Curt Schilling's anti-Muslim tweet, posted this morning, has been deleted.
Which makes perfect sense, since most racists are cowards when their repugnant opinions get exposed (according to the "true #'s"). If Schilling had any guts, he'd stand up for and defend this particular belief.
I find it interesting that Schilling - who, judging from his public statements and voting record, is in full support of the torture, rape, and murder of innocent men, women, and children - has the lack of insight to label someone else as an evil extremist.
After ESPN removed Schilling from its Little League World Series broadcast team, Schilling tweeted: "I understand and accept my suspension. 100% my fault. Bad choices have bad consequences and this was a bad decision in every way on my part."
Someone went to the trouble to explain why the "logic" behind the tweet is bullshit.
I always feel this weird cognitive dissonance regarding Schilling. If you can ignore what he actually says, his personality seems to be somewhat likeable. But then he says shit like this and you realize what false gold your former opinion of him was.
He's sort of a microcosm of so many problems in this country. There is a high percentage of people who steadfastly hold the most mindless, xenophobic and arguably hateful views, yet otherwise fit the perfect image of a good-hearted American. A wolf in sheep's clothing. (Dale Arnold of WEEI is borderline like this for me, although he's not quite as bad.)
Globe: ESPN has removed analyst Curt Schilling from its Little League World Series broadcast after the former Red Sox pitcher tweeted a photo that compared Muslims with Nazis.
The fact that he tweeted the photo in the first place speaks volumes about Schilling
Brilliant ballplayer but that is the extent of his brilliance
Didn't just tweet it, but commented on its relevancy and accuracy [sic].
Hell of a pitcher in 2004, but man, what a shithead otherwise.
And the next 80 times a white Christian man shoots up a school or a movie theater or his workplace or a restaurant or ... but but but sputter sputter that's *different* ...
You gotta just know in his heart of hearts, Curt's a Trump man.
Hey, look, Sarah Palin has an opinion about this:
"The difference between Hitler's army and the genocidal maniacs of ISIS is that the jihadists don't have as much power… yet.
By denying the accuracy of Schilling's tweet, ESPN shows its weakness as it buys into the propaganda of ISIS and other terror organizations, helping mislead the public about the very real threat of terrorism. It shows once again that ESPN would rather concentrate on liberal global politics instead of report well on our beloved sports.
From those of us who used to LOVE the network (to the point of addiction, some would confess!), I say to ESPN - you are awful in this. Stick to sports."
SoSHer drleather2001: "Palin gets mad at ESPN for telling its employees to stick to sports, says 'ESPN should stick to sports.' OK."
Whoa - read all of Palin's post here.
SB Nation: "ESPN suspended Curt Schilling for saying one bad thing about Muslims, ignoring that Curt Schilling says bad things about Muslims pretty much constantly."
ESPN released a statement on analyst Curt Schilling, saying: "At all times during the course of their engagement with us, our commentators are directly linked to ESPN and are the face of our brand. We are a sports media company. Curt's actions have not been consistent with his contractual obligations nor have they been professionally handled; they have obviously not reflected well on the company. As a result, he will not appear on ESPN through the remainder of the regular season and our Wild Card playoff game."
Schilling: "I'm not racist. I don't have a racist bone in my body. ... The only thing about the entire thing that bothered me was the people that took the racist angle, which is confusing to me because I'm not sure how you got there ..."
So Schilling is also "oblivious" - or completely unfamiliar with the definition of "racist" - or a flat-out liar. Maybe "racist" too loaded a term for him? Perhaps he would prefer "bigot" or "prejudiced" or "filled with hate".
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