During the last few games, we have batted around a few ideas of what to do during the hiatus: go to ThreadSox or someone else's blog (Jere's, perhaps), have guest moderators at JoS, do nothing/simply watch the games ...
I'd vote for ThreadSox, as it has served as a home away from JoS in the past, but I won't be around. Any thoughts?
Cool stamp.
Fun factoid: Newfoundland became part of Canada in 1949. Previous to that, it was a separate country.
There was a referendum on whether or not to join the Confederation. It failed by 1% - so the Confederation people had everyone vote again! The second time, it passed by 1%. Hmmm.
I didn't know that about Newfoundland. Any of it!
I'm fine with ThreadSox, but it has not caught on for offdays this year. Maybe it will.
But someone guest-modding might keep folks coming to the same place. That's be ideal, but not sure if it's worth the effort for that person.
If people want to stay at JoS, folks could take turns modding - sign up for days.
I think ThreadSox is way easier, but that's an option.
Newfoundland! Nice! Long long days--but not as long as I'm going to have in Iceland. You've got the mojo, Alan--goes without saying--but when in Newfoundland, check out the moho!
I'll just say that my blog will be open to a free-for-all game thread on most weekday nights, except the 17th, 23rd and the 26th.
If you go there, and your comment doesn't show up, it means I'm not in for that night, but if it shows up right away, the thread is on! If anyone wants to come, just show up, if not, that's cool, too. But I will open it up on a bunch of nights.
check out the moho
qu'est-ce que c'est?
This has a nice photo (of something you and Alan might see in Nfld) and asks the haunting question: "Has Anyone Ever Seen the Moho?"
We are spending 2-3 days in Gros Morne at the end of our trip, so ...
That sounds good. If Jere is out or at the game, perhaps ThreadSox would be the fall-back.
By "separate country", you mean "separate colony".
Wiki says it was "an independent country (from 1907 to 1934)".
By "separate country", you mean "separate colony".
Nope. It was a country.
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