Day-night doubleheader tomorrow: 1:30 & 7
Mariners -
Red Sox -
Note to Beckett: Seattle is not a good baseball team. They average 3.29 runs per game. Even you ought to be able to tame them, despite opponents having a robust 1.100 OPS (.373/.420/.680) in your last three starts.Scutaro, SS
Drew, RF
Martinez, C
Ortiz, DH
Beltre, 3B
Lowell, 1B
Nava, LF
Hall, 2B
Kalish, CF
AL East:
Yankees/Blue Jays, 7 PM
Rays/Angels, 10 PM
1951 - Bill Veeck holds "Fans Managers' Night", in which Browns coaches hold up placards for 1,115 fans, who vote "yes" or "no" on various in-game options. Manager Zack Taylor sits behind the dugout with two fans and monitors the voting. The Browns beat the A's 5-3.
1983 - Baltimore reliever Tippy Martinez picks off three Toronto runners in the top of the 10th inning as the Blue Jays try to take advantage of Lenn Sakata, an infielder with no professional catching experience who is behind the plate. Sakata hits a three-run homer in the bottom of the 10th and the Orioles win 7-4.
Win it for .... Cody.
So sad. How are things going?
Damon staying in Detroit.
Suzuki, RF
Figgins, 2B
Branyan, DH
Lopez, 3B
Kotchman, 1B
Gutierrez, CF
Bard, C
Langerhans, LF
Wilson, SS
I posted my earlier comment before I saw the other posts here and at wmtc and Facebook. My eyes just keep filling with tears.
How are things going?
Better than expected. Sad, but knowing we did the right thing -- and that she gave us 11+ good years.
Yes, it is the humane thing to do, not to prolong the suffering.
BTW, why was her last name Brown, not Kaminer or Wood?
Her fur was brown. I said it was more of a light black, but L claimed that colour doesn't exist.
rain delay?
We have NESN! With ugly weather.
I can't stand the rain
FYI your link to from your page is bad.
FYI your link to from your page is bad.
Where is that?
That's not my blog.
I will tell Laura, though.
Lets play 2 tomorrow?
Yes, says doubleheader tomorrow.
Games at 1:35 and 7:10
MFY - 1
TOR - 0
Now I miss TWO games tomorrow!! I really needed baseball tonight. What a drag.
Bud Selig got a statue at Miller Park, gross.
Amy, each of our dogs had their own last names. :)
And Cody's last name was Brown. We often called her "Brown" or "The Brown".
Like, "Where's the Brown?" "Upstairs."
Or, "Did Brown finish her dinner?"
Just one of those silly things.
I'm going to sit outside. With wine.
I love that the dogs get last names! We have lots of nicknames for our pets, but not last names. And I do think Cody's fur was more black than brown in the photos, but I do agree...there is no such thing as light black.
Too bad there is no game. I am sure you both could have used the distraction.
She was brown! Really! Brown! :)
Some of the last names were just Dog. Gypsy Dog. Clyde The Dog. Mr. B. Uster. (Known as Buster.) And Tala Bobala.
We don't intend to give them last names, it just happens.
Yes, I could have used baseball tonight. In my experience, the worst is tomorrow morning. When you wake up and they're not there. *sigh*
I kind of think that it's altogether appropriate that the baseball gods decided to acknowledge Cody's passing by giving the Red Sox the night off.
Although I can also see how the distraction would have been nice as well.
For me, it's always coming home from work or wherever to the quiet. At least Tala will be there to greet you! How is she doing?
Our nicknames are always something that just happens also. Cassie MyLassie, Cassidy, Cassella, Cass.
Smokey gets Mokey, Smokeroni, Beautiful Boy. Luna is LuLu, Lunatic, Loony, and LunaTuna, and which then became Tunafish.
Maybe the Red Sox postponed the game out of respect for Cody.
Gypsy was G, Buster was B, Tala is T -- but Clyde and Cody were never C.
I guess I'll take Tala to the dog park alone tomorrow morning. That will be her only dog interaction for awhile.
I see the Jays are disgracing Cody's memory.
MFY - 114 04
TOR - 000 1
Fuck duh Jayz.
Maybe because Clyde and Cody have hard C's, so the soft C of C doesn't roll off the tongue naturally?
How do you come up with the names? I see you have resisted naming them for ballplayers. We usually go for short easy names that we can use in public without feeling silly!
Of course, the nicknames are silly, but those are for private use.
The dogs' names? Each just happened in its own way. Or do you mean the last names? I guess that's the same answer.
Cody and Tala already had their names when we adopted them and we kept them.
We often call Tala "Bo" or "Little Bo". It comes from her name Tala Bobala. (Tala Bo-Bala)
Buster was always "B". He was just B or Big Beee. My B.
And so we also call Tala "T" or "T-Bo". My little T.
I also called Cody "Codith," like my sister Judith.
Cody sometimes smelled like grape candy. Not real grapes - the fake grape of purple candy smell. So she was sometimes Grapey.
Good nicknames for Luna. :)
And of course we could never name our dogs after ballplayers, since for most of our lives together they would have been different players.
But we did have a bird named Bernie, named for Bernie Williams. He had a last name, too. Bernie Bird.
Gypsy was G, Buster was B, Tala is T -- but Clyde and Cody were never C.
I didn't see this earlier.
I started out called Gypsy "Gyp" and then shortened it to G.
I hadn't thought how three dogs were each called by one letter. Huh.
I love it! Sounds sort of how our names evolve, though we have given most of our pets their "formal" names. Cassie was a shelter dog without a name. I often wondered at the beginning what she had been called before, but she learned her new name very quickly so maybe it was close to Cassie. Or she is very smart.
Our prior dog, Zapper, had been named Zappa by his first owners. Not being a big Frank Zappa fan and also not liking to name pets for humans, we changed it to Zapper. Close enough for him not to be confused, but not likely to evoke the Mothers of Invention. Plus he had a lightning streak on his forehead like Lassie, so Zap seemed to fit. We called him Zap, Zappy, Zappella, etc.
Zapper, I like that name!
All our dogs were rescues, but 2 had names from foster homes. Fortunately we liked the names, so we kept them. The others were from the shelter and the street - no names.
I wonder who dog #6 will be.
I wonder who dog #6 will be.
Whoever he/she is, it will be one lucky dog! And I am sure she/he will find you in the right time and place, like all the others did.
Blue Jays stinking it up. Maybe the Halos will do better.
No, I haven't given up all hope of playing in October........
Really having a hard time deciding about getting another dog. Don't really expect Noah to make it another year. Could be much less. I've always had at least 1. Pretty much my whole life. Just not sure if this isn't the time to go petless for a while. I'm gone so much of the time and Timmy won't be living here forever. Jeez, I hope not, anyway..........:)
I have two cats and one of them already had a name when we took him in - Pancakes. His primary name is Pan, and other names are (The) Panimal, Mr. Pan, (The) Little Boy, Buckaroo, and sometimes I just say, "Hey buddy!"
Then my mom named our other cat Muffin. Miss Muffin, Little Miss Muffin, (The) Little Girl, Coconut, Skunk (there's a slight resemblance), Missy, and sometimes just, Girl.
Cody sometimes smelled like grape candy. Not real grapes - the fake grape of purple candy smell. So she was sometimes Grapey.
Next time you smell that, it will take you right back to her. For me, that is always the hardest part.
yay rogers, sucking a fat one again tonight.
channel 491 - min @ tex till 11 (or whenever it ends) then joins the rays game in progress.
channel 492 - NOTHING
channel 493 - atl @ col till 11:30, then joins ari @ sd in progress.
what the shit is with all these joined in progress games? something more to note and add to my complaint whenever i get back to it. it will likely become an off-season project at this point.
fuck. eva dong. 5-1 TB, useless angel fucksticks. so much for faith night.
speaking of faith night, of course the pawsox won again tonight, when we decided not to go, and of course the red sox game was rained out as well.
reddick tonight - 5 for 5 with another dong, 2 rbi.
Ish, I love those nicknames.
SoSock, could your old dog tolerate the presence of a new one? He might be too old to adjust. That's another consideration.
I agree, it would be strange to have no dogs. But perhaps the time is right for you to take a break between dogs.
MrsG, I know what you mean - scents are very powerful memory triggers.
*Someone is not here this morning*
Thinking of you this morning. I woke up and thought about what you said about how the morning would be the hardest. I am sending hugs your way.
SoSock, when Zapper died, I swore we wouldn't get another dog. And yet less than three months later, we found Cassie. I never say never again!
Thanks, Amy. I woke up and looked around... and started to cry again. :(
I don't look forward to the day when we can't have dogs anymore, because we are too old and/or can't afford it. I think we'll be one of those dog-sitting couples who attach themselves to other people's dogs.
After we lost Buster, we were so completely exhausted from caring for all his many special needs, that we were content to only have Cody. It went on for so long that I actually thought we might not adopt another.
Then one day, just past the one-year mark, I told Allan I was thinking about adopting a new dog. And he said he had been thinking the same thing! Yay! (Tala.)
Before that...
The other time we had only Cody, after losing Clyde in 1999, I told my sister, the next stray dog that crosses my path is mine. A week later I found the wreck that was Buster.
This time, I'm in no rush, but I know it's coming.
And yet less than three months later
Cool. :>)
I don't look forward to the day when we can't have dogs anymore, because we are too old
Uch, I think about this more and more these days. Will these be my last pets? If we are lucky and Cassie lives another 5 years, I will be in my 60s. If the cats live a normal lifespan, I would be in my 70s when they die. Is it responsible to adopt a pet at that age? I can't even think about it. It makes me crazy. At least you have about a ten year advantage on me!
Yeesh, I know it's hard around Chez Sock this morning. Still thinking about you. The times of the normal routines that suddenly aren't happening are probably the worst. But, it's comforting to know it was just time.
Good point by both of you. Actually, it has een suggested that maybe another dog would be good for Noah since I am gone so much. But that's really an unknown. He's pretty schizo already, and I'd hate to add to that.
But the idea of taking a break between, just to see how it feels, also makes a lot of sense.
Oh well, play it by ear - that's pretty much my life motto these days.....
Ish: Never just "Cakes"?
I'm thinking the next one should be named "6".
I can't even think about it. It makes me crazy. At least you have about a ten year advantage on me!
I know, it's a tough one! We think more about the expense of dogs, since we (like you, I'm sure) are scrupulous about vet care and will go to any means necessary to keep them health. We don't envision being well-off in our senior years.
One day I was getting sad over this, wondering how I would live without dogs when we're older, and Allan said we would become dogsitters. Lots of retired people in our are board dogs in their own home while families are on vacation. That made me feel better so I latched on to it.
No point in worrying about it, of course - we may not live long enough to be an issue. That's the advantage a non-worrier has over you. ;)
I wish you could somehow make me into a non-worrier! The older I get, the worse it gets...
I'm just the opposite. I worried and was anxious when I was younger. As I've gotten older, I've let most of that go. We could talk about it some time by email if you like.
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