Red Sox - 010 001 110 0 - 4 8 2
Orioles - 200 100 010 1 - 5 9 0

Lackey (7-10-3-2-3, 111) beat the Birds last Saturday, while Hernandez (5-4-3-3-1, 97) took a ND at Fenway on Sunday.Scutaro, SS
Pedroia, 2B
Martinez, C
Youkilis, 1B
Drew, RF
Ortiz, DH
Beltre, 3B
Hermida, LF
McDonald, CF
The Red Sox have won seven of their last nine games. ... What spot in the batting order has the best on-base percentage so far this year? #8. And the worst? #3. (Interesting lineup optimization post here.)
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Jones, CF
Markakis, RF
Wieters, C
Tejada, 3B
Scott, LF
Wigginton, 2B
Hughes, DH
Atkins, 1B
Izturis, SS
According to The Book, the optimal lineup probably looks something like this:
1. Pedroia
2. Drew
3. Ortiz/Lowell (assuming Ortiz isn't completely toast)
4. Youkilis
5. Martinez
6. Ellsbury
7. Cameron
8. Beltre
9. Scutaro
#3 and #6 could possibly be swapped.
Crap. MASN. Guess it's MLB audio to the rescue.
Let's fuuuuck!
wouldn't mind seeing that lineup for a few weeks.
A OTT inning for a crappy pitcher on the worst team in baseball. WE'RE DOOOOOOOMED!!!!!
Bad lineup, Tito -- read THE BOOK!!!
Bad lineup, Tito -- read THE BOOK!!!
No kidding, this terrible lineup probably cost us 0.005 of a win. suck.
get yer head out of yer ass, lackey.
See? Doomed.
lackey is keeping his pitch count down at least.
first time seeing the pitch count in the info bar -- i love it.
What, something on NESN?
now they need a clock measuring how long of a wait the opposing pitch has until he gets back out to the mound ...
Yeah! I love strike-em-out throw-em-out DPs.
CS -- even with a double pump?
now they need a clock measuring how long of a wait the opposing pitch has until he gets back out to the mound ...
They have that, his name is Don Orsillo.
Okay, husband's out of town on business, son's out playing golf (I think). It's just me and the dog. So I'm thinking I'll have a chance to watch and thread tonight. I just got home from work, listened to the top of the first in the car. Come in between innings and before I can get upstairs, let the dog out, and turn the TV on it's 1-0 with 2 on. WTF?
Come on Lackey.
YAY! Caught stealing.
Consolation = the White Sox have scored three vs. Petite and are still going.
CS -- even with a double pump?
Well, you have to employ a rather liberal definition of the word "caught" here, but yes.
Nice "catch" by the Yankee fan in the stands.
Oooh, Firey., I love it.
I think I got it from Edward
LOL throwing Ortiz a 3-1 slider.
That dong would have tied the game if he truly cared about winning. :<(
Lots of WTFs (warning track flies)
FKR up 1-0 in the 2nd in KC
If Joe shops at Shaws I'll eat my sock
You can bet Joe shops at Shaw's - most likely for free. Announcers lives are full of freebies.
They're talking about crab cakes and hardshelled crabs, making me hungry.
I'm 8 days younger than Adam Jones.
on they say games on are in I need a Hi-Def computer monitor to get that?
L-girl said...
They're talking about crab cakes and hardshelled crabs, making me hungry.
I am not really fond of seafood , but i like me some crabcakes..
Lackey got himself straightened out or what.
Hey Allan, I wonder if anyone is buying your book at the Babe Ruth Museum this weekend. They're your most consistent order. (Orderer?)
L-girl said...
I'm 16 days older than Sam Horn.
Customer! There you go.
I wrote so much today, I must be all out of words. Thanks. :)
No MLB player was born on the same day I was.
I'm 53 days younger than Don Mattingly.
L-girl said...
I wrote so much today, I must be all out of words. Thanks. :)
I am here to edumacate....
None on my birthday either.
Castig talking about Babe Ruth's young life, and amazingly, everything he said was right.
I am here to edumacate....
I did a lot of journamalism today.
Andrew Lorraine
That guy was born on B-day , and we are both left handed........crazy, right
I got Jose Contreras and Adam Hydzu born on my birthdate.
OB doesn't know if it's good or bad to take a lot of pitches.
Andrew Lorraine, girls team
The other night at Skydome I wanted to tell someone that Dana Eveland is on my girls team, twice. But it was too hard to explain to a marginal baseball fan, the whole "All ____" team thing, then the women's names... I needed to thread!
Take bad ones, swing at some of the good ones. Collect $.
This just in: Ortiz couldn't hit the fastball!
I was born on Tim McCarver's 22nd birthday.
I am almost certain that he never met my mother.
Alexi Casilla was born exactly one year before L and I met. This is his 5th year in MLB.
Tim Allen, the Olsen Twins, and me. Don't think about that too much.
5 E's on Beltre for the year.
outs pls
Triple play?
that was close. K?
Eddie Izzard in Toronto tonight.
easy as 1-2-3!
2/3 of a triple play
Yes. Just one more out.
And getting the first one at home is nice.
Look, other teams squander too!
CWS: 310 0
MFY: 200 0
KCR: 000 00
FKR: 010 00
"hernandez, who had a 19 minute wait"
don: "that didn't work out at all!"
Scutaro SASAHE
No, Don, it did not.
i have left to go get water or tea twice tonight. and both times, the sox hit a dong (and i missed it). hmmm.....
Drink more.
victor had K'd, now on first!!
maybe hernandez will get distracted.
I saw your post about the Buckminster the other night. We have thought about staying there. We usually stay at the Hotel Commonwealth because of location, but it's crazy expensive.
Do you recommend the Buckminster? It's about half the price of HC.
Drink more
That's what I have saying for the last 24 years!
That's what I have saying for the last 24 years!
Open goal.
Mrs G, I do recommend it, but it depends what your standards are and what you're looking for. We wanted just a clean, basic, non-scary room. Money is very tight for us right now, so price is a big consideration. So with that in mind, we were very pleased.
It's not posh at all, and low on amenities. But the room was fine, the location is great and the price was terrific.
You already have location at the Commonwealth. We've stayed a couple of times at the Copley Plaza, which was very nice, but for the price difference, I'd go with the Buckminster again.
Thanks L. Clean and non-scary are good criteria. I think we'll stay there next time. We have become spoiled being at the Commonwealth and just walking to Fenway. We don't want to stay further away. And the views of the park from the hotel rooms are amazing. But it's getting harder to justify spending that much for a bed. We will definitely try the Buckminster.
buckminster is a 5-minute walk from fenway -- and sosock (last year for jos1) had a view of the monster seats out his window!
we need more than solo dongs to win this one, me thinks.
plus the white sox planned part of the 1919 ws fix there during a september series against the red sox!
Oh fuck. They're calling it a DP b/c of interference. They get away with that ridiculous throw to 1st.
BAD BAD call.
A, the Commonwealth is where we saw Fisk being interviewed last year in the sidewalk cafe.
beltre also slid very late, like passed the bag, watch his ass hit the ground hard passed the base -- with the hand grab, out looks like the right call
yeah, maybe a good call. I didn't see the hand grab the first time around. Still, that never gets called.
Palmer (yes I have to listen to MASN) seemed to think it was questionable.
If you don't need luxury and want to have a decent budget room, I think you'll be satisfied. There's no restaurant or bar, but there's no shortage of those in the area.
Our only complaint was that they said there was wireless internet in the rooms and there was not. I can live without, but it would be nice to know in advance.
i'd call it more on the slide than the hand, i think.
OK, opportunity here...
why are remy and don saying nothing about the slide????
plus the white sox planned part of the 1919 ws fix there during a september series against the red sox!
Really? That's very cool.
Mrs G, you don't have MLB Audio? $15 for the whole season and you don't have to listen to those clowns.
I have MASN on TV, too, but I'm using Red Sox radio for sound.
very piss poor job by remy and orsillo. choosing to ignore the most obvious part of the play.
no way in hell they believe that was a legit slide, beltre started his awkward slide about 2 feet from the bag, and his ass plopped down hard like he was sliding down some stairs.
Re Buckminster & fix, Allan didn't recognize the name, but when we drove up to the hotel, he was like, THIS place? This is where the 1919 WS was fixed!
Uh oh, no wireless might kill it for the rest of the family. I think we'll survive though.
It's not looking like we'll get up there as a family this summer. Money is tight everywhere. A trip to Boston is expensive, especially when you add in game tickets.
There is a chance I'll have a conference in Waltham and may be able to catch the Sunday Dodgers game. My son would come with me to tour Northeastern and Berklee School of Music. We'd stay in Waltham though.
Yeah, tie game!!
Where do you live, Mrs GoTribe?
I'll join you in a bit. My husband's on the phone.
"21 minute wait for lackey"
jeemer up
Not only can I see she's from Virginia, but I wrote GotRibe wrong.
Go figure, he's in Northern Virginia but not getting MASN. Although I don't know why he didn't get on MLB.
Yes, we have MLB TV and can get the audio. I sometimes try to synch things up with Don & Remy or the radio but I just haven't done it tonight.
We live in Bridgewater, VA which is in the Shenandoah Valley (western part of the state).
Ha! Nice.
Nice inning ender.
and tito steals another inning with lackey!
Some of the out of town announcers don't bother me, but Thorne... ugh.
and tito steals another inning with lackey!
Right, very cool.
My son just got home. He had a package waiting for him from Yawkey Way Store. Lots of good clearance items. He's pretty happy.
OB is obsessing on how many pitches JD has taken. He simply cannot get over it.
I AM THE GOD OF HELL FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clearance items, you say. I wonder if anyone has a birthday coming up in, say, 6 weeks.
Is that Ok Dave OBrien?? Do you see what patience does???? YOU MORON
I swear OB is only grudingly admitting that maybe JD knows what he's doing. Two swings, two HRs.
jd should have swung at the first one and grounded out ... and then threw his helmet and cursed really loud!
"Sometimes his immense patience can be infuriating."
Dave, that's your problem. Not JD's.
A, you could listen to this broadcast and blog about this bit.
That was sweet. We might just win with these solo shots.
Laura, you convinced me to get the audio. It's way behind though. I can't get the MLB TV because we're blacked out.
How about his immense dong?
Funny, I just made a note on my card about it....
"Fire Dave O'Brien"?
Orioles pitches fear Darnell McDonald obviously.
Kirk's pitcher is in tribble -- I mean trouble!
Lots of clearance items. Bay shirt for $5, Ortiz world series shirt for $5, and a DiceK jersey for $35!
He's still talking about the number of pitches JD took!
The trouble with tribbles!
Very, very funny.
We need people to pick one announcer and listen every day and catalogue their (mis)statements. ... Though that might cause too many people to fly into homicidal rages.
Yeah, there's a big delay. When I have the audio on, I end up listening more than watching - but I really enjoy that. I love baseball on the radio.
Kirk's pitcher is in tribble -- I mean trouble!
LOL, rare Star Trek joke from you.
when did ob start talking about this re drew? just this inning? (unlikely, though, since drew looked at 4 pitches and K'd in the 6th)
there is always the infuriation factor in doing this ...
I agree, baseball is a sport meant for radio.
Van Every
Is there a JOS nickname for him?
x 2
oh boy, tied again
he hit that well.
Nickname for who? Bard is Shakespeare.
really cranking up the noise machine at camden ...
No, for Van Every
No, not just this inning. IIRC, he started counting in Drew's 2nd AB. You could just listen to innings where Drew batted. You really should hear them all, to hear the progression in Obie's barely disguised annoyance. He said "I don't know if it's a good thing or not" but it was clear he meant not.
You can also search for my comments in the thread - I said it earlier too.
Some ppl called him Everyman. But I don't know if he was around enough to have a real nick. No glossary mention, I see.
De todo
"nina" simon(e) in for duh boids.
You know, I'm glad I had MASN muted for that home run.
Rays lost!
KCR: 000 000 102 - 3 6 0
FKR: 010 000 001 - 2 4 1
Last call for the White Sox
CWS: 310 000 00
MFY: 200 020 20
That's not very nice to Nina Simone.
Yes, I'm sure mute was very necessary right there.
Obie on it again, "...not taking the bat off his shoulder." Obsessed, I tells ya.
and that is how the anti-drew shit gets spread. fans too dumb to know any better.
would it be better if he swung and missed and struck out rather than looked at strike 3? do you get extra points for that?
maybe extra "OB" pts.
OB cannot understand OB (on base).
Tek coming in from the bullpen.
When you gonna give it to me, give it to me. Is it just a matter of time, Simona?
I'd love to see On Fire hit another dong and shut OB up. (Not to mention probably win the game for us.)
alright. drew is not having a good year so far. he leads the team with 24 k and has the 2nd worst OBP among the regs.
2nd best OBP last year. 4th in K, 53 fewer than bay!
i would ask OB: why is hacking good?
wait - tek is pitching the 9th?!>!>
There, satisfied, OB? Swing and miss.
it's time to become SUPERTIZ!
Papi, be the Papi of old.
chokers won.
I read that as SUPERTITZ.
got home in time to see it tied up again.
Here we go!
It doesn't look like the chokers are going to lose many this year.
SUPERTITZ, that's what I read also.
Crap, the Papi of now.
The Ortiz of new.
SUPERTITZ was a bust.
Too early to tell about NYY. That must be true because I maintain it's too early to tell about us. :)
A bust, ha ha. You are so funny tonight.
ramram in
Losses so far:
NYY - 8
BOS - 11
fat albers up for bal.
You're right A, that is worthy of only a shrug. Maybe I should have said the Rays aren't going to lose many, but come on...
I hear "Fat Albert" every time.
Hey, hey, hey.
On this current upswing of wins for the sox, emma's been pontificating on what a season would look like where the sox won every game. Not to burst her bubble, but it's statistically unlikely.
We'd live at the 99 and I'd die of a broken stomach.
Nick, how old is Emma?
RamRam looking good lately.
raminator -- they can't lay off that slider!
Thank you RamRam
Emma is a cool girl. I'd like to go another game with her.
She sounds like a great girl. Wasn't she keeping score at JoS1?
She's 9. I like her. She's got a cold (which I just got over), but we went to the father/daughter dance at her school tonight. I scored a great deal on a dress at Macy's today (for her).
jeem up again
mdc up too
She's a mathgeek and a bit of a taxonomy obsessive (like me--messy but fascinated by things in their places), so keeping score is appealing to her. I should learn the intricacies of it better. maybe we could do it at home.
millared it.
It's great that she loves the Red Sox like you do. That's how I became such a big sports fan--being in front of the TV with my father and younger brothers on Sundays.
i think she had second thoughts about keeping score. perhaps my using three different color pens scared her off.
My son just got an app on his iPhone that keeps score. Not quite the same, though.
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