Rays - 002 462 000 - 14 12 1Missed it by that much.
Red Sox - 200 000 030 - 5 7 1
Drew #8?!? That's the lowest spot in the lineup of any of his 114 starts this year. ... Michael Bowden has been called up, bringing the roster count to 33.Scutaro, SS
McDonald, CF
Martinez, C
Beltre, 3B
Ortiz, DH
Lowell, 1B
Lowrie, 2B
Drew, RF
Hall, LF
Amalie Benjamin, Globe:
Ask Amalie: What's next for Red Sox?She is mostly likely right, of course, but I really don't like it when people state an uncertainty as a concrete fact. There are many ways to communicate that the chances of any Red Sox baseball after October 3 is mighty slim; why not use one of them? Writers (and fans) in Boston and New York declared the 2004 ALCS over after three games -- and they all ended up looking like fools. (Jeez, even Jim Donaldson gets it, admitting he was "stunningly wrong" in 1999 and 2004.)
We finally have our answer. The Red Sox will not be going to the postseason this year ... All hope is gone, at least where it concerns the rest of the Red Sox season.

BP has the Sox up to 3.6% (+1.5%!), 1.4%, and 2.9%.

1935 - Cleveland leads Boston 5-3 at Fenway, but the Red Sox have the bases loaded with no one out in the bottom of the ninth. Joe Cronin lines a pitch off the side of the head of Cleveland 3B Odell Hale. The ball caroms to SS Bill Knickerbocker, who throws to 2B Roy Hughes, who throws to 1B Hal Trosky to complete a triple play and end the game.
1996 - Marlins LF Joe Orsulak throws out three Expos at the plate in a span of five batters. He throws out two runners on consecutive plays to end the third inning, then guns down another in the fourth. Montreal wins 2-1.
but I really don't like it when people state an uncertainty as a concrete fact
That sums up why I don't like sports media, period - and that includes most alternative sports media, too. Most writers state opinion and likelihood as fact. I find it very arrogant and annoying.
I kept track of the "extended advertising banter" last night. The 7 incidents I heard and some notes are here.
I really like David Price. Not when he pitches against us, of course. But in general.
there goes the no-walker.
seen on the wall:
BAL - 3
MFY - 0
Tim Wakefield is the Roberto Clemente Award nominee for the Sox this year.
Extra Mart baby!
the price is wrong!
Finished dinner in time to say:
Is the thread dead? (test)
BAL 5-1
Thread working, just a slow night I guess.
vmart - short stroke to rf!
Oh lovely, bases loaded no out. Rays not being the Red Sox, they are likely to score.
richardson up = ready to come in and walk in a run of his own, for the third fucking day in a row
Oh no. Not again. MAKE IT STOP!
What's the record for walking in a run in consecutive games? I feel like our pitchers are trying to find out.
we have 8 (so far) in 3 games.
Dammit, I want to see HH tomorrow...
Dice walking in runs, Sox melting down in only the 4th inning, dead thread. Dismissed as coincidence???
Crawford: Surgeon General of Doubles
yay mike!
Swing at the first pitch. Sure. Why not.
Crap, leave for a short while and it's 6-2? I guess it only takes Dice a short while.
Ive got all my papers for residency ready to go for moving out of the USA
Great, good luck.
And a trip booked for the end of this month and 2 job interviews in the D.R.
I'm going to tomorrow's game. At least from out in the RF bleachers I won't be able to see Garza's Spit as clearly as I would if I were home watching in HD. So I've got that going for me.
They have a 20% VAT tax instead of an income tax, I can't figure how that will affect my budget.
Good luck, meunier.
leaving the us: always a good decision.
Oh boy. This is fun. 'Nt.
well, so much for the 1-game winning streak ...
Everyone who hasn't been hitting dongs for the Rays this year is hitting them now.
Yup, courtesy of Dice K.
richardson can walk this guy -- but the bases are not loaded!!! hahahah
Richardson throws a strike! Whoo hoo.
I'm not usually this sarcastic.
i have not heard every promo, but it sounds like remy has been dead silent all night.
4s and 8s for dice
4.2-8-8-4-4, 88
Dustin "Grant Ball Four" Richardson
jees don - even if the sox win tonigth you don't want to risk the future of buchholz.
(where are my dfw files? :>) )
Yeah, HBD Nick, hope you're having more fun than the Sox tonight.
manuel in
(he's from barcelona)
Yeah, get him out of there before he walks in a run....
That's all folks, this season competition wise is now over IMO.
(he's from barcelona)
LOL, that's what I think of every time he comes in!
This is bullshit, man.
They are really feasting on us tonight.
Good Gravy Jones.
okay, i wanna see the rays get 40.
make it night to remember.
I learn... I learn... even-chu-ally.
TB last 3 innings: 2 4 6
can they continue?
He put Basil in the ratatouille?
not soon enough.
I boss.
Umm, no.
He go crazy! He see that lady and he just go crazy!
Well, isn't THIS a fun game? Sheesh. I miss the whole weekend of games and come home tonight to this?? WTF?
I can't bear to watch anymore. I'll just listen on the computer. I predict riots next time Richardson and Manuel are trotted out there. Geez.
Hi Amy. Last night's game was fun. Apparently that's all we're allowed.
(And you didn't miss anything this weekend, as you know.)
Hey, at least I get to see Tek.
I think it's time for a:
Still, we watch.
Last night I was en route from FL to missed the whole thing, except the final score. The baseball gods have made sure that I miss most of the fun games this season.
Well, that's finding a bright side.
Well, that's finding a bright side.
I meant Tek.
Maybe this means I'll be able to sneak around to some really good seats tomorrow.
Manuel: Que?
Diehard, something tells me you'll have no problem doing that.
"We watch, why?"
Mercy rule?
C K Watt?
This is so absurd that it is almost funny. What are we going to do about the bullpen, Front Office? Are you watching??
in the good old days, there WOULD be a riot now. fans run on field, have fun, cause cancellation of game.
This is not a worry for the front office. This is all the scrubs now. Dice blew it and there's no point wasting anyone else.
002 462
rays starting over?
4 in 7th, 6 in 8th?
You know, the starters have been a much bigger problem this year than the bullpen. The bullpen has been average - not great, not sucky. They were overused - because our starters were so mediocre.
"We watch, why?"
That works, too.
LONG wait for price.
It's interesting to think of this as being more the starters than the pen. I think there have been plenty of good starts by Lester and HH and more than a few by the others where there was either a lead or just a small gap until the pen came in. I don't have the stats to back this up, but it's just my sense. But then I have missed more games this summer than most of you have.
We had the lead in this game!
Major suckage.
I wonder if some Rays blogger is preparing a Schadenfreude post.
Yes, Lester and HH were very good. The rest of the crew, not so much. For me, Beckett and Lackey were the most disappointing. Dice is well, Dice and Wake is well, old.
Yes, we had the lead in this game, and DiceK blew it. But the pen really really put it out of reach.
rally killer pls
But this isn't really our pen. This is the September-we've-given-up pen.
Re having the lead, I was just posting that in humour and wonder - not as a commentary on our pitching or bullpen - separate thought.
bowden time?
Oh, ok (re lead)!
But is our we have given up pen any different from our we are still contenders pen? In terms of effectiveness?
Yup. All in all, mediocre. Which means you have to rely on your bullpen too much, never a good thing.
We'll never know what this team would have been like if they had all been healthy at the same time!
But is our we have given up pen any different from our we are still contenders pen? In terms of effectiveness?
Yes! Very different. Our regular season bullpen was not bad this year. It wasn't great, but it wasn't anywhere as bad as you make it out to be.
I hate baseball, it's got too many notes.
This is weird, I could have sworn I pasted in MrsG's comment before my comment of "Yup, all in all mediocre..." Yet the italics did not appear. Strange.
more subbing than a game in march.
We'll never know what this team would have been like if they had all been healthy at the same time!
Ain't that the truth. I think that would have been a great team.
We'll never know what this team would have been like if they had all been healthy at the same time!
True, though most of those injuries were not pitching related.
So...we need pitching for next year, starters and relief. Not sure where we are going to get that from or who we can give up to get it.
We didn't have a sure-fire ability to stay in close games, but most teams don't. I'm not letting Papelbon off the hook, but you can't have much of a season with 2 reliable starters.
We won't have a whole new pitching staff. We have to hope some people have better seasons.
I don't point the finger only at Papelbon. Oki, MDC, and the rest (with the exception generally of Bard) were just useless.
But I perseverate. I have to blame someone, and blaming the pen just seems to do it for me. I don't like Lackey, Dice K drives me nuts, and Beckett just wasn't Beckett. So yeah, pitching sucks generally except for HH and Lester.
Ha ha ha, Don: "If the Rays can hold on here..." Cute.
Of course pitching doesn't explain why we only have 2 hits in this game. :)
Perseverate, good word.
Everyone has to start ragging on the Yankees. Just for a few minutes, starting now.
OK, go.
Worst choke job in sports history.
Or is that BEST choke job in sports history?
Ugly concrete stadium run by fascists.
'nuff said
Stade Fasciste -- where you are chained to your seat for GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
I fully expect them to tank in the post-season - a replay of 2002. You can't slug your way through October.
A classy organization -- where pitchers swap wives and children.
The injuries this season has made me feel so disconnected from the team. It feels like a bunch of guys who happen to be wearing the Red Sox uniforms. Without them and LBJ, with Tek and Lowell and Wakefield over the hill, with Beckett on the DL, it seems like Papi is the only holdover from the pre-2009 team. Again, I am sure I am wrong about that, but it's my sense. No continuity. VMart and Beltre have been great, and all those young kids have been exciting at times. But it just has been a weird season for me.
Them was referring to Youk and FY. I changed the first sentence and forgot to change that.
HEY! Insult the Yankees!
Oh, yeah. Forgot about Drew. Sorry, Drew, it's the no personality thing. :) (Just kidding.)
I can understand that, especially because you're very sensitive to who's wearing the unis and having a history with them. It seems like you start out the season upset if you don't know enough of the players, then this year there was a revolving door with Pawtucket from all the injuries.
Yankees...no pitching. Even Harvey says they won't make it past the ALDS.
They have Michael Kay as the star of their TV broadcasts!
They maybe should stop allowing their players to fly planes.
Amy, scroll back up, we're taking a break from our miseries by indulging in a Yankee-hate fest. I will explain later.
Not that hating on NYY requires any explanation!
yankees have lost more WS than anyone else, making them the biggest losers!
Harvey is correct. It will be 2002 all over again. (See above.)
It is high it is far it is a boring old cliche that someone can't stop saying.
They are not an original American League team. Practically an expansion club.
Bill Lee: "Every time I look at a Yankees hat I see a swastika tilted just a little off kilter."
Greedy bastards, charging $2500 a seat. Then they had to cut that in half and still couldn't get rid of them.
They maybe should stop allowing their players to fly planes.
My goal: To hate the Yankees as much as Bill Lee.
Microwave starting the comeback!!! :)
Glad to see the crowd is still cheering despite the huge deficit!
ye olde dong
crowd getting into it.
Don & Remy speculating that Wake will start tomorrow night.
After David Wells claimed he was hungover during his no-no, Brian Cashman actually came out and told the media: We don't pitch drunk.
It takes a real fan to go to these games in September. Allan and I used to go to the Stadium in September in the late 80s and early 90s. Tons of good seats, only real baseball fans there. Fun.
OK, I am trying to come up with a clever Yankee dump. YANKEES SUCK.
Not clever.
Maybe not clever, but a classic.
Wake to start? Maybe his last time at Fenway?
So you know why I asked for this? There's an insane troll who has nothing better to do with his life than hang around a blog where he's not wanted, and he tells Allan that HE HAS NO RIGHT!!! DO YOU HEAR ME NO RIGHT!!!! to rag on the Yankees while the Red Sox are behind them in the standings.
And I don't like a troll telling US what we can do!
Babe Ruth WS titles:
Red Sox: 3 in 5 years
Yankees: 4 in 15 years
Orioles beat the Yankees again.
Here we go! It's the day-after-Labour-Day Miracle!!
Might as well quote the loser exactly. From last night:
We won the 2010 World Series....2004 is 6 years ago....since then a lot has happened, your team is back to garbage, we're back to owning the AL East (maybe a little with TB until next year at least when they resort back to shitiness)....
"Nor talk shit," that's a nice touch.
OK, only a single digit lead now! Take THAT, Rays!
And the Yankees lose to the WORST TEAM IN THE DIVISION!
OK, only a single digit lead now! Take THAT, Rays!
We have them right where we want them.
I hate that John Sterling. I hate his shtick. I want to reach into the radio and strangle him.
I'm going to go to tomorrow's game with the same hope I go in with every time - you never know what kind of cool thing you might see that you've never seen before. And I'm going to watch the final innings up close somewhere.
Who knows, maybe something wild and crazy will happen... like not walking in any runs!
thanks, cactus, you prick!
get it?!!!
He used to be a very good announcer. He completely lost it and just gets worse and worse. I hear it has something to do with martinis.
Got it. Poor Tek.
Diehard, that's great. That's exactly what you should do, what I would do if I lived in Boston.
Who knows, maybe something wild and crazy will happen... like not walking in any runs!
Don't go nuts!
Maybe 15 perfect innings or someone will hit 6 home runs ...
10-run ninth ....
hold the line.
Big Nose with the K
Sox still with the D!
Now we need some O.
Now I'm just trying to figure out which Fawlty Towers episode I want to watch when the game's over.
Nick Swisher - the smarmy motherfucker who points to GOD on after hitting a single.
There's a start. Has any team ever scored 9 runs in the bottom of the 9th?
The rally is starting!
1. Make no outs.
2. Score lots of runs.
3. Profit.
Now I'm just trying to figure out which Fawlty Towers episode I want to watch when the game's over.
Don't mention the Red Sox.
Here we come!
Two short and dry.
Oh, I wouldn't say that.
Diehard, what's your favourite Fawlty ep?
Mine is Kipper & the Corpse and Waldorf Salad.
There goes the comeback.
microwave blew a fuse.
Oh man, stupid DP spoiling our comeback.
brilliantined stick insect
I thought that particular troll had a life. I thought he could quit me. I was wrong.
This turned out to be a fun thread, despite the game. G'night all. Go right ahead and drink the water, it is sparkling clean!
Well, at least that one is OVER. Have a good evening all. I will probably be out of commission due to Rosh Hashanah for the next few days.
Kipper & the Corpse and Gourmet Night, I think... but it's hard to choose!
This is typical. Absolutely typical ... of the kind of ... ARSE I have to put up with from you people. You ponce in here expecting to be waited on hand and foot, while I'm trying to run a hotel here. Have you any idea of how much there is to do? Do you ever think of that? Of course not, you're all too busy sticking your noses into every corner, poking around for things to complain about, aren't you? Well let me tell you something - this is exactly how Nazi Germany started. A lot of layabouts with nothing better to do than to cause trouble. Well I've had fifteen years of pandering to the likes of you, and I've had enough. I've had it. Come on, pack your bags and get out.
Tonight's game was NOT a televisual feast.
Gourmet Night, totally.
Thanks, everyone, for making a brutal game a little more bearable!
Bummed I missed the thread, but a very entertaining read-through!
There are two people I know who are both Yankees and Bruins fans (wut?) and I always remind them they were on the losing side of a 3-0 series collapse TWICE!
We went large chunks of the season without Ellsbury, Youk and Pedroia. Totally forgetting about guys like Mike Cameron, VMart, and whoever the hell else used to play on our team, but LBJ, Yook and FY, all three of them gone. That's killer.
What a fun thread for such an un-fun game.
Sometimes I think I'm a bit touched for actually coming home and skimming over the thread after a game, that I must really be hopeless. Then I think - Holy crap! At least I'm hooked on following a blog that covers a team I love dearly, and that is populated by people I really enjoy "hanging out" with. Our trolls obsession borders on downright insanity.
He obviously is disturbed by the FACT (hehe) that if our team had been healthy all year his team would be on the outside looking in right now. And excuse me but.....I will TOO talk shit. Try and stop me :)
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