Athletics - 010 401 120 - 9 14 0Goat of the Day: Third base coach Tim Bogar.
Red Sox - 110 102 111 - 8 18 1
In the third inning, Victor Martinez walked and Kevin Youkilis doubled to left-center. As you know, Martinez's toe is still bothering him and he is not running well at all. I guess Bogar forgot, because even with no one out, Bogar waved him around -- and Martinez was gunned down easily even though the throw was off-line.
In the very next inning, Darnell McDonald singled, then turned an ankle diving back to the bag on a throw to first. The trainer came out to check on him and McDonald stayed in the game. After Bill Hall singled McDonald to second, Jeremy Hermida singled to right. Bogar sent McDonald -- who was thrown out at the plate.
Bogar sucks (and has for awhile). Send him on his way.
Hall went 4-for-5 (his first 4-hit game since July 3, 2006), with two singles, a double, and a home run. He drove in two runs and scored four times; he also stole third in the fourth inning.
Youkilis had three hits, including two doubles. Hermida singled, doubled, and homered. Dustin Pedroia doubled twice.
Scutaro, SS
Pedroia, 2B
Martinez, C
Youkilis, 1B
Beltre, 3B
Lowell, DH
McDonald, CF
Hall, RF
Hermida, LF
1 – 200 of 266 Newer› Newest»Davis, CF
Barton, 1B
Sweeney, RF
Suzuki, C
Cust, DH
Kouzmanoff, 3B
Gross, LF
Ellis, RF
Pennington, SS
I think I'll watch the start of the Tigers game.
Galarraga bringing out lineup card.
Pitching matchup for the Yanks-Baltimore game:
Millwood (0-5), 3.89 ERA, 1.27 WHIP
Extra Cheese (4-3), 4.16 ERA, 1.23 WHIP
Gee, I'm starting to lose faith in W-L as an indicator of performance.
Wow, Joyce at the plate, crying, wiping away tears.
ESPN: "Commissioner Bud Selig has the power to reverse umpire Jim Joyce's missed call ..."
It would be nice if Selig made this no-brainer of a decision while Joyce is still in Detroit.
What what?
It must be incredibly awful to be Joyce today--his mistake seen by millions, nothing at all to say for himself, everyone sneering.
Was reacting to your description of the Joyce situation. I was wondering if they were having some kind of official apology for blowing the call. I guess it's just a gesture to let Galarraga bring out the card to Joyce. Still, better than nothing.
Oh, gee, now I have to feel sorry for Joyce? After all that venom I spewed last night?
I loved Galaragga's line when asked about Joyce's blown call, "No one is perfect." Did he intend the irony in that sentence?
So...will Selig reverse the call? Has that ever been done?
Me too! MLB Network is showing the Red Sox game and it's NESN! I'll only be able to watch the first six innings or so before I head to the airport to go home.
Welllll, not very sorry, amy--but I've never noticed you slow in the feeling-sorry dept!
2/27 done.
It's really coming down here, 40 minutes north of Boston. I imagine this game might get delayed at some point.
It's like feeling sorry for some homophobic preacher or pol getting caught with a boytoy. I feel sorry for their shame and humiliation, but a bit of glee at their just deserts coming home to roost.
No day for baseball or anything else in Maine.
83, hot and sunny out down here outside of Charlotte. Yesterday the Dodgers were on MLBN and I got to listen to 9 innings of Vin Scully.
At one point he described in perfect detail a baby squirming in its mothers lap.
Look who else likes to watch baseball!
Coming down hard up home, is it, John?
fuckin nesn cameraman...
Cold, fog, occasional hard rain. Remember June and July last year, ish? Not to bum you out, but it's like that.
V-Mart is a laser show.
even with 2 outs, vic gets only to second. yeesh
2 outs, then
3 singles!
Sort of gray and nasty down here on the Cape also. But no rain. Yet.
It's like feeling sorry for some homophobic preacher or pol getting caught with a boytoy.
Isn't missing a call a somewhat more understandable part of an umpire's job? Inevitable, even?
John, maybe tomorrow the weather will be better. At least I'll be coming home under the cover of darkness so I won't have to see that crap.
The weather here has been excellent.
As long as there is a human element, mistakes will be made.
Nobody thought there'd be one as enormous as this was, though.
our outfield today is kinda weak.
My wife's in SC today, ish. Must be nice! I'm wearing Polartec and muck boots.
Zen, it was a terrible analogy with an awful mixed metaphor thrown in. No one is perfect.
I was uh, 6 miles from the SC border at one point today. I actually had to drive my sister to the airport this morning so she could fly to Pocono, PA for the race this weekend and HELLO HEIDI! I've missed you! ...and got kinda close to the SC border.
remy: "three game hitting streak"
oh, come on.
ZSen--I might argue that being in the closet is an inevitable concommitant to being a homophobic preacher or pol!
How's it crackin, CITIZENS?
i don't think joyce has ever demonized a group of people and also demanded other people live a certain way and then been exposed as a hypocritical POS.
Pretty good, Joe!
John, I'm with you on the feeling of anger one gets at the hypocrisy when those kinds of things come out. And it seems to be true that the nastier the rhetoric, the greater the chance is that the pundit in question is a self-hater.
Exactly, rs--I withdraw everything I said about it except that he must feel like shit. His name is eternally and notoriously attached to one bad instant of his life.
Hall scored
oak pen up?
better example might be if selig reverses joyce's call. selig will still be a contemptible asshole, but he will have done one nice thing.
Hall doubled and then made it home via some groundouts. Keep on rolling F Train.
Wow, Betty White is the last remaining Golden Girl.
Hi thread. I am doing a dreaded household chore while I watch the game. A chore I bet none of you do. Luckily I can watch the game at the same time but can't thread.
Especially in the case of a final out of the game, a wrong call should be able to be overturned. Hard to do at other parts of the game because of the flow of the game. Reversing one call after the fact throws the entire game and its credibility off-hinge. But there should be very, very unique and rare instances like this one, with conclusive video evidence, to overturn a call.
At this point Galarraga is left having throw a 28-out perfect game.
Cleaning dog poop up off the floor? I don't do that...
I vacuum!
Once in a while...
nice AB for mart
Anderson hurt? That's kind of a white flag for Oakland.
No dog poop on our floors!
Allan does the vacuuming.
This is a chore I'll be doing for a good portion of the game.
OW. Fucking ow, did you see that? Ow.
Thigh to the head! Ouch. At least it wasn't his knee...
We find that if the dogs poop in the unused kids' rooms, it pretty much dries up and blows away on its own.
Wake and Extra Cheese have nearly identical lines through three. Both have given up no walks and only one hit which was a solo HR. Only difference is CC has 3K to Wake's 2.
I rarely vacuum, but it needs to be done once in a while.
i cleaned the entire house (oven and fridge, too!) on monday and tuesday.
And Suzuki takes a shot to the gentlemen's region. A cup can only do so much.
And Suzuki takes a shot to the gentlemen's region. A cup can only do so much.
What happened, who's hurt?
L, are you darning socks or something?
For fuck's sake, we just heard how V-Mart can't run, Don spent half an inning talking about it. He arrived 5 minutes after the ball.
"i cleaned the entire house (oven and fridge, too!) on monday and tuesday"
It's true, he did. He is awesome.
Not darning socks. Guess again.
don't make me miss wendell kim for fuck's sake.
I don't even know what darning socks is. When socks get holes, you throw them out, afaik.
and asshole suevm (or whatever spelling)
Well, that was an idiotic decision. ARGGH.
Laura, are you ironing? I know that's a favorite of yours. It's something I never do. I do vacuum, pick up dog poop (outside, thankfully), clean kitty litter, etc., etc., but no ironing. We wear wrinkled clothes.
I figure there must have been a collision in foul territory before that, during Youk's AB, knocking Sweeney out of the game.
Stupid line drive.
Hey MLBN assholes, I don't want an update DURING THE GAME. If you want to update me, doing it between innings. Schedule a game, SHOW THE GAME. Kthx
l-girl: putting the wmtc/jos library into Dewey Decimal order?
no ironing
Me neither. Just not worth the effort.
I am sticking with ironing, but she disappeared without answering. Allan, can you solve the mystery?
Suzuki is trouble.
Now what was that rumor about trading for Suzuki?
Wake having another meltdown.... Wasn't it the 4th inning last time?
hermida playing a VERY shitty left with the wall.
Amy wins the prize! Yes, I am ironing. I iron while I watch baseball, always have.
I can't understand how people don't iron, but apparently only I feel that way.
And btw, there is no prize.
Back to the task. (Although JohnGF's suggestion is tempting!)
can we get the umps to reverse all these hits?
We're gonna win this game yet.
This game is starting to suck.
Ironing was something my mother hated; hence, she never taught me how. Most of what I wear does not require ironing (jeans? t-shirts?), and work stuff gets dry cleaned. I know some people iron sheets and t-shirts, even underwear, but I don't get that. I take my stuff out of the dryer and fold them neatly. Tada---no (or few) wrinkles!
now what?
This game has all the makings of a great comeback.
I iron all shirts. I do not iron sheets or underwear.
My mother did not teach me how to iron. I just do it anyway.
OMFG not again!!!!!! WTF WTF
Jesus H Fuck.
One of my wife's childhood legends is the neighbor who ironed socks. My wife's mother was a firm and early proponent of miracle fabrics and wash-n-wear.
Who is this third base coach? Is he related to Joyce? Does everyone need their eyes/brains checked?
Well, we would be tied now, but for those two stupid calls by the 3B coach.
horrible because we would have the runner on base AND one less out
coach is tim bogar
WAVE HIM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ironed socks, huh? I thought ironed underwear was strange enough!
As they say, to each his/her own. Every time I have ironed something (maybe once a year, probably less often), the thing I iron looks like I ironed it---creases in the wrong place, wrinkles in places I cannot reach, maybe a burn here or there. :)
Lost power since the first inning.
Not how I wanted to come back.
i'm sure sosh's tim bogar thread is lively once again
no outs, guy on second, time to send another runner to his doom
I was thinking that also. But maybe Youk can get there in time. No bad toe, no sprained ankle.
how about he breaks his leg on the slide?
Well, now he is on third. What can Bogar do to screw it up?
could still tag and go on a fly ball.
if another runner is out, fenway better beef up security to stop fans from running out and kicking bogar's ass
Uch, please do not even think such a thing, at least not out loud and in writing! I am superstitious about such things.
god damnit
Well, with two outs, that problem won't occur.
Everyone seems to know people (or once known them) who iron socks, underwear, sheets. Yet no one I know even irons! I think these sock and underwear ironers are related to the Easter Bunny and Rumplestilskin.
Lowell can't get a break.
Mark Ellis is singlehandedly shutting us down on D.
ramram up
Austin Jackson hanging in there and looking like the real thing. Three doubles and a single today, batting .344.
Least he ain't playing for the Yanks.
God damn son of a bitch.
PO - CS!
Tim Bogar is in line to pick up his first save of the season.
Just read the thread- how come there's no CONGRATULATIONS A & L anywhere? Are you all commenting on the appropriate thread?
HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!
Re ironing: I have no idea whether lots of other people iron. It's something that never seems to come up in conversation. But I can tell you that my daughter and son-in-law are BIG ironers (she did not learn from me, obviously). First thing they do when they unpack is ask for an iron to get the wrinkles out of their packed clothing. We made sure we had a new iron and ironing board just for them when we moved.
Ofer, there are threads on JOS, WMTC, and Facebook. I think I wrote on all three places.!
Man, I should post in all caps more often.
Yes!! I think FY is BACK!
Thanks Ofer. :)
There are congratulation threads all over the place.
Ooops, day game. Just popped in to say Congrats, RS & L!!!
Let's tie this up NOW.
There are congratulation threads all over the place.
I'll make sure to visit them all later...
Are the trolls back, BTW? Why is moderation on in a gamethread?
Ofer, are you in Israel now?
TIE IT NOW. Come on, Youk.
I do not agree with that call.
Ofer, are you in Israel now?
Yep. Gonna be here for at least two more months.
RamRam, do not...
It looked to me like Youk did swing through.
Ofer, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what is going on there. It doesn't have to be here on the game thread, but I am curious about what a young Israeli thinks.
ofer has been posting at the wmtc thread.
Beltre error ??!
can't blame the snakes for that E.
Amy if you didn't own this blog that would so be threadjacking.
Meunier, I don't own the blog and I specifically said I was not asking him to comment on the thread.
OK, I will look at wmtc. I had not seen his comments there.
picked him off. nice.
I do wonder how many more times we will have to see Ramram come in to pitch.
Meunier, there are no topic police here. We chat about everything in game threads. Not threadjacking at all.
So what's this about Amy owning the blog?
fear not, there is another ram ram right behind him on pawtucket!!
Ofer: Re moderation: Yes.
Ofer, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what is going on there. It doesn't have to be here on the game thread, but I am curious about what a young Israeli thinks.
Like Allan said, I've been posting on WMTC. Although I wouldn't exactly call it what a young Israeli thinks, or even what I think... I guess it's a very specific part of what I think.
Anyway, I'd be more than happy to talk about it, but yeah, here's not the place. I'm not sure WMTC is, either.
How much does a blog cost? Maybe I can buy it.
Make me an offer.
It would please me if the Boston Red Sox were to emerge victorious in this baseball contest.
It's usually threadjacking to talk about the game. :)
Thanks, Ofer. I will first read what you said there. I think we are FB friends, so I can send you a message there. And then Meunier won't get his pants all twisted. :)
How much does a blog cost? Maybe I can buy it.
Mine was free. Then again, that's exactly what's it worth.
Hmmm, I don't think I could carry all that responsbility----posting every day, hosting game threads, putting up with the likes of us!
No, no. You buy it, then hire me to do what I do already. But you get to keep all the profits.
Hey, the sun is coming out! Wow. Haven't seen it in over two days down here.
Profits---now I like that idea. But my investment policy has always been buy high, sell low, and I would hate to see JOS decline the way all my other investments have.
JoS profits cannot possibly go down. That is guaranteed.
I hate this Ziegler guy.
We need runs,, please. Time is running short. Is Bard pitching the 8th?
How much is your blog worth? sez:
Your profits are intangible, but what about your stock value? How will I resell it on the NYSE if it's value crashes? I have a grandchild to worry about. Perhaps if you go public and sell it on the open market, I can buy a few shares for the grandkid. Who will unfortunately be a Mets fan.
Oops, ON FIRE!
red sox getting their on fire on.
$564 sounds pretty reasonable, but I see no documentation behind that link, just a blank page. Do you think I am some kind of fool? Are you related to Bernie Madoff or something?
no idea what makes the "value" go up. maybe ads.
I deem that a useful play
Tie up this game already! And then GO AHEAD! And please bring in a pitcher who can hold the A's.
Amy, don't believe him. I heard the blog bubble is gonna burst soon. I know it's tempting, you see all those people going out of their mom's basement with big wads of cash- but trust me: it's too risky.
Ads---what an awful thought. Was there actually something behind that link that came up with that number? I assumed it was just a scam. :)
Not ads, links. The "what your blog is worth" is based on outgoing and incoming links. It's highly stupid. Just like the real stock market.
no idea what makes the "value" go up. maybe ads.
Probably traffic, no? But I heard somewhere that that "AD-free site" banner you've got there lowers profit by something just around... $564.54
You probably do have common law ownership of the name of the blog under trademark law (I assume you have not registered it under either US or Canadian law), so that is worth something, I bet.
And you have a copyright in all the writing you have done. That's worth something also. No idea how anyone would come up with a number though.
It's almost impossible to judge how much traffic a blog gets. So they base it on linkage.
Shit, I was sure he was gonna triple.
Sell shares of JoS? ..... What a great idea!
Common law ownership. I doubt it. (I checked on long ago but a socks company has it.) I can't imagine what the argument I'd make about the ownership of the blog name.
drew - hum de dum .....
l-girl--are you ready for a blog name change? 'We Moved to Canada'?
Speaking of links: mind blowing stuff.
Huh, someone else owns that domain name? Yeah, I guess you could have a fight with them about a trademark since you are not in the socks business. Then you'd have to deal with the Red Sox also, I suppose. So yeah, probably not worth the money to get that right.
But you do have a copyright in your writings.
Mariano Rivera starts his ninth with a walk and a HBP.
fuck cust.
it took two years before Firefox started going here when i wrote "joy of sox" instead of the socks website
manny delshitshow.
shit and double shit
The fuck
The dogs insist it's time for a walk.
who let the dongs out?
manny delcarmen, that's who.
Holy Christmas.
l-girl--are you ready for a blog name change? 'We Moved to Canada'?
People asked me this all the time when we moved here. Which was 5 years ago, by the way. Didn't change it then, either.
Just to clarify on the trademark issue, if you use a mark (name, logo, etc) to identify goods or services that you distribute, you can get ownership of that mark against anyone else who uses it on similar goods or services in a way that causes confusion in the marketplace. So you could own the mark, if someone else (the socks company, the Red Sox) did not claim prior use themselves. I'd represent you on your claims, but you'd have to give me all your profits. :)
But the moving is over, according to CIC. You've moved--congratulations again on attaining your desire.
When was it that the MDC thread on SOSH went up? Yesterday? Sheesh...
well, i am thinking about starting a line of clothing.
New clothing line: ironed red socks?
also -- i "borrowed" the design of an old edition of the joy of sex book for my 2004 collection ... so about copyright ...
Ortiz tees?
Dirty water swimwear?
I don't follow that logic re moving and moved. We moved on August 30, 2005. I know that because I was there.
But in any case, my blog will not be renamed.
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