy eating.
so basically whenever I mention Drew, someone else has just mentioned him in another capacity and it gets confusing. I blame Drew!!
Yes, a glossary entry for sure. It's from last year's game threads.
Come on DiceK this is weak. Don't the A's know that they are supposed to be the Washington Generals? :p
sexy lips up
i guess dice isn't a morning person.
now see? that's a perfectly legitimate excuse. i agree. he is not a morning person.
It's not morning there...
As a general rule, walks are not fun to watch
I'm gonna refrain from any BruinSpeak and obey the Sox-only rule of game threading. Although I could go on all day.
Fucking christ, 4 BB already.
Well, not when your guy is pitching.
Who do we bring in, Lopez? Snyder?
dice is into the whole "long wait for blanton" strategy. you'll see.
ah Tavarez
Lips is warming.
Dice-K looks very unhappy to be visited on the mound.
It's not morning there...
i know it. but it's still a good enough excuse to me.
I'm gonna refrain from any BruinSpeak and obey the Sox-only rule of game threading. Although I could go on all day.
i'm with you there.
how come in Japan for the bases loaded shot, they take one camera and zoom it around instead of cutting from base to base? Oh right, they're not big on technology over there..
NESN just now telling us Julian warming.
Until otherwise countered, past performance is the best guide to future output...
Seems as though Dice-K still seems shy of the strike zone from gameday live.....
I'm gonna refrain from any BruinSpeak and obey the Sox-only rule of game threading.
Your cooperation is appreciated. :)
Aww, make the K call.
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