Angels - 000 301 004 - 8 12 1 Red Sox - 032 207 30x - 17 20 1

Peter Abraham, Globe:Scutaro, SS Pedroia, 2B Martinez, C Youkilis, 1B Drew, RF Lowell, DH Beltre, 3B Hall, LF McDonald, CF
Starting tonight, the Red Sox will play 20 of their next 23 games (in 24 days) against teams that figure to be playoff contenders this season. ...There is probably some middle ground between those two choices, but there's little arguing with the fact that this is a very important month.
May 3- 6 Angels May 7- 9 Yankees May 10-12 Blue Jays May 14-16 at Tigers May 17-18 at Yankees May 19-20 Twins May 21-23 at Philadelphia May 24-26 at Tampa BayCome May 27, the season will be 30 percent over and the Sox will know whether they are contenders or frauds.
Dear 54.1%:
Then would you guys truly give up? Don't go to any more games at Fenway. Don't call any radio station. Don't post anything at any website. Have nothing to do with the team. The season is over, right? If you're giving up, GIVE UP!
it is such a different team without Ellsbury, maybe it is easy to read into that , but he just seems to create a buzz , that hasn't been there since he has been out...
Annual Town Meeting for me tonight. The auditorium is a cell dead spot... no MLB on my phone for me.
Enjoy tonight's slamming win!
I'm discouraged. But I'll be watching tonight.
Apparently Dave Roberts has Hodgkin's lymphoma, but the prognosis is good.
Aybar, SS
Abreu, DH
Hunter, CF
Morales, 1B
Matsui, LF
Rivera, RF
Izturis, 3B
Kendrick, 2B
Napoli, C
Dear 54.1%:Then would you guys truly give up? Don't go to any more games at Fenway. Don't call any radio station. Don't post anything at any website. Have nothing to do with the team. The season is over, right? If you're giving up, GIVE UP!
We said this every other day in 2007.
Hi! Been lurking here for about a year but I've always had problems logging in to comment.
Anyway, I just got tickets to Wednesday's game. It'll be my first Red Sox game to attend. Decided to splurge a little bit in celebration of end-of-exams.
Any tips for the first-timer? I picked Wednesday because the weather looks to be good, and I think the match-up will be Lackey vs his old team. Should be interesting.
My only tip is savour every moment. Your first time at Fenway is very special. Enjoy!
And welcome to the thread.
Why am I just not excited about watching this game? OK, our "ace" is pitching, so I should feel better. But alas....
Meanwhile, we are going to the game on Saturday against the NYY. Our annual game with my brother and his Yankee fanatic friend Adine. I may need xanax for that game.
Hi, Matt....there is almost nothing you need to do to enjoy Fenway. It's just the best place on earth to watch baseball. Even my Yankee fan friends say it's true. Enjoy the game!
FY flinched a bit at that flying bat.
FY X 2!
this new thing on espn where they have little lights for balls, strikes and outs really sucks. can't tell how many are lit.
Fenway has always been my favourite park. Even... you know when. The first time I was there I just could not get over how beautiful it was. I had seen it on TV so many times but it was like I had never seen it before.
now for some offense.
So I just was using the Google translate tool and translated this page into French (and back to English). It's pretty funny to read our comments translated into French. Unfortunately, my French is sort of junior high level vocabulary, but still amusing. Our comments seem so much more erudite in French!
Everything sounds better in French.
Please be ok Double-H
Enjoy your trip to Fenway. It is amazing. I was awestruck when we first walked in. I felt a lot like Rudy's dad..."This is the most beautiful sight these eyes have ever seen." Beyond that, the atmosphere is unbelievable. There is a sea of fans and it is impressive.
Take the tour.
did joe just say "clog the bases"?
Turnout will be light here tonight, I think, between the sucking Sox and the charging Bruins.
Phew. RSVP.
OK, now I cannot turn off the damn translater. Every time I switch a web page or refresh, I get a toolbar at the top asking if I want to translate. Arrggh. That's what I get for playing around with things.
weiters dong
BAL: 01
MFY: 0
Oh yes, speaking of French, RSVP.
Amy, did you try right-clicking on the toolbar?
YOUK!! We score first!!
I think I fixed it. Don't ask how, but it went away. For now. Maybe it was when I cursed at it in French.
I love French cursing.
Dr Singles!
Nothing like our old guys coming through for us.
My eyes are burning! We have two home runs and are ahead by three runs! And we are playing the ANGELS!
Whoa, we got a three-run lead here now.
Loooong inning for Saunders.
Youk is NOT happy about that.
yeah, yook very chatty on the way to first!
Doctor Doubles does it once more!
the doctor is in -- and on second base.
Whoo-hoo! Dr Doubles this time!
Do my eyes deceive me? 5-0??
Not quite dead yet.
Were you referring to Lowell or the team, Benjamin?
Both work, really.
YEAH! Nice.
Always easier when you cut Martinez out of the play.
Not Dead Yet?
More like.
Drew thinks he'll go for a walk.
I knew someone would post that. :)
Ozzie never ceases to amuse:
Swisher hit a go-ahead two-run home run in the sixth -- leaving his arm up longer than the State of Liberty -- Chicago rallied to win. And as far as Swisher's celebration, Guillen said that's just the kind of person Swisher is.
"That's the way he is. Good for him, enjoy it," Guillen said. "I wish he could do that for me, because he wasn't a very good player for me. He was very bad for me."
9C where are you quoting from?
L-girl said...
9C where are you quoting from?
the post I believe
Why did I miss something?
I don't know if you missed anything, just wanted to know the source. No link or quotes or anything, but it didn't sound like you.
L-girl said...
I don't know if you missed anything, just wanted to know the source. No link or quotes or anything, but it didn't sound like you.
sorry if I confused you , but I stick to what I am good at....:)
I stick to what I am good at....:)
Always a good decision
Thanks for the replies.
Glad to see some offense tonight. Hopefully Buch can recover that bad inning.
angels playing with (on) fire ....
Bottled water companies telling us how their bottles are recyclable and you can make shirts out of them = very fucked up.
Evening folks...good to see some runs on the board.
Get him out!
Out of the inning...
Alright! Still rolling.
mdc up
Wow! Caught stealing.
Wow, another runner thrown out at second!
Nice work, HH. Let's see if the bullpen can avoid imploding for a change.
victor got his shit figured out! even with the one hop throw, fy was waiting with the tag.
Back after a 3-2 Bruins win.
We've had several good bullpen appearances lately.
...although it seems like whenever our bullpen does well, Amy is not around. Convenient. ;)
mr. rbi!
I am here, just checking in and out. I would love to see our bullpen do well!
Go Drew GO!
lowell into 3rd??
wearing a jet pack???
Wow Sciocia really left this pitcher out to dry.
drew runs thru stop sign (thinking, fuck that coach, he's a blind fool...)
I just threaded on the wrong blog! :)
Now we don't even need the bullpen to be good, just decent.
YES ---
Save a few runs for tomorrow, boys.
Nice to see some offense! Maybe being swept by Baltimore will be the turning point for the season, when everyone on the team said: It's ON.
I thought sweeping Toronto was a turning point. But this will do!
Wow. What a score. &, to think, when I wore my Papelbon jersey to the university library today, a couple students wearing Yankee caps laughed at me.
The Angels are getting KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT, we're up by 10!
EN FUEGO. He is El Hombre tonight!
ob's harsh words have clearly lit a fire under drew.
good ol' shemp!!!!!!!!
Dr Doubles strikes again!
Save some runs for tomorrow night!
Wouldn't that triple by Lowell have been an ITPHR for a lot of other people on the team?
i think it was a double and he took third on the throw home to try and get drew
Obie thinks the RS should slack off! Too many hits and runs!
I know! "You almost want to tell them to call off the dogs and save some for tomorrow night"
As if you can do that!
I never call off my dogs!
Time to empty the bench.
Holy crap! Just got back from a nearly 4-hr town meeting to find it 17-4!?!!
Off to check out box scores, comments, and foooood.
Keep scheduling those meetings, nick--seemed to do the trick.
HOLY SHIT! I had to leave for a bit---17 runs! OMG! We don't need any bullpen tonight.
Do you think this lead is safe?
just saw bot wandering around - tito may be worried ...
Nick, I hope your town hall was as good as this game. Democracy to spare.
Even I think this lead is safe. Even if Papelbon and RamRam are pitching. Even if Timlin came back to pitch.
Is the lead more, or less, safe if Bot comes in?
TIMLIN!!! What about Eric Gagne?
No, Timlin would blow it.
Gagne would definitely blow it. I still have nightmares about him. At least I have some positive memories of Timlin.
Maybe Van Every for an inning on the mound?
Timlin blew more games than Gagne ever saw as a Sock.
Good old Toast. How I don't miss him.
What the hell did these guys ingest since they left Baltimore??
Heidi's first game back in some time..........I'm just sayin'
Good point, Amy. We better make sure they all pee in a cup before they leave the park tonight.
I bet Gagne had a worse overall record with the Sox than Timlin did.
9C--you devil, you!
I love annual town meeting, though this one was frustrating at times. It easily could have been an hour shorter.
One of the big items was a petition to close one of our two public libraries and there was lots of organizing around opposing that. A guy got up (big proponent of keeping the library open) and made a motion to pass over the question. If passed it would be tabled dead. People who came to oppose the closing were audibly upset at that and refused to pass over the question, so we had to hear half an hour of people going on about it while clearly a massive majority would clap after each one. Move the question!
Yeah, where was Heidi? I heard her say she was glad to be back earlier, but missed why she had been away.
nick--Robert's Rules of Order take time to wind themselves out but patience winds out sooner sometimes
Heidi's back? That's totally it. Testosteroooooone!
Amy said...
Yeah, where was Heidi? I heard her say she was glad to be back earlier, but missed why she had been away
Something about a concussion he got in spring raining.
I'm sure Gagne's record was worse, but it's a much smaller sample size. Timlin sucked more often, was my point.
Amy: she got a concussion during spring break and has been on medical leave.
Yes, I think this win is because of Heidi. Mm-hm.
Thats where they practice only in the rain....
What was the final vote on the library, Nick?
Town meetings can be great, but also demonstrate often why democracy doesn't really work too well. But it is one of the things I love about living in a small New England town.
So are they gonna close the library?
NESN has also feel in love with HH's wife, showed her a few times in Toronto and also tonight alot....
How the hell did she get a concussion? Was she trying to catch a ball?
just hold 'em to 12, scott.
something about tek's headboard ...
Amy said...
How the hell did she get a concussion? Was she trying to catch a ball?
Is this one open to anything? ..:)
This could be a turning point. When I went away earlier it looked like the A's were getting ready to make a come back. 17 runs! Turning point. Looks like up from here.
LOL, 9C! You must be feeling very happy tonight---making us all laugh.
I am now feeling better about going to Fenway with Yankee fans on Saturday.
Are she and Tek still an item?
That was mean, Allan. I laughed loudly!
Michael Holloway said...
This could be a turning point.
Also not a reality, just closer to what it should be, especially at Fenway.
Watney hasn't said much about how she hurt herself, other than this:
Watney said the concussion has left her feeling “foggy” and with a headache, but she’s on the mend. She said she hopes to get the OK to return to work soon because she’s going “stir crazy” in her apartment.
When asked if it was a “Three Stooges” or athletic accident, Watney said “probably more” Three Stooges.
We are a cheery group tonight. What a nice change!
I think Heidi is several Sox away from Tek by now.
I just want to say I called it in my first post upthread.
2 CS from V-Mart. nice!
Amy said...
LOL, 9C! You must be feeling very happy tonight-
The magic of good sox baseball...
I think Heidi is several Sox away from Tek by now.
But Tek could still be one of the three stooges.
Come on, Schoenweiss. Don't make me eat my words about the lead being bullpen proof.
Heidi indulges in serial socksing?
we must be up by a lot -- no one mentioning bases loaded in the 9th
But Tek could still be one of the three stooges.
Then she's really got something going on. Good for her.
I did, Allan. You can always count on me to worry. Though I am not really worried.
Heidi indulges in serial socksing?
So they say. I only get my gossip in gamethreads, so I really don't know.
ZOMG they scored a run we are doomed etc etc
L-girl said...
But Tek could still be one of the three stooges.
Then she's really got something going on. Good for her.
Only in a 17-4 game to you hear L's true feelings on group sex...I like it...:}
Loaded bases have to insert a slight feeling of dis-ease whatever the fucking score....
Uh oh, we only have an eleven run lead now, and we still need one more out.
The library will stay open. The guy who started the petition to close it had some interesting points. He's lived here his whole life (61yo). We're a town of 7500 w/ 2 full public libraries. We also have a (small) college in town with a library open to townies. We just spent 3-4 million renovating the one in town. This one in the village of Housatonic (which periodically wants to secede from Great Barrington) will need 1-2 million for renovations/ADA issues in the next few years. We voted down replacing a 22yo fire truck, so we clearly have some budget concerns.
When we were up by 10 runs in the 7th, Obie said something about extra innings. I said, if we go into extra innings tonight, you can bet I won't be watching the game tomorrow night.
OK, we are down to single digit lead. WTF?
WTF? runs. that was foul.
That's a decent case for closing a library. But I'm still glad it will stay open. Not that I'm biased or anything.
Was that ball actually foul?
It sounds like all the towns around here (and probably almost anywhere these days). Not enough money, and difficult choices about where to cut: schools, library, public safety, infrastructure? It's terrible.
Only in a 17-4 game to you hear L's true feelings on group sex...I like it...:}
Holy shit, I just saw this! OMG I am cracking up.
That is all I will say!
the ump has $ on the run diff?
our public library here in Waterbury, lends out more DVD's than books....hence my spelling issues.
Nick--That's a lot of libraries for a town of 7500. Are they just geographically distant or specializing somehow?
Belfast Maine had three weekly newspapers for years.
I thought the ball was foul, but apparently no one on the Sox did. Or they didn't care to protest the call.
bring in van every for the last fucking out, pls.
The vote was 90-odd % in favor of keeping it open, but he made a compelling argument, though it came far too late in the discourse. His letter to the editor on the subject last week was not very good.
Last out please!
Could we get this TF over with already??
TF, Laura?
sox radio said the batter was shaking his head, like damn, a foul, then was surprised when he ended up be able to go on to second.
TF as in WTF
Thank goodness!
There really is DIRTY Water in Boston.
And it's about fucking time!
schoeneweis just needed the extra work, i guess
muddy muddy muddy
The water is Muddy!!!
The libraries are about 4 miles apart. A big part of it is historical identity. Housatonic is a village with a strong identity. The library there has been open for at least 100-something years. If Housatonic loses the library it loses a lot of its village identity subsumed in the larger town of GB.
Good night all! Hasta tomorrow.
Aha, I thought it was a noun.
More power to Housatonic if it's willing to put money up to maintain its character.
Good night, everyone. Let's hope we have really turned a corner.
Nothing good comes easily...
G'night all!
last library thing: Good for Housatonic for sure, but it requires money from all of GB, but in general the town is good with it.
5 HR more than the MFY. Beltre w/ 6 errors. World turned upside down.
Wow. This was fun. Got to watch it on the big screen at the bar while my buddies played almost right under it.
Nice game, fun night with the Bruins and Celtics also winning!
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